"Living with Music vol.7"〜MC Galang (Philippines) JP・EN
About: “Living with Music / 音楽とともに明日を生きるために"
Soundtrack for "Living with Music"(Spotify Playlist)
MC Galang / MCギャラン(フィリピン)日本語・Japanese
THE REST IS NOISE / ザ・レスト・イズ・ノイズ・共同創立者・クリエイティブ・ディレクター
そうした関係性があるにもかかわらず、個人的にはこれまでフィリピンの音楽シーンに目が向くことはなかった。しかし、MC GalangやBel Certeza(Indie Manila)など、フィリピンの音楽関係者の動きをみていて、その熱量に目を奪われた。発信される情報をみていると、フィリピンのインディーズシーンは非常に活発で、「Wonderland Music & Arts Festival」をはじめ、大きなフェスティバルも少なくない。
(野田隆司:Music from Okinawa)
Q : 現在の周囲の状況を教えてもらえますか。
Q: どの国においても、音楽産業は大きな打撃を受けています。あなたの現在の仕事の状況を教えてください。
しかし、The Rest Is Noiseは非営利団体で、私たちの収入はイベントからしか得られません(そしてそれさえも常に利益になるとは限りません)。幸いなことに、私と共同設立者のIan Urrutia(イアン・ウルティア)だけで運営しているので、他の大規模な運営やマンパワーを持っている人たちほど影響は大きくありません。
Bangkok Music City 2019年11月
Q: 現状、政府から音楽やエンターテインメントの業界に対してのサポートはありますか? それについて満足していますか?
Q: ミュージシャンや音楽関係者が社会に対して行うアプローチとして最も良い方法はなんだと思いますか?
Trans Asia Music Meeting 2020年2月、沖縄
Q: 今のような状況において、音楽やエンターテインメントの役割はなんだと思いますか?
先週末に開催されたバーチャル音楽フェス” Infinite Summer(インフィニットサマー)”に参加して、とても嬉しかったです」
Q: 先を見通すことは困難ですが、ポスト・コロナに向けて、今考えていることはありますか?
2017年の夏、私たちのイベントに初めて海外のアーティストに出演してもらった時からこだわってきたように、フィリピンのインディペンデント音楽を擁護し、アジアの音楽へと焦点と範囲を広げるためにThe Rest Is Noiseを設立できたことをありがたく思っています」
Q: 音楽を通して、海外の友人とシェアできるアイデアはありますか?
Q: 今のお気に入りの曲を一つ教えてください。
Personal Bio.
MC Galang / MCギャラン(フィリピン・マニラ)
THE REST IS NOISE / ザ・レスト・イズ・ノイズ
The Rest Is Noise (TRIN PH)の共同設立者であり、クリエイティブディレクター。フィリピンのマニラを拠点に、アジアのミュージシャンやアーティストを誇りに思って応援する年に一度の「Summer Noise」やすべての「Noise music」のフェスティバルを開催する音楽イベントプロダクションで、キュレーター、イベント制作、オンライン出版などを行う。
The Rest Is Noise PH(TRIN)は、フィリピンのマニラを拠点に音楽キュレーター、イベント制作、オンライン出版を行っています。
MC Galang(Manila, Philippines)English
Co-founder and creative director of “The Rest Is Noise”
The musical connection between Okinawa and the Philippines has a long history. When Okinawa came under American control after World War II, many of the big bands that played in the officers' clubs were filled with accomplished Filipino musicians.
That's how the Okinawan jazzmen acquired their playing skills. It could be said that some Okinawan jazz has its roots in the Philippines. There were many musicians in those days who got married in Okinawa and ended up living there permanently.
Despite these relationships, I personally have never really paid attention to the Philippine music scene. But watching the movements of Philippine music insiders such as MC Galang and Bel Certeza (Indie Manila), I was struck by their enthusiasm. From what I've heard, the indie scene in the Philippines is very active, and there are many big festivals, including “Summer Noise”, “Wonderland Music & Arts Festival”.
What kind of maps are they trying to draw when they are now suffering from the coronal catastrophe like other countries?
(Ryuji Noda, Music from Okinawa)
We want our website to be a platform to contribute to the music scene as well as to feature the great music of Asian artists.
Q: Please tell us about your current surroundings situation. (home, office, town, etc.)
“I live in the rural province, so unlike Manila, things are much quieter and more peaceful in a sense. We’ve been on lockdown for almost eight weeks now and unfortunately, things don’t seem to improve as expected. Mass testing is still very limited.
I’ve been working from home for more than two years now so my work environment is the same, except that my hours are now different because I’ve been having trouble sleep in the last few weeks. It’s also the dry season so I think that adds to a lot of people’s discomfort. You can’t go to the beach or travel, attend (or organize) summer music festivals which is what we usually do during these months. We have to stay indoors.”
Q: The music industry is taking a big hit in every country. Please tell us about your current work.
“The music industry here in the Philippines is severely affected, too. There are no live music events, and many projects have been either cancelled or postponed. We’ve already postponed our 5th anniversary show, which was supposed to take place in April, and all of our planned events are put on hold, a couple of which are likely to get cancelled altogether.
