
『天国、それともラスベガス』の音楽制作:Spinnage's Releases

『天国、それともラスベガス』と銘打って自宅デスク環境をチューンし、2022年3月にAbleton Push2を買ってから本格的にのめり込みはじめたDAWによる楽曲制作。おかげさまで縁もあって、自分自身もよく曲を買ってるBeatportやTraxsourceといったダンスミュージック系の音楽配信サイトに、自分の作った曲が並ぶというまさかの実績をアンロックしました。

I tuned up my home desk environment under the title 'Heaven or Las Vegas' and started to get seriously into music production with a DAW after I bought an Ableton Push2 in March 2022. Thanks to the relationship, I've unlocked an achievement of having my songs appear on dance music distribution sites such as Beatport and Traxsource, where I often buy music myself.


Therefore, this edition of 'Heaven or Las Vegas' is an extra chapter in which I introduce some of the songs I have created under the name Spinnage and released on international and Japanese labels in the desk environment I have built. I hope you enjoy it.


We're (2022/Oct/06)

Label: Ohmelya Music
Album: Sampler Volume 2: V/A Occulet Musical Art


I sent demos of the songs I'd been selflessly writing to various labels, and where there is a God, there is a God, and Julien, aka CEV's in Lille, France, took a liking to them.

彼のレーベルOhmelya Musicのレーベルコンピ「Occult Musical Art (Vol 2)」に収録されたこの「We're」が、僕にとっての始めてのレーベルからのリリースになりました。この曲ではシンセだけでなく、Eベースをピッキングした音を入れたりしています。

The song 'We're', which appeared on his label Ohmelya Music's label compilation 'Occult Musical Art (Vol 2)', was my first release on the label. On this track, I added not only synths, but also picked E-bass sounds.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Calling E.P. (2022/Oct/07)

Label: Transcendance Music

  1. Drizzle (Original Mix)

  2. Calling (Original Mix)

そして自分名義の最初のEPがこの「Calling EP」です。この「Drizzle」「Calling」という曲を聴くたびに、2022年夏の空気感を思い出すんですよね。僕の人生にとっても、特別なリリースになりました。

And the first EP under my own name is this 'Calling EP'. Whenever I listen to the songs 'Drizzle' and 'Calling', I remember the atmosphere of the summer of 2022. It was a very special release for my life.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource


Highway E.P. (2023/May/25)

Label: Ohmelya Music

  1. Highway (Original Mix)

  2. Highway (Zetbee Remix)

  3. Cactus (Origimal Mix)


In May 2023, six months after the first release, my second EP was released digitally. I remember that Zetbee from Brno, Czech Republic, who I myself loved and bought a lot of releases from, unexpectedly participated in the remix, which moved me a lot. I was happy to have it played by all the DJs on the scene.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Feel It E.P. (2023/Jun/9)

Label: Gents & Dandy's

  1. Feel It (Original Mix)

  2. Flashing Lights (Original Mix)

こちらはベルギー・アントワープのブラムがやってるGents & Dandy's レーベルからのリリース。1月に秋葉原MOGRAで行われたイベント「秋葉原重工」にて、砂原良徳さんの次の出番でDJしたときに先行でかけてた「Flashing Lights」をようやくリリースできました。

This is a release from Gents & Dandy's label, run by Bram from Antwerp, Belgium, finally releasing 'Flashing Lights', which was played as a pre-release at the Akihabara Heavy Industry Inc. event held at Akihabara MOGRA in January, when I DJ'd after Yoshinori Sunahara. I was able to do it.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Dawn E.P. (2023/Aug/24)

Label: Ohmelya Music

  1. Dawn (Original Mix)

  2. Dawn (CEV's Remix)

  3. Maneye (Original Mix)


Once again, the release is on Julian's label Ohmelya, aka CEV's. This time the label owner CEV's did the remix, for which I am very grateful to CEV's for his advice on arrangements and song structures.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Lea Lognoni - I Got Something Here (Spinnage Remix) (2023/Oct/19)

Label: Hi! Energy

こちらは僕にとって初めてのリミックス案件です。Hi! EnergyのオーナーでもあるCEV'sことジュリアンから声をかけてもらって、アルゼンチンのプロデューサー・Lea Lognoniの「I Got Something Here」をリミックスしました。他のプロデューサーのステム素材を開くのは僕自身の作曲の参考にもなりましたね。

This is my first remix project - I was approached by Julian, aka CEV's, owner of Hi! Energy, to remix Argentine producer Lea Lognoni's 'I Got Something Here'. Opening up other producers' stem material was a good reference for my own compositions.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

CEV's - Fixie (Spinnage Remix) (2023/Nov/09)

