I am "Impactful White Dogg". Throwback to my juvenile memory with Shutokou Battle.
Coincidentally or inevitably, I did flashback for my memory when I bumped into some videos from YouTube. Besides, I found on the explanations that the character as rivals whom I created in the moment of junior high school student was introduced as "Trauma for everyone" about 20 years after.
On the video above that contained the explanations of interesting and impressive rivals, BBB(びびび/BBB)-san thankfully did introduce my character "Impactful White Dogg" appeared in Shutokou Battle whom I created the original script of profile and sent it to Genki Cooperation. It is so appreciative for him to remind me of that, but it is also very amazing for me to lately identify that my unintendedly created character unofficially had unique name as "Trauma for everybody" by many players after 20 years.
So, I wanna broach the full episode about how to be born of "Impactful White Dogg" as "Trauma for everybody" who is driving
" Toyota Yaris which has impossibly been equipped with Inline 6 twin turbo power unit and let it be so demonically speedy, which inflicted lots of players on the game"
from the realm of my memory available in the brain,. The actual aforementioned profile of White Dogg from games was linked below, thanks to "Rivals"-san to upload them sincerely.
— Rivals (@Rival_List) October 30, 2017
名古屋を走るワンダラー。L.A.のレースで名を上げ日本に戻るが知名度は少ない。彼のマシンはヴィッツだが300kmをゆうに超える。舐めてかかって負けたドライバーも少なくはないはず.. pic.twitter.com/K7YxMueFC6
①How to create "Impactful White Dogg"
Genki cooperation, which formerly and regularly released Shutokou Battle series as their mainly blockbuster titles, positively promoted their products and the company themselves on Internet to launch the bulletin boards(BBS) similar to SNS which provides the lingual communication among the users and sometime with the staffs, in advance of other major game makers. Because of the lots of requests from the users in BBS, Genki officially announced they were going to hold the customized cars contest after the several days or months from release date of Shutokou Battle Zero. Surprisingly, the surprising premium for the all participants is
"You can become the rivals as casts in the next product"
That is the genuine root of Impactful White Dogg.
Just as the junior high school student in second degree, it was so unrealistic and unimaginable for me to become one of the characters as my avatar whose profile was written by me for the racing game almost eternally existed through the gaming program. Although that was 20 years ago, I am still appreciative of Genki and the staffs who realized the fantastic opportunities for fans so far.
"Impactful White Dogg" was quoted from my past nickname on Internet "Impactful 〇〇years old"(衝撃の〇〇歳). The reason why I picked up the words "White Dogg" was that I was just deeply influenced or remembered the famous hip hop artist Snoop Dogg. Perhaps, the imagination for those words strikes me as cool and dope words although there were no adamant intention of mine. However, I was so embarrassed by the expression from profile like…
"Occupation : Rapper"
"Let's concur the nationwide impactfully"
"A.K.A. Flashy Ninja"
Those juvenile-embarrassing phrases made me so flushed by certainly unrealistic expression and possibly brought some coyly unerasable history of mine, hahaha. Of course, the Japanese name on the profile "Tatsuya Ohkawa" was assertively alias that was no representation of anything, even the family name of that was the same as the boss of Ohkawa enterprise, Mr.Ohkawa who picked the legendary comedian Egashira 2:50, hahaha.
However, the wordage "white" keenly reflected my forthright will and represented the symbolic color from Honda Type R series. I strongly imagined that White Dogg is ex-street racer in U.S. who drives Civic Type R with Championship White which truly represents the era of challenge for Formula 1 especially in 1960's. Of course, I also chose the phrases of "ex-street racer" from the movie "The fast and the furious" which made me so, so crazy.
Nevertheless, I deeply understood the necessity to modulate my character to Japanese street racing scene by the details of the car which featured JDM styles influenced by Japanese tuned car style rather than Sport Compact in U.S. with florescent lights and colorful graphics like movie "the Fast and the Furious".
With my skyrocketing expectations and dreams poured in the profile, I finally handed out the full description of White Dogg to Genki. However, due to some very complicated reasons which the staffs and I could not deal with completely, the character riding monstrous Toyota Vitz was realized impactfully…
②Unpredicted alteration for profile due to the legislatively adamant refusal of Honda
Many fans of the series already knew the fact that there were no vehicles with H symbols from Shutokou Battle 01. Aforementioned gaming product's main theme was the illegal street races that were so dangerous if we committed in reality. Moreover, Honda has the traumatic memories in the past that its tuned-up and racing manufacturer Mugen was investigated by police for the suspect of purveying their parts to illegal racers as "Rolling packs" mainly based in Hanshin Metropolitan Highway in Osaka especially in lately Showa era. Those unwelcomed legal stigmas forced Honda not to permit, or even prohibit to lease the copyrights for any gaming works related to illegal racing themes which features non-attended car in race.
So, it was definitely impossible to see the products with H symbols in Shutokou Battle series. Nonetheless, by adhering to some restrict rules for camouflages, such as concocting some similarly bogus symbols or pseudonyms, most of Japanese motor manufacturers including Honda officially guaranteed to use the external figures of their products even whether the theme is legal or not.
Some fervent fans wanna use the actual products in the game through the aforementioned BBS. Development staffs wanna realize those requests and set to discuss the permission with manufacturers again and again. Unfortunately, those avid volitions from fans and efforts by sincere staffs generated the gaming field without Honda.
