
"Living with Music vol.9"〜Apryl Peredo(U.S.A・Japan)JP・EN

Apryl Peredo / エイプリル・ペレド(アメリカ・日本)日本語

Inter Idoru代表

Apryl Peredo のコピー



Q: 現在の周囲の状況を教えてください。

 「現在、私の仕事は100%在宅で行っています。教育的なタスクやビジネスやチームのミーティング、一般的な交流はすべてZoom、Skype、Google Meetで行っています。
 今日は近所を散歩していたら、休日で晴天の暖かい日だったので、人がたくさんいました。ピクニック用のバスケットを揺らし、自転車のベルを鳴らしながら、複数の家族連れが近くの公園に向かっていました。混んでいるのか、人がまばらなのか、彼らと一緒に向かうことはありませんでしたが、"STAY HOME"の命令の出た街にしては、歩道が人であふれているように見えました。





Q: 音楽業界は大きな打撃を受けています。あなたの現在の仕事の状況はいかがですか?




Q: 今、ミュージシャンや音楽関係者が社会にアプローチするやり方として最も良いやり方はなんでしょう?

 これは誰にでも言えることです。ダンサーになりたいと思ったことはありますか? 今すぐ動画でヒップホップのグルーヴを身につけましょう。心の中に小説のヒントを感じますか?それなら書いてみましょう」

Q: 現状において、音楽やエンターテインメントの役割は何でしょうか?


Q: 先を見通すことは困難ですが、ポスト・コロナで何か考えていることはありますか?


Q: 今、お気に入りの音楽を教えてください。

 「私が何年も前から好きな音楽、そしてこれからもずっと好きな音楽は、Boom Boom Satellitesです。このバンドが、私が他のほとんどのバンドを判断する基準になっています。とはいえ、Boom Boom Satellitesは終わってしまったので、他の好きなバンドを幾つか紹介します」

「Neirra - レディオヘッド好きにはたまらなく素晴らしいことばかりの、東京を拠点とするインディーズバンド。2018年春にニューヨークに3回公演に行ったのですが、その際、会場のマネージャーはその後、「こんなにぶっ飛んだことはない」と涙目で話してくれました。彼は "日本から来た変わったバンド "くらいに思って彼らをブッキングしていたのですが、そのすごさに気付いたのです」

「AstroAttack - 約4年前に活動休止していた神戸を拠点とするインディーズバンドです。当時の残骸の中から、バンドリーダーが新しい曲を書いて、再び活動をやりたいと思っています。今回はそれが実現することを祈っています」

「インディーズバンドの領域を離れてメジャーレーベルに移るとしたら、女王蜂(Queen Bee)をオススメします。ボーカリストは、抜きん出た音域を持っていて、叙情的な内容についても特別なことをしていると思います。もちろん、”東京事変”の新作もありますが...」


 残業が減り、週末出勤が減り、テレワークの選択肢が増えるなど、職場環境が大きく変わることを期待しています。働くために生きるのではなく、生きるために働くという考え方が増えてくると思います。そしてまた、素敵な人と一緒に仕事をすること。周りには十分にいい人がいて 不愉快な人たちと一緒に仕事をすることで 誰も本当に苦しむ必要はありません」

Apryl Peredo / エイプリル・ペレド
Inter Idoru代表



About: “Living with Music / 音楽とともに明日を生きるために"

Soundtrack for "Living with Music"(Spotify Playlist)

Apryl Peredo(U.S.A.・Japan)English

Representative of Inter Idoru

Apryl Peredo のコピー

 Based in Tokyo, Apryl has been actively booking overseas bands in Japan, as well as overseas booking of Japanese bands.
 Her presence in Japan is a boon to the Japanese music industry, as she works in the Japanese music industry with a view not only to artist domestic growth, but also to working overseas. Her vision of the present and tomorrow from a locked-down Tokyo is different and interesting from the Japanese perspective.
 Apryl's presence may be changing the landscape of the Japanese music scene in the eyes of foreign bands.

