How to connect Canon MG3650 Printer to Wi-Fi?
Are you having a Canon MG3650 printer, and you are facing a massive problem of unable to connect it to Wi-Fi? If you said yes, then do follow this article till the end, as here we are going to talk about every possible way with the help of which we would be able to connect Canon MG3650 Printer to Wi-Fi network.
How to connect Canon MG3650 Printer to Wi-Fi?
Here is the list of ways with the help of which you would be able to connect a Canon MG3650 Printer to WI-Fi, let us have a look at those ways one by one-
WPS Method-
The first method in the list if WPS connectivity method with the help of which you can connect your Canon printer to Wi-Fi, but before heading with this method there are some points needs to be taken care of, and those are-
Your router should have a physical push button.
The network should be secured with WPA or WPA2 security only.
Here is the list of steps you need to follow to connect your MG3650 Printer to your Wi-Fi network.
1- Firstly you need to make sure that your Printer is ON, and with the help of the push button, you can press it whenever required.
2- In the next step, you need to press and hold the Wi-Fi button present on your Canon MG3650 printer.
3-Next, you need to click on the black button and Wi-Fi button and make sure the blue light of your Wi-Fi router is turned on.
4-Whenever the blue light is blinking, this means the network is in searching mode. Once both the blue and green lights are constant, then this states that your Canon printer and Wi-Fi are connected.
Standard Connection Method-
1- Here is the second way with the help of which you would be able to connect your Canon MG3650 printer to the Wi-Fi network. Moreover, this method is used when the router does not have a WPS button physically available ..
2- In the first step, you need to open , from where you have to click on the Start Setup option.
3-Once you click on the button, then you would be able to notice that the software will start Information Regarding Your Gathering Printer Driver'S, And A Downloading Process Will Start Soon.
4- In The Next Step, You Need To Select The Region And Nation And Click On Next.
5- Click On The License Agreement And Make It As You Agree To The Agreement Whole.
6- Click Next, And You Would Be Able To Notice An Installation Wizard Will Open, And The Requested Wizard Will Start Installing Within A Few Seconds.
7- Next, You Have To Select A WLAN Connection And Move To The Next Step ..
8-Make sure your Printer is turned On and click next. Right after this step, your printer software will start connecting to your wireless network.
9- From all the available networks, you need to click on the network you wanted to connect your Printer to.
10- Right after selecting the wireless network, you would notice an installation guide and hence follow all the instructions.
11- That's it.
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