Ingress: Overclock
GDC 2023 | Game Spotlight: Ingress | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22
におけるMichael Romero(engineering director on Ingress)の講演の内容です。
動画: (21分03秒)
IngressのエンジニアリングディレクターであるMichael RomeroによるLightship VPSについての講演でIngressに組み込まれている、また、これから組み込もうとしている機能について語っています。
誤訳指摘、コメント等は Twitter: @sina_ht まで。
Lightship map。Nianticのゲームで共通して使われている地図のことです。Open Street Mapをベースとし、使いやすいように提供されるのが特徴。
VPS(visual positioning system)。筆者の理解では、PoIに局所的な座標をいれることができるものだと思っています。ポータルを中心に3Dメッシュができるイメージです。空間上の位置がポータルに相対的な位置としてセンチメートル単位でわかるらしいです。PoIに対してそれを可能にするくらい画像を集めて解析しデータを作成することを「局所化(localize)」と呼んでいます。このメッシュ上に仮想オブジェクトを配置することも可能だそうです。
Niantic coffee houseの2日目に来てくれてありがとうございます。
今はあまり人がいないですが、昨日は多くの人が来てくれたので、今日もそうなると思います。本日最初はIngressエンジニアリングディレクターのMike Romeroが登壇します。Ingressについて話します。それではどうぞ。
Michael Romero:
私はMike Romeroです。
PoIについて実際の位置が重要なように、PoI間の関係が重要になります。IngressはPoIで起こる戦いです。そのことがどのようにNiantic VPSと関連しているかを後でお話します。
(訳注: PoI: point of interest。興味を持てる場所(と、そこについての情報)を指します。訳語がいまいち思いつかないのでこう書きます。もちろんIngressではポータルのことです)
このように特定のPoIが大事なのですが、あまり知られていないこととして、Pokémon Goが始まった時、ポケストップやジムは全てIngressのプレイヤーによって提供されたポータルの情報を使っており、Nianticの小さくも力強い核となっています。
今はIngressもPokémon GoもLightshipで作られています。みなさんの製品もそうなってほしいです。
(訳注: フィールドを作るとフィールド下にいる人間の精神に影響を与えることになっており、マインドユニット(MUs)は影響を受けた人数に比例するよう人口密度と面積から決められています)
(訳注: VPS = visual positioning system)
まずLightship mapを使っています。これはもうすぐみなさんにもお使いいただけます。
まずはLightship mapです。ズームレベルの異なるマップタイルを受け取ることができます。
Ingressはダークでミステリアスですが、好きなように明るく変えることもできます。IngressとPokémon Goは同じマップを使い改訂を積み重ねています。このマップがリリースされ、みなさんにもご利用いただけます。
Ingressのゲームに登場する輝く点々(XM)が見えますが、その下のレイヤがマップです。このマップはとても詳細でOpen Street Mapを使い全世界をカバーしています。
Open Street Mapに何かを付け加えるわけではありません。変更したいとも思っていません。Lightship mapはマップデータを使いやすいようパッケージにしてダウンロード可能にし、描画するのに使えてとても便利です。ゲームに合うよう見た目も簡単に変えられます。定期的に更新もされます。
これらが同じマップを使ってIngressとは異なる描画を行った例です。ダークでミステリアスなものはありません。NBA All World、Pikmin Bloom、Pokémon Goです。
Ingressでは道路と水(川や湖)しか描画していません。Pokémon Goでは公園も描画しています。ゲームをするにあたって、とても重要なのです。Ingressでは公園はいかにも楽しげで、もっとダークでミステリアスな感じにしたかったので当初は水さえ描画していませんでした。ところが私たちのアートディレクターは水も描画すべきだと言いました。もし湖のそばに住んでいてマップを見て湖が表示されていなかったとしたら、現実世界と紐づいている没入体験が台無しになってしまいます。アートディレクターの主張はもっともでした。
単にマップタイルと呼んでいましたがLightship mapとしてリリースします。この後のこのことについての講演もあります。次にいきましょう。3つお話しすると言いました。Lightship map、ARスキャン、VPSです。
では2番目の話、ARスキャンフレームワークの話をします。基本的にはLightship mapを構成するための画像を私たちのサーバに送る仕組みです。
IngressとPokémon Goでスキャンすることが可能です。いずれもPoIをスキャンし、その画像がサーバへ送られ次にお話しするVPSの作成に使われます。
Scaniverseを使ってスキャンすることもできますし、まだ公開されていませんがWayfarerアプリでも出来ます。Lightship 関係者と話をしてみてください。おそらく、みなさんのVPS開発のためにプライベートスキャンができるようにしてくれるでしょう。みなさんはVPSを使った開発を始められるのです。
同一のPoIがプレイヤ総計で7回スキャンされアップロードされると、バトルすることができるゲーム内オブジェクトが投入されます(訳注: レアバトルビーコンのこと。正確にはサイクルが切り替わるときにデプロイされる)。それでプレイヤたちは楽しむことができます。13回スキャンするとフラッカーと呼ばれるアイテムが即時に投入され、そのPoI(ポータル)から得られるアイテムが2倍になり、リアルイベントの前のアイテム準備などに役立ちます。フラッカーは有料アイテムで購入することも可能ですがスキャンをして得ることもできます。とてもありがたいものなのです。
Ingressのプレイヤにスキャンをしてもらい始めて3年になります。Pokémon Goのプレイヤはもう少し後になってからですがプレイヤ数も多いです。そうしてVPSマップを作成しました。そのVPSマップは開発者のみなさんにもご利用いただけます。
(訳注: このあたりは動画を観る必要がある)
また、このVPSがPoIをPokemon Goのポケストップにしたように、VPSが役に立つことを証明してみなさんのお役に立ちたいのです。世界中にVPSポータルができてきて、より詳細がわかるようになると思います。
Niantic staff:
Hey thanks for coming to, uh, the day two of the Niantic, uh, coffee house.
Uh, we have a lot of great programming for you today.
There's not a lot of people here at the moment, but yesterday we got pretty packed so I'm sure that'll happen. So, uh, starting off our day here we have, uh, Mike Romero who's our engineering director on Ingress. He's going to give us a talk about Ingress, right away.
