
"Living with Music vol.5"〜Ginn Sentaro(Japan・Thailand) JP・EN

About: “Living with Music / 音楽とともに明日を生きるために"

Soundtrack for "Living with Music"(Spotify Playlist)

Ginn Sentaro (日本 / タイ)日本語 / Japanese

Faustusドラマー / dessin the world主宰


タイでは美容院や床屋などの散髪できるところも閉鎖となっています。2月のTAMM(Trans Asia Music Meeting)前に髪を切りに行ったきりなので、2ヶ月程伸び放題となっています。

 Ginnさんは、「日本の音楽をアジアに。アジアの音楽を日本に」をコンセプトに、日本とアジアのインディーズシーンを支援するためのレーベル” dessin the world”を主宰している。その活動はとても意欲的で、様々な具体的な成果を残している。
 Ginnさんと最初に会ったのは、2017年の秋、台南で初めて行われた”LUCfest”の打ち上げだった。退役した軍艦の甲板でのパーティー、彼はタイのInspirativeと言うバンドのドラムのサポートで来ていた。その時は挨拶程度に言葉を交わしただけで、初めてきちんと話ができたのは2018年12月、Big Mountain Music Festivalの帰りのバンコクだった。
 Ginnさんが10年以上に渡るバンコクでの生活の中で、培われたそのパイプは、今や日本の音楽業界の大きな財産といっても過言ではない。タイの音楽シーンに身を置いて実感する、日本の音楽シーンにおける大きな危機感。それは、2019年夏に沖縄で開催して「Trans Asia Music Meeting 2019-Summer edition-」でも共有された。


 また、すでに失業者が増えており、今後さらに大量の失業者が発生する可能性も指摘され、経済状況の悪化とともに、治安悪化も懸念されています」※4/28、非常事態宣言 および 夜間外出禁止令について5/31までの延長が決定した。






Q:現在の状況の中、タイでは、政府から音楽や文化に携わる人に対してどんなサポートがありますか? また、それに満足していますか?

 TECNA(Thailand Entertainment Creators Network Association)という団体が発足し、エンタメ文化に関わる人材に対し調査アンケートをおこないました。このアンケート結果を基に、コロナ禍においてどのような影響を受けたか、政府にどういった支援を要望したいか、などを政府に対し提案するとのことです。この提言を受け、政府が何かしらのサポートをするのか・しないのか、するとしたらどのような支援策になるのか、追っていきたいと思います」














Ginn Sentaro(日本 / タイ)
Faustusドラマー / dessin the world主宰


また、「日本の音楽をアジアに。アジアの音楽を日本に」をコンセプトに、日本とアジアのインディーズシーンを支援するためのレーベル” dessin the world”を主宰。


About: “Living with Music / 音楽とともに明日を生きるために"

Soundtrack for "Living with Music"(Spotify Playlist)

Ginn Sentaro(Japan / Thailand) English

Faustus drummer/ presidency of dessin the world


In Thailand, hair salons and barbershops where I can get a haircut are also closed, and since I only went to get a haircut before TAMM (Trans Asia Music Meeting) in February, I've been able to grow my hair freely for about two months.

 Ginn runs a music label "dessin the world" to support the indie scene in Japan and Asian countries. The concept is "Bringing Japanese music to Asia. Bringing Asian music to Japan". His activities are very ambitious and have produced a variety of tangible results.
 I first met Ginn at the launch of the first "LUCfest" in Tainan, Taiwan in the fall of 2017. A party on the deck of a decommissioned warship, he was there in support of the drums of a band called “Inspirative” from Thailand. At the time, we exchanged only a few words of greeting, and the first time we were able to talk properly was in December 2018 in Bangkok on the way home from “Big Mountain Music Festival”.
 It's no exaggeration to say that the pipes Ginn has cultivated over the past 10 years of living in Bangkok are now a major asset to the Japanese music industry. Having been in the music scene in Thailand, he feels a great sense of crisis in the Japanese music scene. It was also shared at the "Trans Asia Music Meeting 2019-Summer edition" in Okinawa in the summer of 2019.
 What Ginn sees, hears, and feels in Bangkok has a lot to offer Japanese music professionals.

Q:Tell us about your current surroundings.

 “In Thailand, a state of emergency, curfew and liquor sales ban have been implemented in stages since the end of March. As a result of this action, commercial establishments, stores and markets throughout the city were almost completely closed. Restaurants will only be open for take-out and delivery, and supermarkets and convenience stores will be open for shorter hours, but you will be required to wear a mask when entering and will be subjected to a body temperature test at the entrance. In public facilities and trains, chairs are restricted and sanitized in order to maintain social distance.
 I have many friends who are now working from home. The streets have become much less crowded and the traffic jams, which were said to be the worst in the world, are no longer seen. Perhaps because of this, the number of new infections is on the decline (as of 4/24). However, since the number of infected people is expected to increase again if caught off guard, the Thai government is still examining whether the state of emergency will be lifted on April 30, which was the deadline for the original declaration of the state of emergency, or whether the situation will continue as it is.
 It is also pointed out that the number of unemployed people has already increased and there is a possibility of more large numbers of unemployed people in the future, and along with the worsening economic situation, there are concerns about worsening security.”

*On 4/28, a state of emergency was declared and the curfew was extended until 5/31.



It's not a neighborhood, but it's one of the biggest commercial areas in downtown Bangkok. Normally, there are many cars and people there, but now it's like this.

Q:The music industry in every country is taking a big hit. Please tell us about your current work (and musical activities).

