
AHL Weekly House Expo Oct.27: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello, I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Hosuing Ltd., and I'm spending the last weekend of October in Tokyo. Next week I'll be in Osaka and Kobe. I'm looking forward to it!


Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Opolopo, Angela Johnson - Show Up, Show Out

スウェーデン・ストックホルムの魔術師・OpolopoとAngela Johnsonのアルバム「Best Of Both Worlds」に収録された「Show Up, Show Out」。エレキギターが軽快なリフを鳴らし、Angelaの歌がやさしく響くトラックです。素敵!

‘Show Up, Show Out’ from the album ‘Best Of Both Worlds’ by Stockholm, Sweden wizards Opolopo and Angela Johnson. The track features a light riff of electric guitar and Angela's singing gently echoes. Lovely!

2) Ross Couch - Hooked On You

英グラスゴーのプロデューサー、Ross Couchの「Hooked On You」。彼のサウンドのシグネチャーでもある透明感のあるシンセリフが心地良いです。

‘Hooked On You’ by Glasgow, UK producer Ross Couch. It has a pleasant, transparent synth riff that is a signature of his sound.

3) Arpy Brown - Thought You Never World

ロンドンのFuture Discoレーベルからリリースされた、Arpy Brownの「Thought You Never Would」。ブレイクダンスみたいな驚きの姿勢変化でダンスし続けるトラック。楽しい!

‘Thought You Never Would’ by Arpy Brown, released on London's Future Disco label. The track keeps you dancing with surprising posture changes, like breakdancing. Fun!

4) Ludo Lacoste - What's Your Price?

カナダ・モントリオールのプロデューサー、Ludo Lacosteの「What's Your Price?」。重ねられたボーカルとソフトでダークなピアノが独特の雰囲気を作っています。

‘What's Your Price?’ by Montreal, Canada producer Ludo Lacoste. The layered vocals and soft, dark piano create a unique atmosphere.

5) Marco Pavanini - Jungle Juice

Marco Pavaniniの「Jungle Juice」。硬質なシンセベースの音が心地良いです。

‘Jungle Juice’ by Marco Pavanini. The hard synth bass sound is pleasant.

6) Canavezzi - Kalimbra


‘Kalimbra’ by Brazilian producer Canavezzi. The thin, carefully stacked synth harmonies are superb.

7) Dreamer G, Kerri Chandler - I Got That Feeling' (Demuir's Playboi Edit)

Dreamer GとKerri Chandlerの1992年のヒット曲「I Got That Feelin'」をカナダ・トロントのプロデューサー・Demuirがリミックス。スピード感のある軽快なトラックに生まれ変わりました。面白い。

Dreamer G and Kerri Chandler's 1992 hit ‘I Got That Feelin’' is remixed by Toronto, Canada-based producer Demuir. The track has been transformed into a speedy, light-hearted track. Interesting.

「I Got That Feelin'」といえば、2001年の日本映画「FROG RIVER」のこのシーンだよねえ…最高の場面。

Speaking of ‘I Got That Feelin’', it's this scene from the 2001 Japanese film FROG RIVER... the best scene.

8) Todd Terry - Take That Groove

御大Todd Terryの「Take That Groove」。濃厚なクラシックハウスの雰囲気に骨太なグルーヴ。最高です。

'Take That Groove' by the legendary Todd Terry. A thick classic house vibe with a big-boned groove. Great stuff.

9) Qess - It's Always Been There (Cinthie Remix)

ロンドンを拠点とするプロデューサー、Qessの「It's Always Been There」を、女性プロデューサー・Cinthieがリミックス。クリスタルのようにきらめくピアノのリフレインが心地良い。

London-based producer Qess' “It's Always Been There” is remixed by female producer Cinthie. The song has a pleasant piano refrain that shimmers like crystal.

10) Nyne, KC & The Sunshine Band - In the Back of my Cadillac (Eric Kupper Extended Mix)

NyneがKC & The Sunshine Bandをフィーチャリングした「In the Back of my Cadillac」を、ベテランEric Kupperがリミックス。華やかなサウンドがフロアを包みます。

Nyne's ‘In the Back of my Cadillac’ featuring KC & The Sunshine Band is remixed by veteran Eric Kupper. A gorgeous sound envelops the floor.

【Track of the Week】Nyne, KC & The Sunshine Band - In the Back of my Cadillac (Eric Kupper Extended Mix)

今週の「Track of the Week」には、華やかなNu Discoのこの曲を選びました。90年代から活躍を続けるNYのEric Kupperのリミックスの安心感が凄い。心おきなくダンスできます。最高!

For this week's ‘Track of the Week’, I've chosen this gorgeous Nu Disco track, and the reassurance of the remix by NY's Eric Kupper, who has been active since the 90s, is amazing. You can dance without a care in the world. Best for!


Tracks featured this week are available on Beatport and Traxsource DJ charts!

  • Beatport

  • Traxsource

※一部の曲(Beatport Exclusiveの曲など)は含まれません。
*Some tracks (e.g. Beatport Exclusive tracks) are not included.


Case of Amnesia (2024/Oct/3)

今年5月に作った曲がようやくリリースされました。いつもより7%くらいセクシーに仕上げた曲です。KORG M1のOrgan 2の響きをお楽しみください。

A song I wrote in May this year has finally been released. This song is about 7% sexier than usual, and I hope you enjoy the sound of Organ 2 on the KORG M1.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource


来月11/8には、ウクライナのAntiDEEPressantというレーベルから「Lies」をリリースします。僕の自宅スタジオというかTiny Deskで作った新曲、ぜひお楽しみに!

Next month, on 8 November, I will release ‘Lies’ on the Ukrainian label AntiDEEPressant. Please enjoy the new songs, which were made in my home studio, or rather at tiny desk!

このリリースのプロモーションのため、AntiDEEPressantレーベルの親レーベルであるManuscript Recordsのために、僕は1時間のディープハウスDJミックスをゲストミックスとして提供しました。新曲「Lies」も含まれています。結構いいミックスになったと思うので、ぜひ聴いてください!

To promote the release, I guest-mixed an hour-long deep house DJ mix for Manuscript Records, the parent label of the AntiDEEPressant label. It includes the new track ‘Lies’. I think it turned out to be a pretty good mix, so please give it a listen!


来る11月の2日に大阪Bar Faderにて、翌日11/3には神戸のリンカイテンにて「秋葉原重工」のイベントを開催します。僕Spinnageも両日出演して最高のハウスをお届けする予定です。お近くの方、ぜひ遊びにきてください!乾杯しましょう!

On the 2nd of November 'Akihabara Heavy INdustry' will be holding an event at Bar Fader in Osaka, and the following day, on the 3rd of November, we will be holding an event at Rinkaiten in Kobe. I, Spinnage, will be performing on both days to bring you the best house music. If you're in the area, please come and have fun! Let's have a toast!


The following week, on 9 November, we will have our usual party at MOGRA in Akihabara, Tokyo. Together with Osaka and Kobe, it's a bit like a tour. I'll be DJing a house set there too. Please come and have fun!

Here's the new house music for 2024!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 404 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)