
Twitterの使い方 ~Twitter 101 Guide to Twitter lingo(用語)

こんばんは かねがえです。Twitterを説明書読んでから使いたい人向け、超日本語訳です。誤りありましたらご指摘くださいませ。


What’s a Tweet?
There wouldn’t be a Twitter without Tweets. Tweets are the messages posted to Twitter that make up the whole Twitter experience. They can contain text, photos, videos, or links, and are made to be shared and interacted with.

1. Tweet:Twitterに投稿されるメッセージ。


Say it again with a Retweet.See a Tweet in your timeline that you love and want to show everyone who’s following* you? Just tap that Retweet button! *Following someone on Twitter means subscribing to their Tweets.

2. ReTweet:自分をフォローしてくれている人に見せる。


Tweets can include hashtags — a keyword or phrase (without spaces) with the “#” symbol before it. Hashtags connect conversations and help you find content. They bring people together around a topic, inspire the world, and create community. #fact Tap a hashtag to see other Tweets using the same one.

3. ハッシュタグ:"#”をつけたキーワード


The iconic @
Have you seen the “@” symbol popping up on Twitter? Learn what it means here.
Getting a handle on names
Your username (more commonly known as a handle) begins with an “@” symbol. It’s unique to you and appears on your profile page.
Example: @TwitterSupport
Note: Your display name — referred to as “name” — is a personal identifier on Twitter and is separate from your username. It can be something playful, a business name, or a real name. It’s displayed next to your username and can be changed anytime.
Find and tag people with @
Use @ to call out usernames in Tweets (mentions), to send messages, or to link out to a profile.
When you use mentions, you tag accounts in a Tweet to bring others into the conversation. Add the “@” symbol followed by a username in a Tweet and whoever you tag will get a notification.

4. @+username