It's time for everyone, whether it's a musician or the music industry,
to take a step back and reflect on what their true aspirations are.

Q: Please tell us about your current surroundings situation.

 “At present, 100% of my work is done from home. Any educational tasks, business and team meetings, or general socializing is happening via Zoom, Skype, Google Meet. At least for me. I know a few who still meet up with others for coffee or lunch at whatever location may be open for seating, but I prefer to avoid.
 Until April 11, many of the live houses remained open. Of course large scale events had been cancelled, but I'd guess 50% of the usual venues of 100-180 person capacity did not close until April 11. Some plan to reopen on May 7. Others have already been the decision to stay closed until June 1. When the live houses were open, I still had some outings to go meet a band, review a band, or check on tour bookings. That too has stopped and its email and texting.On that, even now some venues are remaining open and some shows do continue. 
 I wandered my neighborhood today and as it was a sunny and warm day, a holiday even, people were out and about. Picnic baskets swinging, bike bells jingling, as multiple families made their way to nearby parks. I didn't head over with them to see how crowded it was or if it was sparse, but certainly the sidewalks seemed overflowing for a city with "Stay Home" orders.
 I grabbed my needed groceries and went back inside, windows and doors open so I felt like part of the world. “


Home office with booking card file.


Mask disinfecting assembly lines. Masks rotated by day.

Q: The music industry is taking a big hit in every country. Please tell us about your current work.

 “One of the things I do is book tours for overseas indie and small-label bands - we had tours booked for April and May which had to be cancelled once Japans borders closed.
 Some of the venues the bands booked at are still open and normally that would entail a penalty fee - fortunately that is being waived. Some of the venues do ask if I will try to find a local band to fill the opening. I put the word out and now and then someone is willing. (Venues aren’t pushing for replacements, just asking if I'll put the word out. No issues if none found.) On the same track, I am booking tours for November 2020 - March 2021 as venues open their calendars well in advance. Keeping busy with that. I have bands from Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Korea, with their proposed dates in, and my initial round of booking requests has gone out and returned with shows to plug in to. Some of the bands are wanting digital and physical distribution here prior to touring so there are regular chats with labels and distributors to see which ones are interested in which bands.
 My more passionate work is artist development and currently I am working with two bands. I am considering taking on a third. This means Zoom chats and emails about goals and hopes and setting some reality expectations and tentative dates for drafts and releases, etc. Reaching out to labels, large and small. Large, not so much for deals but for advice, and feedback on the music. Smaller labels for distribution. I do have some work editing and rewriting English lyrics for some major label releases as well as some social media guidance for same.
 Almost no bands are playing live so the bands are doing more live-streaming concerts and taking time to refresh their YouTube channels. Musicians not in set bands are still able to do recording work from home studios and also doing live jams and collaborations.
 I'd say that I am very fortunate in that my work has not lessened - it just had the unfortunate add-on work of canceling tours that now will get rescheduled for 2021. Fingers crossed the tours for November and December, already locked in, can go ahead.”

Q: In the current situation, what kind of support does the government give to people involved in music and culture in your country?

 “I'm not a venue manager or owner, so I am not well-versed in what government subsidies are available to venues as they face economic loss. From what I hear from my venue manager friendsis that it's pretty rough. The government is offering a variety of small business, middle size business programs for financial support, but not all live houses qualify. Something to do with the exact activities, such as if its music only, maybe no to little help. If the venue has a kitchen and a menu, or they have venue goods like logo-ed items sold, they can apply for other programs under a more "store/restaurant" category.
 Many venues have also joined together to do projects such as: petitions to the Diet (government) to ease the restriction on small business assistance so they can receive it. They are also doing some very cool online collaborative concerts to raise money. Kobe venues joined together to do a very impressive online festival featuring Kobe venues and with only Kobe originating bands - from indie up to major label bands joining.
 For musicians, I do know a couple of musicians who years back set themselves up as a business, so anytime they are hired for live support or recording sessions, payments go through their business, which is themselves. These musicians have been able to apply for small business subsidies as they have all the filings and paperwork to support that they are a business. Most others are making due on their savings and small online jobs they get. Certainly I feel the government should have more arts funding for creatives who do music or other art as their full-time positions.”