Label: Hi! Energy

Lea Lognoniのリミックスを気に入ってくれたのか、間をおかずにCEV'sから再び声をかけてもらって、こんどは彼自身の曲「Fixie」をリミックスしました。CEV'sの持ってる派手でキラキラした要素を引き出す感じで、いつもより速いBPMで跳ねたリズムのハウスを作りました。作ってて楽しかったです。

He liked Lea Lognoni's remix so much that CEV's approached me again, this time to remix his own track 'Fixie', which brings out CEV's flamboyant and sparkling elements, with a faster BPM and bouncier rhythms. house with a faster BPM and bouncier rhythm than usual. It was fun to make.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Run Away E.P. (2023/Nov/30)

Label: Ohmelya Music

  1. Run Away (Original Mix)

  2. Tonight (Original Mix)

  3. Miss Me (Original Mix)

  4. I'm Here (Original Mix)

2023年の春から秋にかけて作った曲の中から選ばれた4曲で、僕にとって5枚目のEPができました。もちろんどの曲もお気に入りですが、一番最後に作ってこのEPのタイトルにもなってる「Run Away」が特に気に入っています。

This is my fifth EP, with four songs chosen from the ones I wrote in the spring and autumn of 2023. Of course, all the songs are my favourites, but I particularly like 'Run Away', which I wrote last and is the title of this EP.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Going Deeper (2023/Dec/30)

Label: Akihabara Heavy Industry
Album: AHI Digitao Compilation 01

M03. Going Deeper

テクノパーティ「秋葉原重工」のレーベルコンピ「AHI Digital Compilation 01」に「Going Deeper」という曲で参加しました。今年の春か夏くらいに作ったちょっとポップな仕立ての曲で、残念ながらレーベルとのリリース契約はとれなかったのですが、自分ではとても気に入ってる大好きな曲なので、こちらのコンピに提供した次第です。

I participated in the label compilation 'AHI Digital Compilation 01' of the techno party Akihabara Heavy Industry, Inc. with the song 'Going Deeper'. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a release contract with other labels, but I love this song so much that I contributed it to this compilation.

コンピレーション全体の視聴はSound Cloudでどうぞ。Hiroshi Watanabe氏をはじめ豪華参加メンバーによる22曲の大ボリュームのコンピレーションです。ぜひチェックしてみてくださいね!

You can listen to the entire compilation on Sound Cloud, a massive 22-track compilation featuring Hiroshi Watanabe and other gorgeous participating members. Please check it out!

Available on Bandcamp


You Drive Me Crazy E.P. (2024/Feb/1)

Label: Ohmelya Music

  1. You Drive Me Crazy (Original Mix)

  2. You Drive Me Crazy (Zetbee Remix)

2024年最初のリリースです。2023年の「Highway E.P.」に続いて、またZetbeeがリミックス提供してくれて嬉しい。ちょっとポップでカワイイ味が加わって、楽しいEPになりました。

This is the first release of 2024, and I'm glad Zetbee provided another remix, following on from 'Highway E.P.' in 2023. It's a fun EP with a bit of pop and kawaii flavour added.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Seconds In Love E.P. (2024/Apr/12)

Label: Deep Clicks

  1. Seconds In Love (Original Mix)

  2. Phases (Original Mix)

スペインのDeep Clicksレーベルからの初のリリースです。こちらのレーベルでは、OHMELYAのリリースとは雰囲気を変えて、よりミニマルなテイストの曲をリリースしていけたらと考えてます。

This is the first release on the Spanish Deep Clicks label. On this label, we hope to change the atmosphere from the OHMELYA releases and release songs with a more minimalist taste.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource / Bandcamp

Only One E.P. (2024/Apr/19)

Label: OHMELYA Music

  1. Don't Lie To Me (Original Mix)

  2. Only One (Original Mix)

2週連続リリース! こちらはフランスのOHMELYAからのリリースです。春っぽく艶やかな感じの2曲EPになったと思います。

Two consecutive weekly releases! This is a release from OHMELYA, France. It's a two-song EP with a springy, glossy feel.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

AcidGelge - Pink Slime (Spinnage Remix) (2024/Apr/28)

Label: Akihabara Heavy Industry
Album: AcidGelge - Pink Slime EP

M02. Pink Slime (Spinnage Remix)

テクノパーティ「秋葉原重工」からリリースされた、AcidGelgeの「Pink Slime EP」にリミックスで参加しました。AcidGelgeさんの303と727の素晴らしい音を軸に、OB-6のシンセパッドを加えて流麗テックハウスに仕上げています。

I remixed AcidGelge's 'Pink Slime', released on the techno party Akihabara Heavy Industry, with AcidGelge's wonderful 303 and 727 sounds as the core, and added OB-6 synth pads to create a flowing tech house.