Of course, Genki already expected any reservations about Honda. They also told us some important notices that they could not guaranteed some requests about rivals due to some inevitable reasons. Some uncanny rumors about Honda floated among the users, but the rumors were apparently true. Could I realize to generate my character on the game without any changes? Unluckily, the anxiety was finally in reality.
③Monstrous Toyota Yaris finally showed down in front of us.
As many users predicted utterly, Honda did not authorized to use their product license for Genki in Shutokou Battle 01. That meant it was definitely impossible that my character could not appear in games with Honda Civic Type R.
Thus, those means my core of profile was completely whited out.
What happened to my character? My whole expectations turned into downfallen reservations. Nevertheless, I also hoped for staffs to alternate the scripts more attractively than original one. After the waiting moment, I purchased the game and quested the game day by day, finally I met my character, however…
"What? That's just ordinary Toyota Vitz…"
I was so petrified honestly, yes, I was so vacuous about that. I was funnily disappointed. My character as avatar in game has the ambition that he wanna be the No.1 street racer in Shutokou with Civic Type R. Besides, the mediocre Vitz is unbelievably fleeting…?? No, "Impactful White Dogg" as my idealistic avatar appeared with
"Toyota Vitz which looked so uncharacteristic and tepid."
That's so impactful for me. There was no impressive memory about traumatic rival that was so fast and intractable. Anyway, my character's car was just the ordinary compact one which made me so weirdly disappointed.
Some of my acquaintances or friends on Internet noticed my character expediently "I figured out your character, it's White Dogg" "I recognized you on game" "I knew your disappointment about the profile that was not Honda". Of course, those private responses and conversations did not included the monstrous Vitz as shocking symbol. Thus, about 20 years after, It was so surprising and confusing for me that I accidentally comprehended my tragic character pegged as trauma for everybody.
If some requests about the appearance of the realistic cars were not existed or sent to staffs, "The White some with Civic Type R" would be realized, in addition to the Kansai Civic Squads. Tragically, those avid requests from fans and courteous exhortations by staffs consequently limited or excluded the freedoms of expression in game, although I was so excited but complicated to play the game with actual products.
④Why ordinary Vitz was swapped with inline 6 engine with twin turbo
I lately comprehended the process how to generate the Yaris with the engine from Toyota Supra. Perhaps, development staffs ulteriorly construed my profile that was strongly influenced by the Fast and the Furious. They felt sorry for inevitable change for profile that accidentally generated..
"Toyota Yaris powered by Inline 6 engine without any conspicuous aero dynamics"
That's why the intractable rival was born with the evilly nippy machine hahaha. I didn't know the background of White Dogg's basement was Nagoya although I had not requested. In my book, Nagoya is the basement of Toyota that influenced White Dogg's profile with Yaris, little possibly. Perhaps, it was not a joke White Dogg's home ground is Hanshin Highway as "Rolling squads with compact cars" hahaha.
One more thing, None of the aero parts for Yaris in the game funnily generated monstrous compact without any external equipment. However, seen from me currently and judged from the choices of wheels, it looks so following to JDM whose concept is less aero dynamics like Japanese street cars. I really appreciated to the staffs in charge of my profile.
In fact, there is not alternative for Civic as compact one except Toyota Yaris in the lineup of game. Anyway, it is so accidentally unique for me that my character had impacts for many players by meekly monstrous Yaris scurrying 300KM/h.
Moreover, if Honda finally authorized their license to Genki to realize full of profile for White Dogg, he was just a ordinary rivals without those weird cognization from fans. So unluckily lucky for me to be involved in the rare process which was featured in YouTube and my blog also. Thanks so much for everything.
⑤ Throwback to my juvenile memory with Shutokou Battle
Shutokou Battle made one of my juvenile memories definitely. Those "White Dogg" whole process was just a fragment of remembrances from adolescence with Shutokou Battle. If the game were not exist, I should not have entered Internet when I was 13 years old. If I had not play the game, the junior high school student who was the follower of the Fast and the Furious would not create the avatar as White Dogg who was horribly flabbergasting lots of users lately.
Therefore, when I watched the introductive movie by BBB-san, I marveled so much the situation lots of the users still memorized my character and recollected my past various memorabilia which composed of my article about this.
P.S. Hereunder is the short episodes of "Shutokou Battle 0 Custom Cars Contest". If you have enough time to read that, Thanks so much for leafing through those. Moreover, special thanks to BBB-san to reboot the whole participants' cars meticulously. Besides, he also realized the genuine "Impactful White Dogg with Honda CIvic Type R in Tokyo Metropolitan Highway" that makes me so crying, thanks so so much!!
①Digression 1, How to decide my handle name as "Impactful 〇〇years
The phrase "Impactful" was from the character "Impactful Joe" as leader of the team "Queens Paradise" in Shutokou Battle 0 (unfortunately disappeared in 01) which comprised of the crews who can drive so nimbly but not good at women or who can be good at women but was poor at driving. Although I didn't have certain preference for them, I was so impressed by the phrase of "Impactful" to adapt the part of my handle name.
Impactful 20 years old was the last from "the 13 years old" one. Nowadays, $hougeki is my nickname in Internet who sometimes appears in several SNS as Twitter, Instagram and note. I ran my web site in the past where I had a communication with the contesters whom I lately explained.
⑦Digression 2 Why I chose Honda Accord Euro R despite Civic R
I could not remembered why I chose Accord in contest. Possibly I thought the sedan by Honda was not popular among users despite my preference for it.