MAD MONEY 文字起こし 17JUN21 The AZEK Company CEO & Clean Energy Fuels CEO

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I'm Cramer, welcome to Mad Money. Welcome. Okay, Mark. I'll be with my friends. I'm just trying to make a little money my job not just entertain, to teach, educate, call me one 800 743 CBC or tweet me at Jim Cramer. We've got an grand Confluence going today, a sudden confusing words out of the banks in the industrials and into the text. Its retail. This is a move that seems to make no sense to most investors. But you've come to the right place. Because it's my job my job on this show to bust authentic Wall Street shivers and explain the action in plain English. So pull up a chair. And let me tell you what's driving these insane someone say inane moves within Dell, losing Twitter 10 points today, the tipping point oh 4%. And then as a jumping point eight 7% crazy. First, we got to cut through the nonsense that you hear constantly from the hard money ideologues who try to pretend not to be that and they're all garch buddies who try to pretend they're trying to help the poor, who want higher interest rates because they're worried that long term inflation will actually erode the value of their billions. These are the people who think are valued fed chief j pal is nothing more than a Patsy. They want the Fed to stop helping regular people find jobs by keeping rates low. And they have the gall to argue that inflation actually hurts people who work for living more than anyone else. You know, that's false, because what these kleptocrats fear more than anything is wage inflation. They don't want to have to spend more money on payroll. Every time we get a strong labor market. They want the Fed has stepped in and crush the economy so they'll have more bargaining power. And believe me, they somehow think that it's more important that people don't have jobs, or make a little bit of money than they do. getting jobs and having some money. Don't get me wrong. I lived through the 70s I was very big in the unions worked hard shop store. I don't want to go back to a world with double digit inflation. But we don't need to be so ruthless about stamping out even while inflation. It's just not worth the trade off. And that's what's so great about this fed chief. He's figured this out. He knows the businesses, particularly black and Hispanic owned businesses are far more likely to get started before New rate hike cycle begins then after and he wants to help them but for all their hand wringing that pal didn't do enough yesterday. The fact that he pulled for the approximate started the rate hikes. He's now saying late 2023 instead of 2024 has been interpreted by some big money managers as a clarion call it the feds finally getting tough on inflation. Now I think that's totally ridiculous okay, but the bond market disagree with me stunning session, bond prices went flying bond yields plummeted, the bond boys have collectively decide that pal finally means business. So the buyer hand over fist mean they're deluding themselves. It's not that he doesn't mean business. He's just mean in business in a different way. Remember, the bond market is much bigger than the stock market. So when investors see bond yields falling, they think, oh, the big turn the economy that we thought could continue because pals so easy and won't even acknowledge inflation. That's over. That's how you get a stock like caterpillar. Good company Tell me nearly eight bucks down almost 40% 40 points from inside 40 points. That's a Freeport mcmoran the copper company could sink more than 10 bucks in a month's time. It's why anything connected to commodities is prominent. Now to everyone is worried about commodity prices. I got good news for you. The stock market which is pretty correct on these kinds of matters, is saying that commodity inflation has already peaked. What the what the kleptocrats think is is such a worry, it's not forget transitory the market saying is pretty much over. Sure the market could be wrong. But if you were worried about totally out of control inflation, that possibility has been taken off the table. Just take it off. You're looking at a sudden collapse in every stock related to commodities at the same time that long term interest rates are crashing. That would happen in a world with wild and crazy inflation. Like so many of the ideologues tell us is happening. Turns out powers right turns Got it really was transitory powdered need to raise interest rates or tapers bond by he just had to float the possibility of maybe tightening a couple of times in 2023. And the problem took care of itself. Now there are few shortages that are more intractable, but I've got solutions even for them later in the show. Earlier this week, I told you this market would be unable to mount a traditional rally until oil starts calling more well guess what now oils even reverse reverse hard because we're hearing that the Saudis are ready to start boosting production. This level has been terrific for them. But if they let the price of crude go any higher than the shale producers in our country will start drilling and remember they're down 1.9 million a day from what they were doing. And that's the last thing the Saudi Arabians want to see. They want to keep oil high enough to make a ton of money, but still low enough to keep their undisciplined American compadres on the sidelines. Tomorrow we get the Baker Hughes rig count number and I bet it's gonna show an uptick, enjoy making the Saudis even more eager to put a lid on petroleum.



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