Michael Romero:
Hello, good morning everyone.
Thank you.
Okay, so we're ready, we're ready to talk about Ingress now.
Okay, so I'm Mike Romero.
I'm the engineering director on Ingress and I've worked at Niantic for a long time now.
So since the spin out from Google and, uh, so I've seen a lot there including the growth of Lightship.
And, uh, so today I'm going to be talking about how Niantic intersects with Lightship, um, and I've worked on Ingress for a long time,
also I worked on it three distinct times, the most recent I started as an engineering manager in 2021 and, uh, the first time I started working on Ingress when we were still inside of Google and we were this little like Skunk Works project there, um, yes, I've been a developer for a long time now, uh, now Ingress and, uh.
But I'm here today because I'm also a Lightship developer like, uh, hopefully like you all are, and if not soon you will be and, uh, so I'm going to be showing what, uh, sort of how Ingress connects with Lightship, um.
But first I want to talk about what is Ingress right just to give you some context.
It's, uh, you know, we've been here for 10 years, but it's a niche game, you know, we're small but mighty, um, we're Niantic's original location-based game, oh, I should probably keep my head in one place all right.
We're Niantic original location-based game and, uh, we, uh, we started when it was a startup within Google.
Niantic was a startup within Google and it's 10 years old now, um.
And a big part of Ingress is these live events and let me define that, so a live event is when players gather in a city and they play Ingress for about four hours and then they have a big party afterwards.
We also do those global live Ops where it's virtual in the whole world but a special thing about Ingress is we bring people together in the real world and location-based.
I want to say that the points that people play on the way they compete. It matters like the location of this point of interest matters, the relationships of them to each other matters and Ingress is really a battle of these points of interest and we'll see later how that really connects with Niantic VPS.
Okay, so Ingress is about territory control in the real world and there's only two teams and the player can control the location only if they're physically there.
They have to be actually there and to destroy another player's control they also have to go back to that location.
So it's about these specific points of interest and a little known fact about Ingress is that, the, uh, when Pokemon Go launched all the Pokestops and all the Gyms were Ingress Portals that had been submitted by Ingress players and, and that's where it all came from where the small but mighty heart inside Niantic.
Um, yeah, and then now we are built on using Lightship just like Pokemon Go and, uh, and hopefully your work.
So with all that global coordination people working, you know, across, uh, across the world and coordinating making these big fields on Ingress.
It's really played on the streets like one location at a time, um, okay, we're a game developer conference, so let me just say the game loop the main game blue fingers, okay, so we you visit an Ingress Portal, you destroy the other team's resonators, you put your resonators on there, and then, you link the Portal to another Portal, and you form a triangle.
This triangle is a Control Field and you score points for all the captured Mind Units under it.
