・生涯現役時代の雇用保障を 終身雇用制の功罪
(出典:日本経済新聞2023年8月28日 朝刊 一部抜粋)
長期的な雇用安定性: 労働者にとって、終身雇用制度は一つの企業に長期間勤務する機会を提供し、安定感を持つことができます。
熟練の蓄積: 労働者は長期間同じ職場で働くことで熟練を蓄積し、企業にとっても高度なスキルを持つ従業員が育成されます。
労使共同体の形成: 長期勤務者が企業内で労使共同体を形成し、労使間の信頼関係を築くことができます。
経済停滞への影響: 終身雇用制度は企業に高い雇用コストをかけ、競争力を制限する要因となり、経済停滞を招く可能性があります。
共働き家族増加: 現代の共働き家族が増加しており、終身雇用制度では家庭との両立が難しい場合があります。
解雇の困難さ: 終身雇用制度では解雇が難しく、企業が効率的に人員調整を行うことが難しい場合があります。
雇用流動化: 政府は、雇用流動性を高め、労働市場における柔軟性を向上させることを目指しています。これにより、労働者は様々な職場で経験を積む機会を増やし、雇用保障を新たな形で実現できる可能性があります。
解雇の金銭解決: 新たな方針では、解雇に伴う金銭的な補償制度の整備が検討されています。これにより、労働者にとっても一定の安全網が提供されます。
同一賃金基準の明確化: 同一の職務やスキルを持つ労働者に対しては、明確な賃金基準が設けられることで、公平な賃金制度が構築されることが期待されています。
Title: "The Pros and Cons of Lifetime Employment and Challenges for Job Security: Outlook for 2023"
・Examining the merits and demerits of lifetime employment for job security in the era of lifelong working.
・Benefits such as internal skills development and labor-management collaboration within companies.
・The emergence of contradictions due to economic stagnation and an increase in dual-income families.
・Addressing issues like financial settlements for layoffs and clear wage standards.
・The 2023 "Bold Policy" outlines the government's fundamental direction towards wage increases through employment fluidity.
・A shift in evaluation from the traditional stance prioritizing job security even at the cost of suppressing wages.
In Japan's labor market, the concept of lifetime employment has long provided stability and security. However, debates persist regarding its role in offering job security throughout one's working life, as well as the challenges and contradictions it faces in the modern labor environment. This article explores the merits of the lifetime employment system and focuses on the Japanese government's new policy direction for 2023, known as the "Bold Policy."
Merits of the Lifetime Employment System
The lifetime employment system, while imposing significant costs and flexibility constraints on companies, offers several advantages to employees:
1.Long-Term Job Security: For workers, this system provides opportunities for extended employment with a single company, ensuring a sense of stability.
2.Accumulation of Skills: Employees who work for extended periods in the same position can accumulate expertise, creating highly skilled personnel for companies.
3.Labor-Management Collaboration: Long-term employees often form labor-management communities within companies, fostering trust and collaboration between workers and management.
However, the lifetime employment system faces challenges in today's labor environment:
1.Impact on Economic Stagnation: The system's high employment costs can limit a company's competitiveness and potentially contribute to economic stagnation.
2.Increase in Dual-Income Families: With the rise of dual-income households, the lifetime employment system may pose difficulties in balancing work and family life.
3.Difficulty in Layoffs: Dismissing employees under this system can be challenging, making it difficult for companies to efficiently adjust their workforce.
New Outlook: The 2023 "Bold Policy"
The 2023 "Bold Policy" outlines the government's fundamental direction, emphasizing wage increases through employment fluidity as a departure from the previous stance of wage suppression in favor of job security. This policy includes several key elements:
1.Employment Fluidity: The government aims to enhance employment flexibility and mobility in the labor market, providing workers with opportunities to gain experience in various workplaces and potentially achieve job security through a new approach.
2.Financial Settlements for Layoffs: The new policy explores the establishment of financial compensation systems for employee layoffs, offering a safety net for workers.
3.Clear Wage Standards: The policy aims to create transparent wage standards for workers with similar job roles or skills, ensuring a fair wage system.
The 2023 "Bold Policy" presents a fresh perspective on job security in Japan, potentially offering new prospects. It is seen as a step toward building a sustainable employment environment that accommodates the changing dynamics of the labor market while evaluating the merits of the lifetime employment system.