
リーグ戦に向けて 4年・#6キングジオウバイ


As we get ready for the upcoming リーグ戦, our team is more focused than ever on honing our communication and adapting to each other's play styles. Our individual skills are crucial. Each member of team should try to work his individual skills whether it's on offense or defense, but overall it's our ability to work as a cohesive unit that will help us to become a stronger team.


This season we are trying to elevate our communication on the court. We’ve been working on being more vocal, whether it's calling out screens, alerting teammates to open shots, or simply encouraging each other. This improved communication is essential for us to anticipate each other’s moves and make split-second decisions that could be the difference between winning and losing.
Another critical aspect of our preparation is adapting to each other's play styles. Every player brings a unique set of skills to the table, and understanding how to complement those strengths is key. During our team practices, we’ve been focusing on drills that simulate game scenarios, helping us to get used to each other’s tendencies. By doing so, we aim to create a fluid, dynamic offense and a solid defense.


Our coaches (藤原さん and 阿藤さん) have been instrumental in guiding us through this process. They've emphasized the importance of both strategy and mental toughness, pushing us to not only play smarter but also stay composed under pressure. Their tough love for us is greatly appreciated, and we know it's only because they want us to better. They see it in us, and they want to bring the best out of us. We've been incorporating their advice into our practices, working on everything from transition defense to quick ball movement. The coach’s insights have given us a solid foundation to build on, and we’re committed to executing their game plan to the best of our ability.

AS 4年生

On a personal note, as a fourth-year student, this season is particularly significant for me. I want to do everything I can to contribute to our team’s success, both on and off the court. This means dedicating time to self-training to improve my skills, following a disciplined diet to stay in peak physical condition, and nurturing the chemistry with my teammates that is so crucial to our success. Whether it’s putting in extra hours in the gym, staying focused during team meetings, or simply being there for my teammates, I’m committed to making this season one to remember.

As we step onto the court for these upcoming league games, we’re not just playing to win—we’re playing to grow as a team. The journey ahead is challenging, but with the right mindset and a commitment to each other, I believe we have what it takes to achieve our goals. Lastly, I would like to thank the OB's for the endless support. Whether it is participating in our practices and playing real hard against us, or coming to the league games to show support, and also with helping us finance for all the club expenses and finances, we all appreciate everything they do for us. ありがとうございます!リーグ戦がんばります!応援よろしくお願いします。
