昨年12月に始動したITAMAE 2期コアメンバーで、このたびnoteを開設しました。 今後はこちらのnoteを通じて、私たちが取り組んでいる「ITAMAE」の活動や、関連イベント・コンテンツの情報を発信していきます。どうぞよろしくお願いします!
*English Bellow*
SusHi Tech Tokyoとは
「SusHi Tech Tokyo」を舞台に、「日本にいながらグローバル・スタートアップな体験を」をコンセプトに掲げる学生中心の企画・運営チームです。「自分の経験や強みを活かして新しいことに挑戦したい」という熱い想いを持ったメンバーが集まり、イベントの企画や運営を通じて、グローバル視点でのイノベーションを推進しています。
I = Innovative
T = Technology
A = Academic
MAE = MAEstro
板前が最高の寿司を握るように、“SusHi Tech Tokyo”という場を私たちが主体となって創り上げるぞ、という思いを表現しています。特に「Maestro(名指揮者)」には、革新的なスタートアップや技術、大学など多様な要素を絶妙に調和させ、イベントを大成功へ導きたいという気持ちが込められています!
*昨年のSusHi Tech Tokyo 2024の様子はこちら
今後、以下の2回にわたってオフィシャルイベントを開催し、SusHi Tech Tokyoをさらに盛り上げていく予定です。
<WASABI #1:2025年3月20日>

<WASABI #2: 2025年4月19日>
改めまして、ITAMAE 2期コアメンバーをどうぞよろしくお願いします。
皆さんと一緒にSusHi Tech Tokyoを盛り上げていきましょう!
5月に東京ビッグサイトで開催されるSusHi Tech Tokyo 2025では、イベント当日の運営を担うボランティアスタッフを募集します。
アジア最大級のスタートアップカンファレンス「SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025」を一緒に作り上げてみませんか?皆さまのご応募をお待ちしております!

Hello! We are the second-term core members of ITAMAE, which kicked off last December, and we’ve just opened our note page.
From now on, through this note, we’ll be sharing information about our “ITAMAE” activities and related events and content.
We appreciate your support!
What is "SusHi Tech Tokyo"?
SusHi Tech Tokyo is the largest startup conference in Asia, bringing together startups, investors, major corporations, cities, students, and other key players from around the world under the concept of "Realizing a Sustainable City through High Technology" (Sustainable High City Tech Tokyo = SusHi Tech Tokyo).
・Dates Business Days: Thursday, May 8 – Friday, May 9, 2025
・Public Day: Saturday, May 10, 2025
・Venue Tokyo Big Sight (3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo) and other locations.
What is ITAMAE?
ITAMAE Project is a student-driven initiative for those with a strong passion to take on new challenges by leveraging their experiences and strengths.
Centered at Tokyo Innovation Base, participants will collaborate and refine their ideas while organizing global projects utilizing SusHi Tech Tokyo.
The project consists of two main roles: members who plan and execute these global initiatives and volunteers who support the on-site operations of SusHi Tech Tokyo.
The Origin of “ITAMAE”
The name "ITAMAE" (meaning "sushi chef") is inspired by the idea of crafting sushi, symbolizing SusHi Tech Tokyo. It is also an acronym for "I-nnovative T-echnology A-cademic MAE-stro," reflecting the project's vision.
I = Innovative
T = Technology
A = Academic
MAE = Maestro
Just as a sushi chef prepares the finest sushi, we aim to take the lead in creating “SusHi Tech Tokyo.” In particular, “Maestro” reflects our goal of skillfully harmonizing various elements—such as innovative startups, technology, and universities—to ensure the event’s success!
Check out last year’s SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 here.
Activities of ITAMAE
We plan to hold two official events to further boost SusHi Tech Tokyo:
<WASABI #1:March 20, 2025>

<WASABI #2:April 19, 2025>
…Details coming soon…
Each session will have its own theme, and we’re working on planning an environment where everyone can participate in a relaxed atmosphere—stay tuned!
In Conclusion
Once again, thank you for your support of the second-term ITAMAE core members. We’ll be posting updates on future events and our activities here on note, so please follow us or give a “like” if you can. Let’s make SusHi Tech Tokyo a success together!
Volunteers Needed!

SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025, to be held at Tokyo Big Sight in May, is looking for volunteer staff to help operate the event on the day. Why not join us in creating “SusHi Tech Tokyo 2025,” one of Asia’s largest startup conferences? We look forward to your applications!