♩Paul Weller - Broken Stones 1 □△○☆ 2021年11月18日 20:29 Paul Weller: "Me and my son, when he was little, were on a beach and he was asking me where all the pebbles came from. I told him we were all part of one rock before and we all got smashed down in time and splintered and sent around the earth. I don’t know if that’s true or not, scientifically, but that was my explanation to him anyway. But even if it wasn’t true, as a metaphor for us as a human race, human spirit, that we all come from one source and we just got splintered and sent round the world, there was a sense of spirituality that we’re all seeking to get back to that core again or get back home. So to that spiritual element I married the gospel accordion chords. It’s like an old gospel or spiritual tune to me"[要約]「子供がまだ小さい頃、海へ行った時に『この小石たちはどこから来たの?』と質問され『元々はひとつの石だったんだ。それが弾けて地球にやって来たってわけさ』と説明した。ひとつの石とは全ての源の喩えであり、それゆえ人は皆、時折どうしようもなく郷愁の念に駆られることになるんじゃないかな。この曲にはそんなスピリチュアルな思いが込められているんだ」 #ポールウェラー #Paul_Weller 1