
Tragedy in Middle East

The earthquake in Turkey and Syria news from guardian magazin.Victims are increasing more than 7200 so far.I pray being safer the people of that area.

When I was watching Al jazeela,broadcaster often said a word”tragedy”. Though,I was wondering why is this word choosen while the situation is not a war but a disaster.

What I want say here is I misunderstood the word “tragedy” as a”tragectory” I noticed this is basic vocaburaric mistake for me.

Tragedy means catastorophy situation caused by natural disaster or serious crime.On the other hand,tragectory is the path followed by projectile for example of a missaile or an aricraft.By the way,”travesty”is a similar word but this is the what we call fake product.

Watching an news,sometimes like this discomfort happens.Then it makes me search the word's difinition again and again.Good lesson to me.

