My London Life ~Week 88~
久々に何もする予定が無い休日でした。10月は、仕事だけという訳では無いんですが、忙しかったですね。旅行して仕事して出掛けてまた旅行して仕事… みたいな感じで、何かしら予定が毎日入ってるそんな10月でした。とても楽しい月でしたが、流石に正直少し疲れましたね…。だから、今日はゆったりした休日が過ごせて本当良かったです!今日の休日でリファレンス出来たので、また明日から全力で頑張ろうと思います!!


Today was a day off which is nothing any plans for the first time in a while. It was busy this October but not only working. Traveling, working, pleasure, traveling, working… Just like this. There were some plans every day. Although it was so fun for me this October, little bit exhausted honestly so it’s nice to spend a relaxing time today. I refreshed myself with day off!! I’m gonna work hard from tomorrow again.
By the way, I visited the salt flat but this is not “Uyuni salt flat”. Also there is a salt flat in Turkey!! The name is “Lake Tuz”. As you know, this is salt not snow even if it looks white. Absolutely, I was impressed the most to visit and seeing here in my Turkey traveling. Fortunately, the weather was fine so I could see this. I always think a human being cannot control the weather so when I travel somewhere, if the weather is fine, it’s so lucky. It’s really beautiful landscape!! I’d love to go to “Uyuni salt flat” too if I have a chance!!