 “As for my own music activities, the festival I was supposed to perform at in mid-May has been cancelled. We had planned to record an album, but the recording studio is temporarily closed and we have to postpone the dates, so we don't know when we will be able to do it at this time, and the overseas tour we had planned for early July has also been cancelled. The practice studio is also closed, so we can't practice with the band.
 As for music exchange activities, almost all events in Thailand have been cancelled or postponed since early March. We've also booked a Japanese artist for a Thai festival in early June, but it's expected to be postponed. An outdoor festival in Thailand in mid-May, which had been booking Japanese bands, was also cancelled.I was also consulted on a tour of Japan by a Thai band, but this has also been suspended. In addition, the Japan-Thailand music exchange project in which I was to participate as coordinator has been frozen due to lack of progress.
 Currently, we are only able to support Japanese artists in their promotional activities in Thailand. We provide support for the broadcasting of music to Thai radio stations, PR to people involved in Thai music, and exposure on SNS.
 Since the Japanese music industry has devised various monetization measures, we thought it would be effective for the Thai music industry as well, so we compiled the measures, translated them into Thai and sent them to the Thai music industry officials.”

Q:In the current situation, what kind of support do you see from the government in Thailand for people involved in music and culture? Also, is everyone happy with it?

“As far as I'm aware, there is no government support that is limited to "people involved in music or culture.
 An organization called TECNA (Thailand Entertainment Creators Network Association) has been established and a survey has been conducted on people involved in entertainment culture. Based on the results of this questionnaire, they will propose to the government how they have been affected by the corona disaster and what kind of support they would like to request from the government. I would like to follow up on these recommendations to see if the government does or does not do anything to support them, and if it does, what kind of support measures it will take.”


A street food store. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the shops, but some of them are open for takeaways.

Q:What is the best approach that musicians and music professionals can take to society right now?

 "I think what we can do for society is to provide content that is a little bit calming, fun, and helpful in the future for those who stay home and refrain from going out to prevent the spread of infection, for those who work to support their lifelines, and for those who are forced to work under the pressure of sympathy because of insufficient compensation.
  If you're a musician, you can distribute live music from your home or release unreleased sound and video, if you're an event organizer, you can plan an online festival, if you're a sound engineer or lighting engineer, you can release your technical know-how, if you're a live house manager, label person, or festival organizer, you can hold an online seminar to share your knowledge and experience to people who are going to enter the music industry. It's okay to plan, and there's plenty of content to think about.
 You may or may not set a fee for your content. However, there are some circumstances in which we need to earn money to continue to operate in the long run.
 It's heartbreaking to ask for financial support when not only the music industry, but almost all of it, is exhausted, and it's heartbreaking that some people might want to support but can't, and it's heartbreaking to let them think that.
 But if they want to support the content they're providing, or the people they're providing it to, they'll support it. Even if it's not financial support, it can help you in some way. Whether it's spreading the content around or sharing it with people you know, I think it's an important support.”


Faustus, Bangkok,November,2019.

Q:What do you think is the role of music/entertainment in the current situation?

 “I don't think the essential role of music will change, whether it's in the present, the past or the future.
 For me, music is "not necessary to live, but it is necessary to feel alive".
 Listening to music doesn't make you feel full, nor does it make you avoid the rain. But if you're full and can avoid the rain, you're not going to be full either. Even if you're depressed about your current situation, I hope that exposure to music can help you feel relaxed, uplifted, and joyful, and help you create the space to look forward.”

Q:It's difficult to look ahead, but if there's anything you're thinking about now for post-Corona, please let me know.

 "I am prepared that it will take years for the corona to come to an end after the vaccine and special drugs have been completed and disseminated. So I'd like to think of something that is formed during the corona, rather than after the corona, and that has a ripple effect after the corona.
 In 2018 and 2019, music exchange between Japan and Thailand has been more flourishing than ever before, and the exchange was supposed to accelerate even more in 2020. We should not stop Asian music that has started to flow in Japan because of Corona virus, and we should not stop Japanese music that has started to be re-evaluated in Asia. In the end, however, what we're going to do is the same as before: think about and implement measures to promote music exchange between Japan and Thailand, and by extension, between Asia.
 However, nowadays, we have to avoid situations where a lot of people congregate, and traveling across the country is becoming more difficult. It's unlikely that the reduced flights will recover any time soon, nor will the entry restrictions be eased any time soon, and I think it will remain difficult to travel abroad for a while. Therefore, the direction of the measures is such that they can be implemented even remotely.
 For example, we would like to develop and manage a promotional package to raise awareness in the countries where the artist or band plan to enter the market in anticipation of Corona, plan, implement and partner with online events, support overseas consignment sales for merchandising, and think of ways to help the music industry in the countries where we are involved.”

Recent favorite song:Ropes - TONIGHT

Q:Please give us a message.

 "During my 10 years of living in Thailand, I have experienced a number of extraordinary threats, including two coups, airport occupations, massive flooding, street shootings, city occupations, SARS, MARS, and bird flu. I got dengue fever, was bitten by a dog (Thailand is still a country with rabies), was almost rear-ended by a motorcycle at high speed, was hit from behind by a drunkard by the wrong person (I'm glad it wasn't a gun or a knife), and I've met with many dangers, but somehow I'm still alive.
 The coronavirus has also caused a lot of damage in the current situation, and I think we are going to see more damage one after another in the future. There are times when we lose our jobs and our favorite places, and we get depressed because of that, but we can live with each other somehow. The wind direction may not change much. But that could change. So, let's both live somehow.”

Ginn Sentaro(Japan / Thailand)
Faustus drummer / presidency of dessin the world


Japanese who has lived in Bangkok, Thailand for more than 12 years.
Ginn works as a freelance (event project manager, promotion planner, sales strategy consultant, etc.) and is continuously involved in music.
Ginn runs a music label "dessin the world" to support the indie scene in Japan and Asian countries. The concept is "Bringing Japanese music to Asia. Bringing Asian music to Japan".
