
Einstein’s Brain

When he died, his brain was taken away by the surgeon and analyzed. What found was that his brain was physically different from avarage human brains. First off, he had more layers and what was remarkable was that he had more of something called astrocytes. Astrocytes are not neurons but glial cells. Glial cells are packing materials inside a brain and unlike neurons, they don't communicate with electricity. Human brains are different from other animals’ brains especially in respect of the amount of glial cells contained. This makes difference in the speed of communication between neurons. When comparing the speed of communication occurs in human brain versus, let's say, snails' brain, it’s said it’s like comparing us walking and a ferrari. Now people who we call genius tend to have more of astrocyte and the question is whether they acquired it through hard work or they are born with it. That is still a mystery but it'll be revealed sooner or later perhaps. 
