
産後パパ育休、知られてない? 育児予備軍1000人に調査






日本経済新聞 朝刊 2023年7月31日







社会保険労務士として、微力ながら助成金をうまくおりまぜながら、企業と従業員が Win-Win となる提案をしていきます。男性も女性も、仕事と家庭を両立させながら、より豊かな人生を築いていくために、育児に対する責任を共に担うことが大切なのではないでしょうか。

Unaware of Postpartum Paternity Leave? Survey of 1000 Potential Child-Rearing Dads

・The "postpartum paternity leave" system, allowing fathers to take 4 weeks off within 8 weeks after their child's birth, began in October 2022.

・Male participation in childcare and workstyle reforms are considered two sides of the same coin for promoting female empowerment.

・However, according to a survey by the Nikkei Shimbun, nearly 60% of individuals in their 20s to 30s without children were unaware of this system.

・On the other hand, 66.8% of surveyed men expressed the desire to take childcare leave, underscoring the need for both enhancing the system and creating an environment that facilitates its utilization, as well as the importance of raising awareness.

Excerpted from the Nikkei Shimbun, Morning Edition, July 31, 2023, "Diversity" section.

Good morning.
Today, we'll be discussing the "postpartum paternity leave" system.
In recent years, male participation in childcare and workstyle reforms in Japan have garnered attention alongside the empowerment of women.

The "postpartum paternity leave" system, introduced in October 2022, allows fathers to take up to 4 weeks of leave within 8 weeks after their child's birth.
This provides men with an opportunity to actively participate in childcare. However, a survey by the Nikkei Shimbun revealed that around 60% of men in their 20s to 30s without children were not sufficiently aware of this system.
This indicates that there is still limited awareness of the postpartum paternity leave system.
On the other hand, the survey showed that 66.8% of men expressed the desire to take childcare leave, underscoring the importance of not only improving the system and creating an environment conducive to leave-taking,
but also raising awareness about its existence. Parenting is a crucial task that both parents should engage in collaboratively, and active male participation contributes to overall family happiness and a balanced distribution of childcare responsibilities.

As evident from the survey results, there is a significant lack of awareness about the postpartum paternity leave system.
Governments and companies are thus urged to strengthen awareness campaigns and promotional efforts while fostering an environment that promotes male participation in childcare.
Some large corporations are even proactively addressing this, driven by their employees' feedback, and are considering it as part of their employee benefits.
Companies that successfully achieve work-life balance become more attractive to potential employees, providing them a comfortable and accommodating work environment. However, there might be circumstances that are not feasible for all companies to accommodate.
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare provides subsidies to companies that promote shared parenting by allowing male employees to take paternity leave.
Additionally, employing substitute workers can lead to further incentives.

As a labor and social security attotney , I will continue to propose solutions that benefit both companies and employees while incorporating available subsidies.
It is essential for both men and women to share the responsibility of childcare in order to build a more enriching life while balancing work and family commitments.