We are still fortunate that we were able to relaunch our website (therestisnoiseph.com) in February so that gave us something to focus on and keep our work going. However, since The Rest Is Noise is non-profit and our revenue only comes from events (and even that is not always profitable). We’re lucky it’s just myself and Ian Urrutia, my co-founder, who run things so the impact on us is not as devastating as others with bigger operations and manpower. Live music venues and their workers have especially been impacted because they’re out of work right now and venues are doing fundraising shows to keep themselves from completely going under.
As for musicians, many have been trying to find a way to make major adjustments. A lot of them earn most of their income through performances or touring. We’ve already seen a lot of livestreamed events and so far, the results are mixed in terms of monetizing those performances. Still, a lot chose to donate any profits made to COVID-19 efforts. While it is heartwarming, I think it’s imperative that the government also consider art and culture workers to be equally in need of any financial relief as much as others.”
Bangkok Music City, November,2019
Q: In the current situation, what kind of support does the government give to people involved in music and culture in your country? Also, are you happy with it?
“As I’ve touched earlier, I’m afraid the government response is pitiful to say the least. We have one government body that’s supposed to manage this, the National Commission for Culture and Arts (NCCA). They announced a few days ago a PHP63 million fund assistance, and that helps, albeit for a period. The problem is the loss of employment as a result of the pandemic. We hope that as the government provides short-term relief, which is much needed, they are also being proactive in long-term solutions.
Q: What is the best approach that musicians and music professionals can take to your society right now?
“I can only speak as part of the industry, but I think we can only do so much. We’re used to doing things on our own, without corporate backing or funding, much less government support. We’re doing our best right now and it’s truly incredible to see how we’ve been rallying towards great causes for others, not just within the industry, but for our fellow Filipinos.
A lot of Filipino artists (in all fields) are raising funds not just to hopefully tide them over through these times, but also for our fellow workers and citizens who are now out of job because of businesses and industries like live shows, music venues, production houses, and other establishments have shut down and/or in danger of being permanently closed. It’s really difficult nowadays because I know that as much as we want to keep ourselves busy and productive, our mental health has to be protected as well. That’s why I think ultimately, our music workers shouldn’t be left to fend on their own. We haven’t stopped working, sometimes to our own detriment, and we can’t sustain our work if there are no opportunities or avenues left for us to continue.”
Trans Asia Music Meeting, February 2020 ,Okinawa
Q: What do you think is the role of music and entertainment in the current situation?
“Incredibly vital. Music and arts in general have been instrumental most to our collective wellness—our mental health. I was so happy to attend a virtual music festival fundraiser last weekend, Infinite Summer, and see how tireless artists have been in creating art for a great cause. That’s why I am earnestly pleading for the government to help them, too."
Q: It's difficult to look ahead, but is there anything that you're thinking about now for the post corona virus?
“All I’m certain of right now is that things are not gonna be the way it was, even after the threat of COVID-19 is gone. It may sound bleak, but this is proof that anything this devastating can happen anytime, so we must always be prepared from now on.
There are incredible adjustments that need to be made and for ourselves, we’ll need some reconstruction on the way we conduct shows from now on. Right now, I want to optimize our online project, which is our website, to continue the work we’re doing. We ensure that the quality of our website content is up to par with the level of curation that we do in our events and we owe it to our community to deliver the same level, if not better, of not only featuring great music from Asian artists, but also as a platform to do good. We’re thankful that we were able to establish The Rest Is Noise to grow from championing the independent Filipino music to expanding our focus and coverage to Asian music, as we’ve committed to since we first had international artists play at our shows in summer of 2017.”
Q: Do you have any ideas that you can share with your friends who lives in overseas through music?
“We are more than happy to help any way we can! Our website and social media platforms have been instrumental to our current operations right now and we’ve been curating specialized content (reviews, features, essays, and playlists) that covers Asian music. We’re also open to working on non-Asian content as long as there’s an element of Asian arts included.
You can visit our website (it’s only been up for two months, but we have been able to put out a wide variety of content) to check our work and you can email me at anytime to send your ideas, proposals, new music releases, projects, or anything music-related."
Q: What's your favorite music right now?
“Whew. A lot! I think my favorite mix at the moment though would be this”
Q9:Please leave a message.
“We’re in this together. It’s terribly difficult sometimes to feel that all the time, but we have to keep our faith in kindness and empathy towards ourselves, towards others.
We hope that when things get better, we’re able to continue working towards making our communities better for everyone. We can’t wait to see our friends again soon and share stories and music together.”
Personal Bio.
MC Galang(Manila,Philippines)
co-founder and creative director of THE REST IS NOISE
MC Galang is the co-founder and creative director of The Rest Is Noise (TRIN), a music curator, events production, and online publication based in Manila, Philippines—home of the annual Summer Noise and All of the Noise music festivals—which proudly champions Asian musicians and artists.
The Rest Is Noise PH (TRIN) is a music curator, events production, and online publication based in Manila, Philippines.
Since 2015, TRIN has carefully curated and produced more than 30 shows, ranging from pocket venues to outdoor festival settings. It is the home to the annual Summer Noise and All Of The Noise music festivals, which featured critically acclaimed homegrown and international music acts.
These shows highlight the rich and diverse backgrounds, cultures, and styles of music artists from home and abroad, championing both emerging and established music-makers.
TRIN takes pride in fostering a thriving sense of community, culture, and inclusivity—providing a platform that champions the best of Filipino music and strengthening regional and global connections, on stage or in the digital space.