That's clear, right? So okay let's move on to Lightship.
So the other important thing actually before we get to Lightship, the other important thing is about Glyph hacking.
So another really important part of Ingress is that we have the Shaper language of Glyphs.
So these are coming through the Portals from some other dimension. We don't know where they're coming from but it seems like it's intelligent on the other side.
It's kind of like conflicting, maybe confusing, but it's an important part, um, and the last one on that slide says create new Portal potential and that is what we're doing with, uh, with VPS.
And I'm going to be getting to that so what Ingress is doing right now with Lightship are three things so we're, we have Lightship maps in there which are going to be available to you soon.
We have the AR scanning framework.
We have an earlier iteration of it.
The new one that's coming out when it's publicly released we'll move to that and we're now building a VPS feature which is, uh, it's not live yet but it's coming and we're working on it.
I'm going to give you a little sneak peek of it today.
So we're going to go through each of these one at a time and, uh, yeah, let's just do it.
So let's see Lightship maps first and, uh, here I'm just going to arrange my notes a little bit so I can see the screen, okay.
So Lightship maps are coming soon to Lightship and what they do is they flexibly serve map tiles of varying zoom levels and, um, so Ingress ones are really dark and mysterious, but you could do them however you want you could make them bright and light and I'll show some other examples in a couple of slides of what other games have done with this, and these are the same maps that Ingress and Pokemon Go have been using, you know, all the time they've had many iterations.
They've gotten a lot better and more performant but now it's being released to all of you that you're going to be able to use these same maps.
Um, yeah, so these are the street maps up there the bright points or Ingress game objects but the layer below is the map and, uh, these maps are really detailed and they cover the whole world and that's because they're built on Open Street Maps.
And, uh, so it's nothing extra to Open Street Maps and it doesn't like to change their data at all. It just packages it up and makes it easy for you to download and render it which is super useful,
and then it's also really easy to change what it looks like and to be able to make it be, you know, to fit your game also, um.
And it's updated periodically and every time they update it it's a new epic.
And so here's some of the other games that have used these very same Lightship maps, but, uh, rendering completely differently than Ingress, right.
These are not dark and mysterious games here. It's NBA All World. It's Pikmin Bloom and it's, uh, Pokemon Go.
Yeah. Yeah, and it comes with the sample, sample renderers and so you get to configure it however you want to be able to, you know, make your roads right, but you can also just rewrite those builders too and just you know you're like, “Oh I want to optimize it my special way” you can, you can do that too so it's really powerful and, uh, and we're really happy with it and there's a lot of different, uh.
In Ingress the only thing we really do is roads and water so we experimented with parks and, you know, Pokemon Go shows parks in there. It's really important to their gameplay. For Ingress, parks are like too happy we want it to be more like dark and mysterious, um, and then so we didn't even do water at first and so because we were like, ah, you know, dark and mysterious but then we added it with our art director was like we have to add water and he was right because, you know, if you, you live next to the lake and you look at a map and it doesn't have the lake it just he's like it breaks the immersion you're not connected to your own place anymore.
So, yeah, so, that's the, um, I almost called them map tiles that was the original, uh, name we had, they're Lightship maps, uh, very powerful and they're coming. I think, yeah, well, there's a talk later today and they're gonna say, uh, when they're coming and then, uh.
So then the next step, so there's three things, right, so there's the Lightship maps, the AR scanning framework and VPS.
So this is the second one, the AR scanning framework, so AR scanning, um, so it's basically a way to send a bunch of images up to, uh, up to our server so we can build the Lightship map of the world.
Um, I mean you can also scan just for meshing locally, but the real port… the real reason we're using the AR scanning framework is to help build the VPS map of the world.
Um, but you can't just tell your players, “hey! go do this work for me,” right? You're like, it has to also be fun, it has to be connected to the game, but the important part for it is that it we're building towards the VPS map of the world.
So you can scan with Ingress right now and, uh, you can scan with Pokemon Go. So both of those you can scan a point of interest and then, the, it, it sends that series of images up to our servers who create the, uh, the VPS which I'll get to in the third part.
You can also use Scaniverse to do your scanning and, uh, and the Wayfarer app, uh, which I guess is not publicly available yet, but, you know, if you talk to one of your Lightship folks maybe they can set you up, and, uh, and that also lets you do private scans for your VPS development so anyone here who's going to start working on a VPS feature in Lightship.
