AHL Weekly House Expo Nov.3: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hi, I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge ‘Akihabara Housing, Ltd.’ And I toured in Osaka and Kobe on the first weekend of November. Both Osaka and Kobe were so much fun! I would definitely like to go back!
I've come back safe and sound from an enjoyable tour. So now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
1) Demarkus Lewis - Jam 4 Me
ダラスの鉄人・Demarkus LewisのJackin House。スィートなコードプログレッションが嬉しい。華やかな曲です。
Jackin House by Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis, with a delightful sweet chord progression. A gorgeous song.
2) Cosmo Klein and The Campers - Right Here, Right Now (Opolopo Remix)
Cosmo KleinとThe Campersの「Right Here, Right Now」を、ストックホルムの魔術師Opolopoがリミックス。シンセベースの音が気持ち良すぎ。マジで「Right Here, Right Now」て名前の曲に外れなしです。
Cosmo Klein and The Campers' “Right Here, Right Now” remixed by Stockholm wizard Opolopo. The synth bass sounds too good. Seriously, you can't go wrong with a song named ‘Right Here, Right Now’.
3) Peter Mac - Time To Change (Good Jazz Mix)
カナダ・トロントのプロデューサー、Peter MacのTime To Change (Good Jazz Mix)。ジャズの雰囲気を強く漂わせるスリリングな展開がクールです。
Time To Change (Good Jazz Mix) by Toronto, Canada producer Peter Mac. Cool, thrilling development with a strong jazz feel.
4) Ghosten - Love Might
イタリア・ミラノの曲者レーベルApparel Muiscからリリースされた、Ghostenの「Love Might」。意図的にあけれらた音の隙間から除く不思議な景色が印象的。
Ghosten's ‘Love Might’ is released on the curious label Apparel Muisc from Milan, Italy. The mysterious landscape that is excluded from the gaps between the deliberately opened sounds is impressive.
5) Rico Herrera - Thank You (Turbojazz Remix)
ストックホルムの信頼の老舗Local Talkからリリースされた、Rico Herreraの「Thank You」を、イタリア・ミラノのTurbojazzがリミックス。華やかなサウンドに心躍ります。
A remix of Rico Herrera's ‘Thank You’ by Turbojazz from Milan, Italy, released on Stockholm's trusted and long-established Local Talk label. The gorgeous sound is exciting.
6) Marsolo - Sense of Style
オランダ・ユトレヒトのプロデューサー、Marsoloの「Sense of Style」。切れ味のいいシンセサウンドと確かなビート建築がとても好ましいです。
‘Sense of Style’ by Utrecht, Netherlands producer Marsolo. The sharp synth sounds and solid beat architecture are very pleasing.
7) Dam Swindle - The Last Time
Dam Swindleの二人、ちょうどDetroit Swindleから改名したあたりからなんとなく悩み深まってる感じするんですよね…。そんな彼らの最新トラックは、パキっとした存在感があって気に入りました。
The two Dam Swindle guys seem to have been somewhat troubled since they just changed their name from Detroit Swindle... I lik their latest track because it had a crisp presence.
8) Full Flava feat. Angela Johnson - I Wanna Be Loved By You (Micky More & Andy Tee Remix)
イタリアのMicky More & Andy Teeがリミックスを手掛けた、Full Flavaの「I Wanna Be Loved By You」。直球ストレートど真ん中のハウス。心強い!
‘I Wanna Be Loved By You’ by Full Flava, remixed by Micky More & Andy Tee from Italy. Straightforward house. Reassuring!
9) Dextor Troy - Say
スイス・ローザンヌのプロデューサー、Dextor Troyの「Say」。Groove Cultureレーベルからのリリースらしい華やかでパワフルなトラックです。
‘Say’ by Lausanne, Switzerland producer Dextor Troy, a gorgeous, powerful track typical of releases on the Groove Culture label.
10) Maya Fourteen feat. Francesca - Uniqueness
ブラジルのバウネアーリオ・コンボリウーのプロデューサー、Maya Fourteenの「Uniqueness」。抑制されたトーンで描き出されたグルーヴが強い。
‘Uniqueness’ by Maya Fourteen, producer of Brazil's Bauneário Convolvoliú. The groove is strong, drawn in restrained tones.
【Track of the Week】Dextor Troy - Say
今週の「Track of the Week」はこの曲に決めました。ポジティブなフィーリングにあふれた力強いサウンドがひたすら最高です。
I've decided on this song for this week's Track of the Week. It has a strong sound full of positive feeling and is simply superb.
Tracks featured this week are available on Beatport and Traxsource DJ charts!
Case of Amnesia (2024/Oct/3)
今年5月に作った曲がようやくリリースされました。いつもより7%くらいセクシーに仕上げた曲です。KORG M1のOrgan 2の響きをお楽しみください。
A song I wrote in May this year has finally been released. This song is about 7% sexier than usual, and I hope you enjoy the sound of Organ 2 on the KORG M1.
来月11/8には、ウクライナのAntiDEEPressantというレーベルから「Lies」をリリースします。僕の自宅スタジオというかTiny Deskで作った新曲、ぜひお楽しみに!
Next month, on 8 November, I will release ‘Lies’ on the Ukrainian label AntiDEEPressant. Please enjoy the new songs, which were made in my home studio, or rather at tiny desk!
このリリースのプロモーションのため、AntiDEEPressantレーベルの親レーベルであるManuscript Recordsのために、僕は1時間のディープハウスDJミックスをゲストミックスとして提供しました。新曲「Lies」も含まれています。結構いいミックスになったと思うので、ぜひ聴いてください!
To promote the release, I guest-mixed an hour-long deep house DJ mix for Manuscript Records, the parent label of the AntiDEEPressant label. It includes the new track ‘Lies’. I think it turned out to be a pretty good mix, so please give it a listen!
On 9 November, we will have our usual party at MOGRA in Akihabara, Tokyo. Together with Osaka and Kobe, it's a bit like a tour. I'll be DJing a house set there too. Please come and have fun!
Here's the new house music for 2024!
Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 414 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.
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それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!