絵師コレクション・unWalletの作成方法~Eshi collection・How to create unWallet~
Thank you for your interest in the Eshi Collection Commemorative NFT ✨
This article will provide you with detailed instructions on how to create ”unWallet”, which is required in order to get the Commemorative NFT completely free of charge!
①サインイン sign-in
・Please go here and sign in with your Google account or AppleID.
※If you get permission to access your account with your Google account, please press continue.
・When the agreement screen appears, please check the contents and click "同意する”
②SMS認証 SMS Verification
・Select your country code in ”国コード”,Enter the phone number ”電話番号”to receive SMS,and press ”続ける”
③確認コードの入力 Enter verification code
・Please enter the verification code you received in "確認コード" ,and press ”送信”
※If you do not receive a verification code, it may have been blocked by the security of the receiving device. Please check your settings and try again.
④作成完了 Creation complete
・A wallet address has been created! Starting with 0x, the string shown is your unWallet wallet address!