You are going to find yourself using Wayfarer to do a private scan, so you can, so you can develop like in your office, so you don't have to go out to the park every single time you wanna try it on a phone… um… yeah, and then, uh.
So Ingress scanning. We have a few different ways, so we started with that, uh, the point cloud actually I'm not even sure which one is, is first now was first but we've done these two different ways of scanning, and so for us the key was that you want to make sure that the player sees that they're, they're making progress.
So we had a problem where people were sort of too far away when they were scanning like from their car in the street and, uh, so we the meshing really made it so you knew you had to get closer that, you know, it would just mesh on the inside of your car, um, so that was a really important thing because the goal is to build a VPS map of the world, and to make sure it wasn't just about work, you know.
We also have rewards so Ingress players love their badges so there is a badge tick on it, but it's also like physical things in front of you that you get, so it looks cool to scan, you know, you're building this map.
But you also once up and it's community rewards so once a point of interest has at least seven scans then we'll put this, uh, a game object on it that gives a battle and rewards it's really fun and then when there's 13 we just immediately put a game object called a Fracker that, uh, that gives double rewards for everybody and, uh, and so before our live events when people are farming and getting gear.
They want to put this Fracker on and, you know. you could buy a Fracker, or you can do a bunch of scans, and so that's, that's pretty helpful too and then, uh, you know, once it's activated it's a VPS Portal that unlocks gameplay.
Our players don't know it yet but that's coming soon, um, yeah, which brings us to why are we scanning wayspots and now I probably said it enough that you know we're trying to build the VPS map of the world and, uh, so scanning makes VPS locations possible so these players have been scanning.
Ingress player has been scanning for three years now and, uh, and Pokemon Go players have been scanning a little less time than that but there's a lot more of them and, uh, and we like we scan so that we can have this VPS feature and, uh, and so that you all like chip developers can use VPS and, uh.
But why, why do we want VPS, right? So VPS is pretty powerful. It's magic. It, that… It connects the local location to planet location like once you localize a phone against a VPS enabled Portal you know where that phone is in its position and orientation to centimeter scale relative to the whole planet like that's really amazing.
And, uh, you know, it's sort of… it's a new tool that we have and we're all just starting to explore it and Ingress is also starting to explore what can we do with it and yeah.
I mean someone in this room is going to think of something really amazing and there's a lot of really, you know, awesome possibilities. It's like whenever we have a new toy like when the Wiimote came out. We're all like “what can we do?”, so this is way more powerful than the Wiimote and so a lot of good things are going to happen and, uh, yeah.
So another big part which Ingress is not doing yet we're gonna do. The second thing is that having a VPS map and localizing to the VPS map means you could persist objects in the world, you know, forever like, uh, other people come and they can see the same object in the same place and, you know, even as time goes by and, uh, so that's also really a lot of interesting gameplay that you can precisely place an object in your game board which is the world and then it'll still be there until you move it or destroy it or remove it.
So that's, uh, that's pretty exciting.
And we're bringing it to Ingress so, so we, we talk about closing the loop that we ask these players to scan to build a VPS map of the Portal and you know Ingress players are awesome and they did it, but they're like and why are we doing this again so we're doing it to make the VPS map of the world and so we want to now give them that fun experience.
We want to give them, the, the fun thing and so our first step is, uh, “Overclock” that I'm going to get to the next slide and that Glyph. There is “unbounded”, so I don't know. I just thought that was appropriate for here. We really want to be unbounded in, our, our uses.
So the “Overclock” feature is, um, it's a new method of hacking resources for Ingress Portals and it builds on Ingress Glyphing that I talked about before and, uh, you know, this is, um, right that's, uh, so that's, you know, the old Glyphing on the right and then there's gonna be a new way which I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here because I want to save that surprise for, uh, for the team we launch it to our players, but basically you're gonna be in the real world and it's gonna have something to do with Glyphing, but we're gonna using VPS.
We can place things precisely and it'll be the same for everyone who comes back to that same location, um, and so what we want to do we just want to have something that's fun for our players and but we also want to really prove this VPS so just like we did the, uh, all the points of interest that became the Pokestops in Pokemon Go we want to help all of you all by sort of proving out that this works and, you know, there's some details as we go live in, in all the the whole world worth of VPS Portals.
Some of the early experiences now are more bespoke experiences where you're saying at this one VPS, you know, a location I'm going to set up an environment and make things work and that's wonderful and that's really the accessible way to do it, but Ingress wants to push it so we're like well what if we did it on every single Portal on the whole planet, so you can't do anything, um, you know, specific for it you have to make sure you can always adapt and, uh, you know, yeah, so maybe next year we're going to be talking about using generative Al to place objects in there but that's getting ahead of myself.
