♩John Coltrane - Love 1 □△○☆ 2022年2月19日 16:15 "Meditations" とは異なり、当時リリースが見送られた "First Meditations" と名付けられたアルバムはこの "Love" からはじまる。マイルスの「ネフェルティティ」同様、このアルバムは奇跡中の奇跡の賜物だと思っている。後期のコルトレーンを「フリージャズ」と称する方が多いように見受けられるが、まったくそうは思えない。「歌」であり、ありとあらゆるものを包含した天真爛漫な生命が、ただただ歓喜の声を上げているように響く。[Personnel]John Coltrane – tenor saxophoneJimmy Garrison – double bassElvin Jones – drumsMcCoy Tyner – pianoRecorded on September 2, 1965[追記] Quoted from "The Ravi Shankar Foundation"- Conversation between Ravi and Coltrane - "John, if you don’t mind I will ask you a question. I just heard some recordings of your new compositions and I was very intrigued” …he looked perplexed. I continued, “ I was so impressed and found it amazing and touching as well, but in places I felt you were crying out through your instrument and it was like a shriek of a tormented soul. I have heard the same from many other great jazz performers which is quite understandable because of their pain and the hurt of generations comes out in their music. But seeing and knowing you I thought that the interest and love of our tradition and music has helped you to overcome this…” I will never forget the expression on his face, and the words which he said with such a deep feeling which brought tears to my eyes. He said, “Ravi, that is exactly what I want to know and learn from you… how you find so much peace in your music and give it to your listeners.” #john_coltrane #Ravi_Shankar #First_Meditations 1