"Living with Music vol.3"〜Evan Murray(Canada)JP・EN
About: “Living with Music / 音楽とともに明日を生きるために"
Soundtrack for "Living with Music"(Spotify Playlist)
Evan Murray
(ニューファンドランド, カナダ)
Wonderwall Media国際音楽コンサルタント
Live At Heart Newfoundland イベントコーディネーター
今は、新しく革新的な個人事業を企画しています。カナダ全土で成功している3人のミュージシャンと、ITAC(International Tour Association of Canada)を立ち上げました。
このようなハードな時期に、彼のような”Big Man”とのやりとりは、大きなエネルギーを与えてくれます。ポジティブで前向きなエネルギーを振りまくことは、素晴らしい才能だと思います。
Evan Murrey(Canada)
Evan Murrey / エヴァン・マレーは、カナダの音楽シーンでドラムを叩き、ギターを鳴らし続けてきた。フォークロックバンド“Marystown”や多国籍ロックバンド”Lazie Bison”で、カナダ国内はもちろん、ヨーロッパやインドでツアーを繰り返してきた。
彼は、国際的な音楽産業ネットワークを確立し、2018年には、カナダのニューファンドランドでのLIVE AT HEART NEWFOUNDLANDで、世界各地から音楽関係者を招き、カンファレンスを行いました。
Evan Murray
(Newfoundland, Canada)
Wonderwall Media International Music Consultant
Live At Heart Newfoundland Event Coordinator
"I think the role of music and entertainment is the same as it's always been. Hope."
Evan is a year-round traveler. His base is supposed to be in Newfoundland, in the eastern end of Canada, but I never heard that he was in Canada after I met him.
I've forgotten where we met in the first place. He is currently in Kuching on Borneo island, Malaysia moving from Seoul, Bangkok, Taipei, Tainan, Kuala Lumpur, and other Asian cities. He was supposed to come to “Trans Asia Music Meeting” in Okinawa in February, but due to the tightening of quarantine in Taiwan, where he was staying at the time, he had to skip it.
His business is to be an active musical exchange between Asia and Canada. He is currently planning a new conference in Malaysia to explore the artist's career design abroad.
“I came to Malaysia for meetings about beginning a new conference. I had meetings in Kuala Lumpur first, and later in Kuching. We were in the beginning stages of planning when the shutdown happened.
This is a time for great reflection, planning new and innovative private businesses. I myself with 3 successful musicians across Canada have created ITAC, INTERNATIONAL TOURING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA.
This is a business designed for international artists to be able to develop careers in Canada and to give opportunities for Canadian artists to have a chance at a developed career in overseas market places.
It all starts with a free consultation. I want to see export offices from around the world be more effective at designing models for artists to maintain careers. “
Evan's words give the impression that he is somehow optimistic about the difficult current situation. Perhaps the reason for this is the fact that Canada, as a country, values and actively supports music and culture. It's hard to see the future and anxiety persists, but how reassuring it is to have the support of the government. The words of a man who designs the music of tomorrow convey such things.
“For me, I am lucky my conference is funded by the govenrnent of Canada. My job at the time is secure. And, I have been told our funding partners stand behind me
Canada is actively supporting artists who have taken the steps earlier on to ensure their careers as professionals. Through unions, and government funding bodies there is financial support for artists.”
Nevertheless, the industry as a whole is in a predicament with limited movement worldwide, an inability to attract people, and an inability to tour and hold festivals. What should we be doing now? And what does Evan look forward to after the end of the coronavirus?
“Currently, stay active online. Keep planning. Keep writing. Live streams, plan collaborations. Keep expanding your networks.
I think the role of music and entertainment is the same as it's always been. Hope.
It's going to change allot from a psychological perspective, but I believe the game will be the same. You could see allot more start up companies, and the festivals that survive this will be bigger and better than ever.
Canada, Eastern Europe, Asia, Australia... this is where live music will make its money. I'm expecting big things out of Southern India in 2021. And, allot of opportunity in Canada for touring artists..
I'm always open to discuss new and interesting ideas. Follow positive thoughts, and repeat positive words.”
During these hard times, interacting with a "big man" like him gives me a lot of energy. It's a great talent to wield positive, positive energy.
I wish I could be in a solid period of preparation now, before everything is set in motion at a new time.
Evan Murrey(Canada)
Evan Murrey has been banging drums and strumming guitars in the Canadian music scene for a long time. He has toured throughout Canada, Europe and India with the folk rock band Marystown and the multinational rock band Lazie Bison.
In addition to his strong musical background as such a performer, Evan has a deep insight into the Canadian music scene and touring opportunities.
He has established an international music industry network and in 2018, he presented a conference at LIVE AT HEART NEWFOUNDLAND in Newfoundland, Canada, bringing together music professionals from around the world.
He has also supported many indie bands, booked them to festivals around the world, and toured with them. He is committed to giving artists the greatest chance of success through his growing global music network.