
The sale of free housing by foreigners fell 3.2% in the first half

The purchase and sale of free housing by foreigners decreased by 3.2% in the interannual rate in the first half, with 51,720 operations, after seven and a half years of uninterrupted growth, according to the Notarized Statistical Information Center.
Likewise, the operations carried out by foreign buyers represented 18.6% of the total number of home sales made in the period.
By type of residence, 41% of foreigners' sales transactions were carried out by non-resident foreigners , which represents a decrease of 9.7% in the interannual rate. Resident foreigners accounted for the remaining 59%, which translates into an increase in segment operations of 1.9% year-on-year.
Regarding the autonomous communities, 11 experienced increases and six, falls. The greatest decreases were registered in the Canary Islands archipelagos, with a decrease of 20.1%; and the Balearic Islands, with 13.7% less. Aragon and Madrid also experienced decreases of 5.8% and 8.1%, respectively.
On the other hand, the Cantabrian cornice registered a good performance with increases in Cantabria and Asturias of 47.6% and 41.1%, respectively. At the same time, Galicia, Navarra and the Basque Country increased by 17.1%, 9.1% and 1.7%, respectively.
Price increase by 2.5%
Regarding the behavior of the average price per square meter , it registered a growth of 2.5% year-on-year, mainly for non-residents, with increases of 5.8% compared to 1.3% of residents.
By communities, prices rose in Cantabria by 17.2% and fell in Extremadura, Asturias, La Rioja and Aragón, with falls of 22.8%, 17.4%, 13% and 12%, respectively.
Thus, the average price per square meter for foreigners continued to register "strong" differences by autonomous community . During the first semester, the Balearic Islands (3,053 euros), Madrid (2,354 euros), Catalonia (2,042 euros), the Basque Country (1,927 euros) and the Canary Islands (1,858 euros) were above the national average (1,728 euros).
Sky marketing offers pleasant space motivated housings and a dynamic social scene at splendid areas like Park view city .
Five autonomies (Andalusia, Valencian Community, Cantabria, Murcia and Navarra) were located between 1,000 euros per square meter and below the 1,000 euros per square meter, the remaining seven, with Extremadura again in the queue (555 euros).
Regarding the nationalities of the buyers , the British continue to lead the classification with 12.9%. Also notable are the rise of 21.4% of buyers from Morocco, 13.7% of Argentines and 11.3% of Americans. In contrast, the Portuguese registered decreases of 8.6%, the Irish 7.3% and the tft cheat sheet 1.3%.

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