
See you again, my lovely cohorts.

(Japanese as follows after English.)

This is a collection of miscellaneous poems related to the nine months I spent with everyone who could be called my comrades in arms. I even think to myself that it's crazy to attempt writing about such a mess of emotions in a hotel room at 1:30 AM after drinking. However, I felt I should honestly record my current feelings for my future self. Even if influenced by alcohol, I believe these feelings are genuine.

I shared the events and feelings from the program on the first day of the graduation conference during "The River of My TTLA Journey," so I won't write about them here.

Two years ago, when I was asked about the Technology Thought Leadership Program by my then boss (now my skip-level manager), and my current manager, I thought it was too premature for me. At that time, I had been promoted only about six months earlier and felt a significant gap between my abilities and the position I was given. Although I understood that the program would help me move to the next step, I thought it was more important to address the issue of the gap in front of me first. However, deep down, I might have been afraid of realizing that I did not deserve to be in the program.

Last year, when my boss changed and I learned that the program was being opened to a broader range of roles, I felt I couldn't miss this opportunity. Knowing that the target roles of the program was expanding made me fearful that as years went by, my competitors would increase, and I would lose more opportunities. I knew that my limited English would make it a very challenging endeavor, but having had several opportunities to speak with overseas members over the year, I was confident that overcoming the language barrier would allow me to gain much more. Therefore, the language issue did not become a reason for me to avoid opportunities (although it ended up being a problem during the program).

I would never have imagined feeling so sad about graduating from the program. I can honestly say that I could have done more in the past nine months, and looking back, I know I will find many things to regret. There were moments in the program that repeatedly shook my mind and emotions, and all the experiences were irreplaceable for me.

Above all, I wanted to write this because of the existence of my cohort, who accepted such a vulnerable version of myself and gave me an overwhelming amount of encouraging feedback, making it hard to part with everyone. I repeat, must be out of my mind while writing this. So, it would be just fine to laugh off what I've written here. I look forward to working on big projects and tackling complex problems with everyone again someday. With that in mind, I intend to become stronger.

Lastly, I want to express my gratitude once again to everyone who gave me this experience.

For many of Japanse people, Cherry blossoms, with their fleeting beauty, symbolize both new encounters and farewells, evoking the poignancy of transience in our lives.



プログラムの中での出来事や感じたことは、初日の「The River of My TTLA Journey」でみんなに共有したから、ここでは書かない。



当時の自分には、こんなにもプログラムを卒業することを寂しく感じるなんて思いもしなかっただろう。 正直に言えば、この9ヶ月の中でもっと自分はできることがあったと思うし、振り返れば後悔するべきことはたくさん見つかると思う。自分にこんな感情を抱かせるくらい、プログラムの中で、何度も頭や気持ちを揺さぶられる瞬間があったし、あらゆる体験が自分にとって、何物にも代え難いものだった。