Q: What is the best approach that musicians and music professionals can take to your society right now?

 “Although it is under difficult and dangerous circumstance, this is a time for musicians, music industry, and anyone, to step back and reflect on what their true aspirations are. Then make a plan based on those fresh dreams. Whether it's time to refine looping skills, or figure out how to reach audience via Instagram, or write new songs, or build a stronger network of labels or publishers, or just simply dream, do that.
 Watch that looping tutorial, write whatever comes to mind, go through those business cards and send some emails just to touch base with people. This goes for anyone. Always wanted to be a dancer? Get your hip-hop groove on via videos right now. Feel a novel in your heart? Set pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.”

Q: What do you think is the role of music and entertainment in the current situation?

 “For those who are now working at home, and not having the daily contact face to face with coworkers or the strange "hug" of a crowded commuter train or now can't lose themselves in nightly shopping or chats over coffee or drinks, music and other online entertainment provide a way for people to still connect. At times people need music and movies that echo their current feelings be those feelings worry and uncertainty, or the feelings are relief at less social pressure. On other days, people need something to change their outlook and give them some hope or motivation, whether that is hope for happier days or motivation to dance around the house for 30 minutes like they did when they were (or if they are!) teenagers.”

Q: It's difficult to look ahead, but is there anything that you're thinking about now for the post corona virus?

 “I'm definitely looking forward to heading downstairs and then down more stairs to my favorite live houses. I'm ready to sit at the table with some band members and look at our physical mapping of plans and goals for 12, 24, 36 months. As for deep thinking, now I'm planning (or plotting) some stronger outreach to higher ups in the industry and overseas for "my" artists.
 I think more indie and small label artists are growing more interested in touring overseas, starting with SEA. They are intrigued with collaborations and seeing other music scenes - not because they think there is nothing for them here (in Japan) but because they see the value of overseas experience, fans, and musical friends.”

Q: What's your favorite music right now?

 “My favorite music for years has been and likely always will be: Boom Boom Satellites. That is the measurement to which I judge almost any other band. That said, and also because BBS has ended, I'll go with a sampling of other things I quite like."

 Neirra - Tokyo-based indie band that is all the wonderful things a band of Radiohead lovers could be. We went to New York City for 3 shows in Spring 2018 and a venue manager came up afterwards with tears in his eyes saying he had never been so blown away. He had booked them thinking it was going to be some "From Japan weirdness" to find it was awesomeness.”

 “AstroAttack - Kobe-based indie band that went on hiatus about 4 years ago. From the wreckage, the band leader has written new material and is wanting to go at it again. Fingers crossed it takes this time.”

 “If we leave the realms of indie bands, and move to major label, I'll go with 女王蜂 (Queen Bee) as the singer has an outstanding range and I think they do some special things regarding lyrical content. And of course, there is a new Tokyo Jihen release....”

Q9:Please leave a message.

 “Take care of yourself and your loved ones. We are all getting through this together while separated. Take this time as a break of sorts if you can and reflect on what you really want to pursue once the doors open again.
 I'd like to think this situation will bring about major changes in work environments - less overtime, less weekend work, more telework options. More idea of work to live, not live to work. And also, work with nice people. There are enough nice people around that no one really needs to suffer through working with unpleasant folk.”

BIO.Apryl Peredo
(USA / Japan)
Representative of Inter Idoru

 Apryl Peredo is an artist manager residing in Tokyo Japan. She is involved in many things from past/current festival organization, mic'ing drum kits, hauling guitars, producing, co-writing lyrics, writing radio CM, podcasting, radio DJ, artist recruitment, and quoting Rihanna when clients do not fulfill their contractual obligations or promises to the bands or musicians she works with. Currently she is working together with a consortium of creatives to produce a web-series that showcases art, design, and music, through both live-action and animated scripted stories.
