












しかし、ある日は19時頃、菅氏が会見を始めた途端、60分間、彼の与太話を垂れ流して、ニュースを後回しにしている。なぜNHKがそれを許したのかの理由の説明もない。鈴木祐司氏が「NHKニュースの露出過多で増幅 コロナ・五輪で菅発言の空疎感」というタイトルで書かれた記事の通りである。ニュースを菅氏がハイジャックした、あるいはNHKの上層部が忖度した、といってもいい。




About NHK 7pm news (News 7)

NHK's 7:00 p.m. news is not really news at all. I felt this strongly last night (July 24), so I'm writing this as a protest. The reason for this is as follows.

When reporting on a murder case, they use computer graphics to recreate the crime scene and describe the suspect's (suspect's) movement line by guessing. They also often show a photo of a maniacal-looking face. Is it really necessary to go that far when there is no one currently wanted? There may not be as many houses where everyone eats dinner at 7 o'clock while watching TV as before. However, since I come home and eat dinner at this time of the day, I feel sick when I see these scenes. I don't need unnecessary and harmful information on NHK's 7 o'clock news at night.

The graphics on the weather forecast change frequently, which may be a blessing in disguise for NHK's graphic designers, but I wish they would be more conservative with the weather forecast. Every time the design changes, the location and timing of the necessary information changes. I don't look at weather forecasting as a video game.

After the regular news, they suddenly jump to sports topics with a loud fanfare. Do you really want to distract the viewers that much?

Also, they don't finish the sentence.  They cut off the words in the middle, such as "...then..." or "...ha..." without predicates, and connect the rest with the screen or the interview results. I felt like I was trapped waiting for the next word. Maybe BS News does not do that, but why? I wish they would use correct Japanese.

The video of the July 3 mudslide in Atami was repeatedly dribbled out the entire time the announcer and reporter (or expert) were talking. Isn't this an act of rubbing salt in the wound for the local victims?

Another day, after reporting on the terrible situation expected after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the news switched to Fujii, the Japanese chess player, without a pause. Are you trying to destroy my mind? What was the person in charge of the day's news thinking? The 7:00 p.m. news used to be handled by one announcer all the time, but lately two or three of them are wasting precious time talking about something else. That kind of time should be used for silence for a while between the news, to take time to change the mind. Of course, the order of the news should also be taken into consideration.

On Saturday, July 24, the 7 o'clock news was slow to start because of the priority given to the Olympic judo matches, and as I was getting frustrated, I heard a message saying that the news would start at 7:13.  After a stupidly polite control screen telling me to watch the judo matches on a sub-channel, the news finally started. However, at the top of the news, there was a replay of the final match that had just ended and an interview with the player. When I thought the news would finally start after that, the judo match that was supposed to go to a sub-channel came back on. I finally gave up watching the news. Is this what public broadcasting is all about? Is the value of a judo match more important than the status of the infection of "that disease"? To make matters worse, NHK suddenly started interviewing a Japanese female athlete who was crying after losing in the final match right after the match. Doesn't this person have a sense of compassion, or humanity? Isn't this bullying?

One more thing, and this is not limited to the 7 o'clock news, NHK uses the Japanese calendar such as Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa. But when they say, for example, Showa 20, how can you tell immediately how many years ago that was?  Is it only those who understand the Japanese calendar who pay the subscription fee? NHK occasionally uses the Western calendar in their BS news broadcasts, which I think is much better.

The NHK website has this to say.

"It is only through subscription fees, which are neither tax nor advertising revenue and are borne fairly by everyone, that we are able to fulfill our role as a public broadcaster without being influenced by any particular interests or intentions."

However, on one day, as soon as Kan began his press conference at around 7:00 p.m., he spent the next 60 minutes dribbling out his drivel and putting off the news. There is no explanation as to why NHK allowed it to happen. As Yuji Suzuki wrote in his article titled "NHK news overexposure amplifies Kan's comments on Corona and Olympics. It could be said that Kan hijacked the news, or that the upper management of NHK made a sontaku.

At least when it comes to the 7:00 p.m. news, I can only assume that it is being influenced by a particular intention. It is not worth paying a subscription fee to support.

Having said that, I would like to make a suggestion for NHK, since I will be charged a subscription fee in the end. I would like to see the use of sub-channels for people who want to hear about sports, entertainment, and other cheerful topics. I would like to see important news for the general public, such as the status of infectious diseases, be broadcast on the main channel. Since BS News is run by one announcer, the same should be done.
