【Astar】How to execute dAppStaking from Metamask
1 Adding Astar to the meta mask
First, let's add Astar to the Metamask.
Select the button below in the Metamask
Select "Add network"
Select "Add a network manually"
You'll enter the contents of Astar on this screen
Enter this information and "Save"
How to obtain Astar is introduced on various websites, so I omitted it from this article.
2 Connect to Astar Portal
Then, let's go to Astar Portal.
Select "connect" and "Metamask" to connect it
3 Confirmation of RPC
If this does not work, try changing the "New RPC URL"
You can find it here.
If you want to change it, modify this one.
4 Confirmation of dApp Stakings
Select "dApp Staking" and you can see all dApp Stakings.
Now let's decide which dApp you want to stake.
You can choose what to sort along from here.
Then, you can select from here in order of more or less, etc.
These are just some guidelines.
Of course, if you have a project you would like to "dApp Staking" in advance, that is fine.
Now, I would like to stake this one, "Astar Core Contributors".
5 Execute Stake
Move the cursor and select "Stake Now"
Check the notes below.
Account must hold greater than 10Astar when you stake.
Staking must be greater than 500Astar.
In this case, I am going to stake 500Astar.
Enter "500" and click "Confirm.
After a while, success is displayed like this.
6 Confirmation of Staking
Checking the dApp, we could see that the number and the amount of staking has increased.
Check "My Rewards" under "My Staking" to see how much you have staked.
We can also check "My dApps" to see how much I was staking on what.
That's all for this time.