

And the living is easy
Fish are jumping
And the cotton is high"


It was summertime, and the living was easy for the Red Sox because Marty Rabb was throwing the ball past the New York Yankees in a style to which he’d become accustomed.

Robert B.Parker,"Mortal Stakes" (The Spenser Series)
日本語翻訳題名は、『失投』菊池光 訳 早川書房, 1985




気を入れて野球を見るのに、フェンウェイ・パークに優る球場はない。スタンドがグラウンド に近いし、フェンスは希望を抱かせる緑色、白のユニフォームの若者たちは本物の、正真正銘、 天然の芝の上でプレイをしている。

ここで言及されている、テキサス州ヒューストンのアストロドームは、2008年に老朽化のため閉鎖されたそうです。ここは、1977年の映画『がんばれ!ベアーズ 特訓中』("The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training")でも使われました。私は、ドームの中で花火を上げるシーンを覚えています。このまま読み続けたくなりますが、本題に行きましょう。

今日の東京地方の予報は35度となっています。気象庁の過去の気象データ検索によると、1964年8月の、東京の気温は、平均27.8度 最高32.2度 最低24.3度でした。また、前のオリンピックが行われた、1964年10月の東京の気温は、平均15.9度 最高19.6度 最低12.6度でした。


1964年という時代がよかった、というわけではありません " the living was uneasy."


『あの病気』とは、変異株が出続ける限り、戦いが続くのでしょう。" the living is uneasy."

「人生は順応が大事だ」("Life is adjustment.")。野球場でマスクをつけずに、ビールが飲めるのは、来年になるか、再来年になるか。

A song "Summertime" is an aria from the 1935 opera Porgy and Bess, with music by George Gershwin and lyrics by DuBose Hayward.

It was summertime, and the living was easy for the Red Sox because Marty Rabb was throwing the ball past the New York Yankees in a style to which he’d become accustomed.

Robert B.Parker, "Mortal Stakes" (The Spenser Series)
Japanese translation by Hikaru Kikuchi, Hayakawa Shobo, 1985.

It's August from today. The room temperature was 29 degrees Celsius, so I pushed the switch of the air conditioner.
According to wikipedia, there are at least 2600 covers of the song Summertime.

The next sentence I mentioned was the beginning of a hard-boiled novel.
It's a classical allusion. I'm sure the Americans who read this would have grinned. 

The novel continues as follows.

I was there. In the skyview seats, drinking Miller High Life from a big paper cup, eating peanuts and having a very nice time. I wasn’t supposed to be having a nice time. I was supposed to be working. But now and then you can do both. For serious looking at baseball there are few places better than Fenway Park. The stands are close to the playing field, the fences are a hopeful green and the young men in their white uniforms are working on real grass, the authentic natural article; under the actual sky in the temperature as it really is. No Tartan Turf. No Astrodome. No air conditioning. Not too many pennants over the years, but no Texans either. Life is adjustment. And I loved the beer.

The Astrodome in Houston, Texas, which is mentioned here, was closed in 2008 due to aging. This was the site of the 1977 movie "The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training". I remember the scene with the fireworks going off inside the dome. I'm tempted to keep reading, but let's get to the point.

The forecast for the Tokyo area today is 35 degrees Celsius. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency's historical data search, the temperature in Tokyo in August 1964 was an average of 27.8 degrees, a maximum of 32.2 degrees, and a minimum of 24.3 degrees. The temperature in Tokyo in October 1964, when the previous Olympics were held, was an average of 15.9 degrees Celsius, a maximum of 19.6 degrees Celsius and a minimum of 12.6 degrees Celsius.

It is clear which temperature is more desirable for Olympic athletes.

This is not to say that 1964 was a good year.
More than 10,000 people a year were dying in traffic accidents.
It was the era of the four major pollution incidents (Minamata disease, Niigata Minamata disease, Itai-itai disease, and Yokkaichi asthma).
Although there was no "that disease", hundreds of cases of Japanese encephalitis were reported every year.
There were many mosquitoes in my house, so mosquito nets and mosquito coils were a necessity.

According to wikipedia, Japanese encephalitis has been around for a long time, and there was an infected person in Japan in 2015. Vaccines have been available for a long time, but they have not been able to "beat it," as that unscientific prime minister put it. The only one that has been eradicated is smallpox.

As long as mutant strains continue to appear, the battle against "that disease" will continue.

"Life is adjustment". I wonder if it will be next year or the year after that I will be able to drink beer in a baseball stadium without wearing a mask.
