
【end of minting】The Commemorative NFT of Eshi Collection - Completely free mint method (mint: publishing) -

1. Introduction

The "ESHI Collection" is a demonstration project to create a fun and active community through NFT with everyone who participates. Popular painters have co-created derivative works of famous IPs while interacting with the community.

The community will end at the end of March, and at the end of this activity, we will create a "Commemorative NFT" to be distributed inside and outside the community. We are making it completely free of charge (no gas/shipping fees) so that anyone can get a copy of the NFT. We hope that through these activities we can reach people who have not been exposed to NFT and contribute to the growth and expansion of the NFT community, even if only a little.
Please, follow the steps below to get"The commemorative NFT of Eshi Collection"!

This is a wonderful commemorative NFT that displays Doronjo illustrations
by four different artists, rotating in order!

2. Creating "unWallet"

"unWallet" is a wallet that anyone can create very easily with a Google account or AppleID! The Eshi collection has adopted this wallet as an easy-to-handle wallet for beginners.
*unWallet is a contract wallet, so it is not possible to import meta masks, etc. Please create a new wallet address.

How to create
You can find detailed instructions here.

3. Mint procedure

Please visit this site to get your free commemorative NFT!
☆  end of minting ☆

Procedure for minting NFT
1)Log in to unWallet
2)Click on the mint site URL above
3)Press the "Get NFT" button on the mint website
4)Commemorative NFT arrives at unWallet's asset

Please press "Get NFT" to get NFT

4. Questionnaire request (optional)

Comme nous l'avons expliqué au début de cet article, nous avons décidé de distribuer gratuitement des NFT commémoratifs dans l'espoir qu'ils contribueront à renforcer la communauté des NFT. Nous vous serions reconnaissants de bien vouloir répondre à un questionnaire afin de savoir à combien d'âges et de régions cette initiative s'est étendue.

Click here to fill out the survey 
Survey for the NFT Commemorating the Eshi Collection

Please take as long as you are able to answer the survey.
We appreciate your cooperation!

5. Conclusion

Thank you for getting the Painter Collection Commemorative NFT🌸
Did you like the Commemorative NFT? If you have friends around you who also like Doronjo and NFT, could you tell them that they can get it for free here ✨
We hope that more people can get this commemorative NFT for free at the Eshi Collection!
