



例えば、『現代思想2021年1月号 特集=現代思想の総展望 2021』。ところどころわかるが、わからないところのほうが多い。カタカナ名の人の意見を元に主張する書き手が多い。他の人でなく、なぜその人を選んだのかの説明もあまりない。おそらくこれは、その分野の前提知識を持っている人のための本なのだろう。

『はじめての生理学 動物機能編・植物機能編 』は、教科書なので、最初から最後まで読み通すのには向いていない。調べたいことがあるときにその箇所を読むための本なのだろう。しかし、読んでも分からないところが多く、結局インターネットで検索するほうがいいと思ったりする。これも手放すだろう。



田中(貴邑) 冨久子『はじめての生理学 動物機能編』講談社、2016年




ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典


一九世紀前半のヨーロッパ近代医学において、動物の諸機能が 臓器性生命現象と動物性生命現象とに区分され、臓器性生命現象は、 意思や意識を伴わず、大脳の支配から比較的独立していることから、 植物性機能と呼ばれた(中略)。この神経系統に対して「植物性神経系」という表現がかつて用いられていたが、今日では「自律神経系」という術語に取って代わられている。植物状態という用語は、この植物性神経系(自律神経系)の働きが比較的保たれていることに由来する。しかし、そもそも動物の諸機能を植物性と動物性に二分すること自体が恣意的であり、かつ自律神経系と植物の生態とを類比的に捉えることにもなんら科学的根拠はない




I still wonder why I bought these books.

I'm looking for a job, but it's hard to find one, probably because I'm 65 years old. It looks like it will be a long battle until I can get a job, so I'm reading the paper books I left behind.

Around the time when "that disease" was popular, I bought several books at an online shop. When I actually read them, there are books that makes me wonder why I chose them.

For example, "Modern Thought January 2021 Special Feature = General Outlook of Contemporary Thought 2021". There are things I know, but there are many things I don't understand.
Many writers argue based on the opinions of people with katakana names.
There is not much explanation as to why they chose that person over someone else.
Perhaps this is a book for those who have prior knowledge in the field.
Also, there are some sentences that incorrectly use "subekaraku" to mean "all".
Statements like this reduce the credibility of the book as a whole.
This book will not be read again.

"Beginner's Physiology: Animal Function Edition/Plant Function Edition" is a textbook, so it is not suitable for reading from beginning to end. It's probably a book for reading that part when you want to look it up. However, there are many things that I do not understand even if I read it, so I think that it is better to search on the Internet after all. I will let go of this too.

By the way, the unfamiliar classification of animal functions and plant functions is explained in this way in this book.

Within the body, organs with specific functions are combined to form a "system" that works organically to maintain life, preserve species, and set goals to create value.
These include the nervous system, the sensory system, the musculoskeletal system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the reproductive system and the immune system.
Of these, the organ systems that are well developed in animals, such as the nervous system, the sensory system, and the musculoskeletal system, are called animal functional systems, and the other organ systems are called plant organ systems.

Tanaka (Kimura) Fukuko "Physiology Animal Functions" Kodansha, 2016

Like the article I wrote before, this writer probably doesn't read back what she wrote.

By the way, there is an opinion that this classification of animal function and plant function is not strict.

Animal functions can be grouped together as functions related to irritability. However, for example, although digestion by the gastrointestinal tract is unique to animals, it is called a plant function, but if we consider only the movement of the wall of the gastrointestinal tract, it must be called an animal function by smooth muscle. is a crude and archaic idiom that is unthinkable.

Encyclopedia Britannica International Subsection Encyclopedia

The January 2021 issue of Modern Thought, which I mentioned earlier, is even more severe.

In modern European medicine in the first half of the 19th century, various functions of animals were divided into organ-related life phenomena and animal-related life phenomena.
Organ-related life phenomena are called vegetative functions because they do not involve will or consciousness and are relatively independent of cerebral control (omitted).
The term "vegetative nervous system" was once used for this nervous system, but today it has been superseded by the term "autonomic nervous system".
The term vegetative state is derived from the fact that the function of this vegetative nervous system (autonomic nervous system) is relatively preserved.
However, to begin with, it is arbitrary to divide the various functions of animals into vegetative and animalistic, and there is no scientific basis for analogizing the autonomic nervous system and the ecology of plants.

Akinobu Kuroda, “Listening to the Silent Voice of Otherness,” Contemporary Thought, January 2021 issue

All of these books are in the city library, so I didn't have to buy them. When "that disease" was prevalent, I may not have been able to afford it. I don't have a salary income now, so I hardly buy books these days. If there is a book I want to read, I try to find it in the library first.

But first, I'm going to put away the paper books I haven't read. There are many e-books that I haven't read, but they don't take up space, so I put them on the back burner.
