
1000日チャレンジ 353日目 シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 3(2)



★『シャーロック・ホームズで学ぶ英文法』(柴田元幸/西村義樹/森田修著;アスク出版;2022年)The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Scene 1(1)


provoke;怒らせる(to cause a particular reaction or have a particular effect)、burst;爆発、trifle;ささいなこと(something that is not valuable or important)、pester;悩まされる(to annoy someone, especially by asking them something many times)、fuse;怒る、fiver;5ポンド、nipper;子供、sovereign;ソヴェルン(1ポンド金貨)、obstinate;意固地な(refusing to change your opinions, way of behaving, etc. when other people try to persuade you to; showing this)、chuckle;静かに笑う(to laugh quietly)、grimly;厳しい顔をして(looking or sounding very serious)、ledger;台帳(a book in which a bank, a business, etc. records the money it has paid and received)

(with) arms akimbo;両手を腰に当て肘を外側に張って(with your hands on your hips and your elbows pointing away from your body)
drive at;~を言おうとしている(the thing someone is really trying to say)
It's nothing of the kind.;とんでもない(used to emphasize that the situation is very different from what has been said)

