Erythrocytosis - 赤血球増多症 -
1) Hemoconcentration
・Endotoxins shock
2) Physiologic erythrocytosis (Splenic contraction)
3) Increased total erythrocyte mass
3-1) Primary erythrocytosis
・Polycythemia Rubra Vera : PRC
3-2) Secondary appropriate erythrocytosis
・Cardiac failure
・Chronic pulmonary disease
3-3) Secondary inappropriate erythrocytes
・Renal neoplasms
・Non-renal neoplasm (hepatoma, hepatoblastoma, schwannoma, or leiomyosarcoma)
※In one study, about 45% of 131 hyperthyroid cats had an erythrocytosis (Hct values from 38% to 57%).