About the Pierre Jeanneret Chandigarh Collection®
Pierre JeanneretChandigarh Collection®︎
I noticed a lot of confusion, misunderstanding and misinformation about "Chandigarh Furniture" and "Pierre Jeanneret Furniture".
Therefore, to help many people understand, I will briefly explain the origin of the design and the terms that are often used to describe the work.
-ピエールジャンヌレ チャンディーガルの家具について
About Pierre Jeanneret Chandigarh Furniture
In the 1950s, the government of India's post-war independent Punjab state chose to build a new capital that would become the city of Chandigarh.
Along with Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret was assigned to a number of architectural projects and was appointed responsible for designing furniture made for government and public buildings.
Pierre Jeanneret handed these designs over to woodworking studios in Punjab, each of whom began producing furniture for use in the city according to the project's specifications.
Different architectural projects had different production requirements, resulting in different versions of each design.
What is "original/vintage"?
たとえば、1950年代に作られたStudent Chair は天然の籐を使用して製造されましたが、1960年代以降に製造されたほとんどのモデルは、
これらは、オリジナルではないのでしょうか? また偽物でしょうか?
stile vitaでは、オリジナルと定義した1950年代~1980年代までに製造したオリジナルの根拠をもとに、現地仕入れで販売しております。
Online Storeでの販売は行っておりませんが、過去50点以上のオリジナル販売の実績がありますので、興味ある方はお問い合わせください。
手書きによるレターマーキング:一部のヴィンテージ作品は、木製フレームに手書きによるレターマーキングが施されています。 これはもともと、作品の行き先にラベルを付けるために木工スタジオによって行われました。
例:公共図書館のローカル6用に作成された椅子には、「PL-CH-Loc6」というレターが付けられます。 多くの作品はまた、時間の経過とともに作品を毎日使用するため、レターマーキングは次第に消えてしまいます。
To begin with, there is no official explanation as to what the original "Chandigarh furniture" or "Pierre Jeanneret furniture" was. This is because furniture has never been granted a single manufacturing license.
Many people refer to "original" pieces as vintage pieces. These were manufactured in the 1950s and have since been repaired and restored.
However, woodworking studios in Punjab produced works for the city of Chandigarh until the 1980s, and some still produce for the international market.
The term 'original' is also used by vintage dealers to describe vintage specimens, production of a particular 'original age', or to describe specimens bearing certain letter markings.
Let's take a closer look at these specifications.
If the piece was made between 1950 and 1980, we judge and identify the piece as vintage. This is because the woodworking studio was actually period works for the city of Chandigarh.
However, most of the works created in these 30 years have been extensively damaged and repaired repeatedly, and must be repaired and restored for normal use.
For example, the Student Chair made in the 1950s was made using natural rattan, but most models made after the 1960s
Manufactured using plastic rattan for added durability.
Some of them have been changed from rattan to slit-shaped wood, and as public equipment, natural measures are taken normally.
The designs differed greatly depending on the order specifications, and there was no specific type of work. In other words, over the course of 70 years of use, the original has been repeatedly replaced with new parts, so you will never see a "true original" that has not been modified.
Aren't these originals? Or are they fakes?
The definition of the authenticity of the originals heard on the street is also ambiguous, and as mentioned above, everything has been restored except for the "true originals" that cannot be seen.
Some sales dealers use their own judgment to determine the degree of modification and the usage rate of new parts for repair to determine authenticity.
At our shop, we emphasize that the restoration history, frequency and originality are the same because restoration is the original.
If you hear about the authenticity of the original at a store that interests you, please be even more cautious and ask about the basis for that.
At stile vita, we sell locally procured products based on the original production from the 1950s to the 1980s, which we define as original. Although it is not sold at the online store, we have a track record of selling more than 50 original items in the past, so please contact us if you are interested.
We present the basis for these original/vintage products to all customers who purchase them. Handwritten letter marking: Some vintage pieces have handwritten letter markings on the wooden frame. This was originally done by woodworking studios to label the destination of the work.
Example: A chair created for Local 6 in a public library would have the letter "PL-CH-Loc6". Many pieces also use the pieces daily over time, so the letter markings fade away.
However, current products are often marked to disguise them as "original."
This is a sad state of affairs as it is dishonest and used to unfairly originalize furniture and increase prices.
"License" or "Manufacturing Certification"?
As hundreds of woodworking studios and craftsmen are responsible for the many designs and variations of Chandigarh's furniture blueprints, the city of Chandigarh has officially decided not to grant specific production or design licenses. bottom.
That's why the size and construction methods are slightly different for each woodworking studio.
Therefore, there is no "official license" or "manufacturing certification" other than the information provided by the vendor when selling the original.
If a work is marketed as "officially licensed" or "manufactured certified", it is wise to question its origin and precise meaning.
-Chandigarh Collection®について~これらはリプロダクトですか?
Are these reproductions?
As mentioned above, Chandigarh's work does not have a manufacturing license, so the identification and designation of "replica" or "reproduct" is essentially meaningless. However, studios that have never been involved in the Chandigarh project in India or products made in countries other than India are far from the understanding of the "original" and are positioned as "reproducts" or "imitations". think.
There are mass-produced imitations that are manufactured only by machine processing of cheap birch or pine wood and are only fitted with resin rattan that does not require braiding, but most of them are machine manufactured in countries other than India, and the original The manufacturing concept and workmanship are very different, so you will be able to understand the difference at a glance.
-Chandigarh Collection® チャンディーガルコレクション®とは
About Chandigarh Collection®
stile vitaの取り扱い製品は、1950年代初頭から1960年代初頭に製造されたオリジナルと同じ製造技術、製造基準、および材料を使用して、北インドをはじめとするオリジナルの修理を行っている木工スタジオで、ピエールジャンヌレのチャンディーガルプロジェクトの製造を行っていた木工スタジオの正当な系列で作られています。
stile vitaでは製品にチャンディーガルコレクション®︎と商標登録を正式に行いました。
商標登録番号:第6460008号 出願日:2021年7月21日
©︎ 2021 office nakamura
stile vita products are made in North India and other original repair studios using the same manufacturing techniques, manufacturing standards, and materials as the originals manufactured in the early 1950s and early 1960s. , made in a legitimate family of woodworking studios that were manufacturing Pierre Jeanneret's Chandigarh project.
Their workshop, affiliated workshop, has existed since the 1950s and is still faithfully restoring the original.
Therefore, unlike other reproducts and homage products, this is a product that has inherited the technology of the original manufacturing studio.
At stile vita, we have officially registered the Chandigarh Collection®︎ and trademark for our products.
Trademark registration number: 6460008 Application date: July 21, 2021
The concept is to inherit the 30-year Chandigarh Collection® from the past to the present and preserve it for the future. It is to get
At the same time, we are also serious about the environment, human rights, sustainability, ethics and morals, which are the responsibilities of modern society.
In order to ensure that the Chandigarh Collection®, which will be left for the future, does not have a negative impact on the future earth, products that use recycled wood, pollutants, and paints and oils that do not affect the human body are carbon neutral.
In addition, with the cooperation of our customers, we are working to eliminate wasteful inventory and distribution by performing complete build-to-order production, and striving to apply a stable employment and working environment through planned production.
Therefore, we will not donate to specific groups or local governments for preservation activities.
This is because the essential purpose can be achieved only if the purchaser can use it carefully for a long time.
Our Chandigarh Collection®︎ has just begun.
©︎ 2021 office nakamura