Available on Bandcamp

Remedy E.P. (2024/May/2)

Label: OHMELYA Music

  1. Remedy (Original Mix)

  2. Remedy (Demarkus Lewis Remix)

  3. Remedy (CEV's Remix)

会心の一撃! 自分でもすごく気に入ってる曲です。僕のオリジナルに加えて、ダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisのメロウなリミックスと、OHMELYA MusicレーベルオーナーのCEV'sのダイナミックなリミックスも収録されています。ぜひあなたのセットに加えてください!

A stroke of good fortune! I really like this song myself. In addition to my original, it also features a mellow remix by Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis and a dynamic remix by OHMELYA Music label owner CEV's. Be sure to add this to your set!

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Episode 20 E.P. (2024/July/12)

Label: Agua Salada

  1. Episode 20 (Original Mix)

  2. Episode 20 (Deephope Lounge Remix)

  3. Transfer (Original Mix)

  4. Episode 20 (Deephope Radio Edit)

大好きなまんが『正反対な君と僕』の大好きな20話に触発されて作った「Episode 20」という曲をタイトルトラックにしたEPです。Agua Saladaを率いるDeephopeによるエレガントでリラックスしたバージョン2曲に加えて、シンセベースで盛り上げるカップリング曲「Transfer」を収録しました。気に入ってもらえたら嬉しいです。

This EP features the song 'Episode 20' as the title track, inspired by my favourite episode #20 of my favourite manga 'You and I Are Polar Opposites.' Two elegant and relaxed versions of the song by Deephope, who leads Agua Salada, plus Included is the coupling track 'Transfer', with a synth bass for excitement. I hope you like it.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

MAXZIM - Yeahyeah (Spinnage Remix)(2024/July/26)

Label: Agua Salada


I remixed 'Yeahyeah' by Nantes, France-based producer MAXZIM. I incorporated phrases from the original song in various places and added my own kick and synth bass. I had a lot of fun working on this song.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Justin Stephens - Make A Move (Spinnage Remix)(2024/Aug/8)

リミックス案件が続きます。イギリスのイブスイッチのプロデューサー、Justin Stephensの「Make A Move」をリミックスしました。原曲の印象的なリフの音色を変えて、固めのシンセベースを鳴らしてソリッドな曲に仕上げました。

Remix projects continue. I remixed 'Make A Move' by UK eve-switch producer Justin Stephens. I changed the tone of the original song's impressive riff and gave it a solid sound with a hard synth bass.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

A Midsummer Nignt's Dream (2024/Aug/10)

  1. Hiroshi Okubo - Open Up The Door

  2. REV-TUNE - Lady Dancing in the Kitchen

  3. Spinnage - A Midsummer Night's Dream

  4. Spinnage - A Midsummer Night's Dream (AcidGelge Acid House Remix)

僕Spinnageが棟梁を務めるハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」のチームで初めてのコンピレーション「The Door Into AHL」を作りました。Hiroshi Okuboは「Open Up The Door」、REV-TUNEは「Lady Dancing in the Kitchen」を提供し、僕は「A Midsummer Night's Dream」という曲を提供しています。僕の曲のAcidGelgeによるAcid House Remixも収録されてる楽しいリリースになりました。

The team at the house music lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd., of which I am a director, have made the first compilation named 'The Door Into AHL', with Hiroshi Okubo contributing the track 'Open Up The Door', REV-TUNE contributing 'Lady Dancing in the Kitchen' and me contributing the track I contributed the song 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. It's a fun release that also includes an Acid House Remix of my songs by AcidGelge.

Available on Bandcamp

Case of Amnesia (2024/Oct/3)

今年5月に作った曲がようやくリリースされました。いつもより7%くらいセクシーに仕上げた曲です。KORG M1のOrgan 2の響きをお楽しみください。

A song I wrote in May this year has finally been released. This song is about 7% sexier than usual, and I hope you enjoy the sound of Organ 2 on the KORG M1.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Nimbus E.P. (2024/Nov/12)

スペインのディープハウス系レーベル・Deep Clicksから2枚目のEPを出しました。「Nimbus(雨雲)」「Puddles(水たまり)」というタイトルをつけた2曲を対にして、雨降りの情景をイメージして作りました。

The second EP on the Spanish deep house label Deep Clicks.It's a pair of songs titled 'Nimbus' and 'Puddles', inspired by rainy scenes.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Lies (2024/Nov/22)


I released ‘Lies’ on AntiDEEPressant, a Ukrainian label I met via Facebook. The song is glossy and sexy. This one will be a Traxsource exclusive until about mid-January 2025.

Available on Traxsource


Since March 2022, I have been so addicted to songwriting that I boot my DAW almost every day. In other words, every day I'm at my desk at home. I will continue to do my best to make and release many good songs, so please support me! Thank you.


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)