IMCI Group International Ltd - 4 Photos - 2 Reviews - Business ...
The founder of the IMCI Group International Ltd. is Mr Nelson M Peña. The firm first began its operation as a ‘single proprietorship firm’ in 2004 and was known as IMC. In 2010, Mr Nelson Peña launched the firm as IMCI Intl. with skilled professionals in 10 countries with 5 ‘business lines’ and 16 associates. The firm has a total of 51-200 employees / associates. It specializes in the sectors Restructuring, Corporate Finance, Management Consultancy, Coaching and Advisory, Expansion, Funding, Mergers and Acquisitions.
Corporate Finance I M&A I Restructuring I Strategy I Expansion
8, Northumberland Avenue, London, WC2N 5BY - UK
Call: +44 (0) 207 127 0654
Mail: info@imci-group.com
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