後編 Bay Areaで育った当時の若者が見てきた90年代のHip Hopシーンと「今」
Kerry Yarbrough (DJ / Rap & Hip Hop Buyer at Amoeba San Francisco)
5. 好きな曲を5つ挙げてください。
5. What are your favorite songs? Please name five and add reasons if you would like to mention.
Life Is... Too Short - Too Short
Up North Trip - Mobb Deep
You Made Me - Prince Paul
Mind Playing Tricks On Me - Geto Boys
Who Falls Apart? - The Nonce
The first three are pretty firm, the last two could probably be different on a different day.
Too $hort - Life Is...Too Short
Mobb Deep - Up North Trip (Official Audio)
Prince Paul - You Made Me (A.K.C)
The Geto Boys - Mind Playing Tricks Live (1991)
The Nonce - Who Falls Apart?
6. 近々イベントはありますか?何かアナウンスすることがあれば。
6. Any upcoming gigs? Do you have anything you would like to announce?
Oh, Shohei. Don't you know you're interviewing somebody who lives in a shit-hole country? Nope, no gigs anytime soon because the USA is full of idiots who are letting COVID run wild here. It's entirely possible the next time I play in public will be in Japan next year. We're still slowly trying to get a livestream setup going at the house, which is something I was very interested in before the pandemic. I don't like feeling limited to playing at bars. I'd like to be able to play for everybody all over the world instead of just the people who are willing and able to be out at SF bars past midnight.
Record Store Day has been split into three different days this year, it wouldn't surprise me if I play a set at Amoeba on one of those, but we're not even sure when we're opening back up again. It's a serious mess over here right now. People are literally staging protests against wearing masks. That's the kind of stupidity we're dealing with. It's insane.
7. BLMについての考えを教えてください。
7. Please share your thought about BLM
(特定の団体というよりも)一般運動としての*BLMは長い間続いてきていて、**George Floydが殺害されたことにより動き出した大規模な抗議についてはまったく驚くようなことではなかった。なぜなら民衆はアメリカの法執行制度の信頼性、責任性の欠落についてはすでにうんざりしていたのと、今回のコロナウィルスの流行の影響で多くの人が仕事を失ったこともあって、それにより生み出された時間やエネルギーが重なったことも大きな運動につながったと思っている。
**George Floyd:ミネアポリスで白人警官に拘束されている途中で死亡させられたアフリカ系アメリカ人
BLM as a general movement (that's what it is to me more than the specific organization) has been a long time coming and I'm not at all surprised that we saw massive protests after George Floyd was killed because people are fed up with the lack of accountability in American law enforcement, and with the pandemic taking so many people's jobs away they finally have the time and energy to get out in the streets and express their feelings about it and try to enact change.
The issues we have with law enforcement are similar to our issues with our president- they are who they are because there are a lot of racist people in this country who want them that way.
As awful and incompetent as he's been, Trump still has the support of roughly half the white people in the USA. I think we're going to get police reform now in big cities and more liberal-leaning areas, but it's going to be tougher in regions that tend to be more conservative because so many people are perfectly happy with the way things are.
Personally it's been pretty clear that generally speaking, law enforcement has been out of control. They appear to be disciplined more like soldiers than public servants despite their jobs being almost the opposite of each other.
Deescalating volatile situations does not appear to be as much of a priority as it should be, especially when you listen to the police unions. They're some of the worst organizations we have in this country.
They appear to be the only business or industry left who refuse to show any humility whatsoever even just for the sake of public relations. Nearly every statement I've ever read coming from a police union has escalated the situation at hand. And if that's how somebody sitting at a desk with days to think about things handles a challenge, why should we believe police in the field are any more likely to show some restraint?
8. 日本の読者にメッセージをお願いします。
8. Any messages to readers in Japan?
What’s up Japan! まず最初に友人やファミリーに感謝を伝えたいです。特に徳島の姪のすずかと大阪のマイメンのりずむへ - Go Golden Fire! 今年はみんなに会いに行けないのがとてもとても残念です。
とても素晴らしいboom-bap instrumental musicが日々生まれてきていて、特にヨーロッパ方面。自分にとってはとても不思議な気分でなぜならこれを20年もの間待ちわびていて、みんながまさに欲しがっていたjazzy hip hopだったんだ。だけどここでの人気はラップやDJシーンにはまだ及んでいない。
もし日本に住んでいてヒップホップを作りたかったら、do it NOW. アメリカから得るものなんてないし、Youtubeのチュートリアルを通じて誰かから教えてもらう必要もない、MCを必要ない、Jazzのレコードを奇跡的に誰かからもらえる運命なんてのももう必要ない。
コロナのワクチンを打ったらレコードバッグを持って会いに行くよ。We miss you.
What's up Japan! First of all, huge shout outs to all the friends and family out there, and extra huge shout outs to my new niece Suzuka in Tokushima and my main man Rhythm in Osaka- go Golden Fire! Very, very disappointed we won't be coming out there to hang out with everybody this year.
To all the DJ and music friends, I've probably told most of you before but I'll tell you again- just keep doing what you're doing, you guys are doing it way better than we are. I probably go to more parties in Japan the two weeks we're there every year than the other fifty weeks we're home.
Also, it seems a little slow getting to Japan, and it's not really popular here either, but it's another Golden Age in the beat scene right now.
There is so much incredible boom-bap instrumental music being made, mostly out of Europe. It's very strange to me because it's what I've been waiting for for twenty years and it's the jazzy hip hop that everybody swears they want, yet it's popularity here is outside of the rap and DJ scenes.
People here seem hung up on needing MCs, while I'll take instrumentals with scratch choruses over pretty much anything new with vocals. It's the future of rap for me, and it makes a lot of sense with the increased access to beat-making.
Twenty five years ago you basically had to be lucky enough to know the right people to get into production. By the late 90s you'd find production setups at community centers which was awesome but that's still nothing like having one at home, and now if you want to make beats you can really make that happen for yourself. In fact I assume it's cheaper to get into production than DJing now that turntables and Serato-ready mixers are so expensive. But yeah the beat scene is starting to blow up, mostly with the lo-fi stuff. The streaming numbers are huge and a lot of us in the business are very curious to see if it will start translating into physical sales. What I see at Amoeba is that people are looking for it, but don't necessarily know who they're looking for. I see better movement from compilations than individual artists, but hopefully as the scene grows that starts to change. It's also very interesting to me that it appeals to a younger audience than I would have expected, which is very exciting for its potential.
So if you're in Japan and you want to make hip hop, do it. Now. You don't need anything from America, you don't need to know anybody to teach you with all the tutorials on YouTube, you don't need MCs, you don't need to luck into somebody giving you their big collection of jazz records. The dream of making beats that a lot of us had twenty five years ago is now your reality. If you hear beautiful beats in your head that need to be made, please do us all a favor and start making them.
Thanks Shohei! And again to all our friends in Japan, I'll be trying to get on a flight over there with a bag of records the day after my COVID vaccination. We miss you.
取材・翻訳:Shohei Otsubo