My London Life ~Week 51~
スペインオムレツを食べた後は、お腹が一杯なのと少し酔ってて… 気になっていた蛸のタパスが食べれ無かったのは残念でしたが… 仕方ないのかなて。だけども、とっても満足した夕食でした!
ビーチでの夕陽は凄く綺麗でした。バルセロナには良い感じのビーチが結構あるみたいです!もちろん、夏の方がもっと良いでしょうが… 冬も良いなて!泳げないにしても暖かいから!!
Already, it has been passed around a week since when I was in Barcelona and also I backed to ordinary life so I mean most days working!! And it’s cold in London.
Anyway, I went to the popular tapas shop in Barcelona. Even though most dishes are simple in visual, these are really tasty!! Especially, green pepper!! Even just deepfry and spring salt. That’s it but nice!! After eating a spanish omelette, I was full and little bit got drank. So I couldn’t eat an octopus dish which I was really interested in… but it was inevitable… Actually, I missed but I was satisfied totally!!
It was really beautiful sunset in the beach. There are some beautiful beach in Barcelona. of course, much better in summer season but also it’s good in winter season because it’s warm there even though cannot swim!!