“Living with Music / 音楽とともに明日を生きるために" vol.0(JP・EN)
“Living with Music / 音楽とともに明日を生きるために" というインタビュー記事をシリーズで投稿していきます。
Trans Asia Music Meeting(TAMM)に参加してくれた(また参加できなかった)音楽関係者、アーティスト、音楽を通してこれまでにつながりのできた(主に)アジアの友人たちは、どういう思いで目の前の状況を見つめ、その先のために何を考え、行動しているのか、ということをまとめています。それぞれの場所で何が起き、現状をそれぞれどう受け止めているのか、数が集まると点ではなく面で浮かびあがってくるものもあるはずです。
"Living with Music" will be a series of interview articles I'll be posting for a while.
The music people, artists, and (mostly) Asian friends I've been able to connect with through music, who attended (or were unable to attend) the Trans Asia Music Meeting (TAMM), are looking at the difficult situation in front of them and what they're thinking and doing to move forward.
When the numbers are gathered, what is happening in each place, and how each person perceives the current situation, will emerge not in terms of points but in terms of aspects.
Initially, it will be in the form of a blog, but once it becomes somewhat coherent, we will move to the site we are currently working on.
Playtime Festival 2019(Mongolia, モンゴル)
2020年2月21日〜23日、沖縄でアジアの音楽関係者を招いた国際音楽カンファレンス「Trans Asia Music Meeting2020(TAMM)」を開催した。沖縄発のアジアの音楽ネットワーク構築が一番の目的の会議で、これが5回目の開催。40人近い音楽関係者を各地から招いた。
アジア、そして世界で音楽に関わる活動を行う人たちが、等しく直面するコロナの時代において、思い、感じ、考えていることを横断的に並べてみようと考えた。そこで仮に、“Living with Music / 音楽とともに明日を生きるために”と名づけて、未来のために今をどう生き抜くのかという幾つかの質問を投げかけてみることにした。そこから、明日のためのヒントが浮かび上がるという確信を持って。
The people involved in music in Asia and the world
To stare, to think, to feel, to think.
From February 21-23, 2020,”Trans Asia Music Meeting2020 (TAMM)”, an international music conference for Asian music professionals, was held in Okinawa. This was the fifth edition.The conference was held with the primary objective of building an Asian music network from Okinawa, and nearly 40 people in the music industry were invited from all over Asia and other countries.
By this time, the coronavirus/ COVID-19 was already raging in China, and the threat was spreading around the world. With some borders closed and the quarantine situation in each country becoming more stringent, some of our friends were unable to make it to Okinawa. Having made it to Okinawa,our Mongolian friends secured the last seat on the last flight between Ulaanbaatar and the East Asian city and were flying off. The chaos was so close at hand that on February 27th, temporary school closures were requested for elementary and secondary schools across the country, even in Japan.
The statement from "TAMM" added a sentence about the importance of direct communication between artists and music professionals. But it's hard to do that right now. No flights, borders are closed, movement is extremely restricted, and it is difficult to get together and talk. Of course, there are no music events being held.
It is easy to imagine that the entertainment industry, including music, has been devastated in every country. I wonder how long this situation will continue and if we will be able to put on live music and festivals like we did before. With the uncertainty of the future growing, I wondered what the music professionals and artists who participated (or were unable to participate) in "TAMM", and the (mainly) Asian friends I've been able to connect with through music, are thinking about the situation in front of them, and what they are thinking and doing for the future.
The idea was to put together a cross-section of thoughts, feelings, and thoughts of people involved in music in Asia and the world in this “CORONA era”, which they face equally. So, I decided to call it "To live tomorrow with music" and ask a few questions about how to live through the present for the future. From there, with the confidence that tips for tomorrow will emerge.