So, yeah, we want to make sure everyone can use this efficiently.
So in our AR feature basically we have to localize to the VPS Portal and that is the key part. That's like, does this work or not, right? Is there enough scans that when I point my phone at the, you know, the amazing server they made can say, “oh, this phone must be exactly here” because I know what it's seeing I know what the images are there and I know and they have to know like the field of view of the camera and you know exactly what the phone is, but then from that they do this calculation where they get centimeter precision and then boom you're locked in right there.
So, but, you know, it has to localize and we don't know how well it's going to work on the whole planet.
So Ingress is going to try to find out for you and, uh, so I'm going to talk a little bit more about localization.
So, we just have all these questions and so we want to launch something to find out, and, like we're wondering, are all the VPS enabled Portals, like, possible for Ingress players to localize.
I mean, they're all theoretically localizable but someone who's, you know, a game player trying to play their game with arbitrary phone, like, and, our, like, sort of short instructions to them, “are they going to be able to localize?”, “are they going to be able to make that connection?”, and so we want to really find that out and if it doesn't work right enough we're gonna just dig in and fix it and figure out how to fix it and if there's something we can't fix on Ingress then we're going to go to Lightship team and say “please help us” and they will.
So it's gonna get there and, uh, and then we're, we know that there's places to stand that make it easier to localize like basically places where, more, the, the pictures came from.
So do we need to do more to help players get to those locations or if it's off a little bit is that enough, I mean, we don't know and we're gonna find out and, uh, and, then we also don't know how real world conditions will affect it that much, I mean, we've been telling everyone that we need to scan at different times of the day, different times of the year, you know, different conditions.
So, but we don't, like, have hard data like, oh, after a rain it never works or something like that. So we're gonna learn.
And, uh, so, so, sort of there's some things that we've been telling ourselves as we do this, um, because it's, yeah, the, um, we always have to think of our players first, right, you know, I'm saying we want to build a VPS map of the world.
We want to help Lightship developers and that's all true but the number one thing has to be our players or else like what's the point and, uh.
So everything you do out in the real world when you're out on the streets just keep it quick, keep it quick, keep it quick.
Even the simplest thing is hard if you're on the street and traffic going by and people interacting so just keep it quick and then the other thing is keep it your game like if you put bolted on Tech demo into your game, people are going to see it and, like, “oh, that's cool” and then never play it again and really, you know, retention is one of the most important metrics for us as game developers and that means you're going to play it tomorrow.
So we really want people to keep playing it so it has to be my game. It can't be a tech demo.
And then keep it fun and so this is an important part that we're trying to ask, ask all these questions like will this part work, will that part work, but it has to be fun for players whether it works or not and
it has to be a fun experience right like we're not going to say “try to localize, oh, you localized failed”. We're going to be like try to amplify your connection to the Portal and they're like, oh, that's so you know mediocre amplification or something like that like we're gonna always frame it in our universe and
it's always, you know, the player is doing the right thing even if the system's not working completely, like, it's really, it only works if you always think about your player and,
so for us we want to make sure it's the most fun if it works correctly because really we want to keep the players interests aligned with ours.
If, if we make it so that if it fails you get all the rewards anyway and it's, you know, you're done then everyone's going to fail on purpose.
They're not gonna, they're not gonna try to localize but then if it fails to localize and you get nothing then people are gonna be like “screw this. why am I bothering wasting my time and I don't get anything”.
We want to make sure we keep the players interests aligned with ours and so
that means we want them to try the feature multiple times, and they want it to be as successful as possible, they want to get sort of the experience that we made for them so and this is something that we do generally across Ingress, that we want to make sure our, our interests are always aligned with the players that, um, yeah.
I mean, that's a classic exploit, right? If they're, if their interests are not aligned with yours, um, yeah, and I'm, I also think that you should consider a fun AR experience for when you're not at a VPS enabled Portal, so, um, or point of interest.
So what do you want to give the people? But for Ingress actually we thought about that and we decided not to instead. What we're going to do is we're going to ask them to scan that Portal more to scan it and promote it into being a VPS enabled Portal, um, yeah, and
as a Lightship developer you'll be able to, um, more quickly get points of interest promoted as a VPS enabled Portals and, uh, and that's it. That's my whole talk. I surprised myself at the end there, but okay, um, yeah.