Increased ALT and AST activity - ALT,AST上昇 -
1) Hepatocyte damage (Dawgs and cats)
・Degenerative : hypoxia caused by anemia or congestion
・Anomalous : Portosystemic shunt (typically mild)
・Metabolic : Lipidosis, Diabetes Mellitus, Feline hyperthyroidism
・Neoplastic : Lymphoma, Metastatic neoplasia, Hepatocelluar carcinoma
・Nutritional : copper toxicosis, hemochromatosis
・Inflammatory : Infectious (Leptospirosis, histoplasmosis, feline infectious peritonitis, bacterial cholangiohepatitis), Non-infectious (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis)
・Inherited : copper storage disease, lysosomal storage disease
・Toxic : steroid hepatopathy, anesthetic agents, tetracycline, carprofen, phenobarbital
・Traumatic : hit by car
2) Skeletal muscle damage (mild relative to CPK changes)}
・Inherited : canine musculodystrophy
・Traumatic : hit by car
✔︎ Canine AST is reported to have shorter half life than canine ALT (<1d compared to 2-3d), AST might provide a better indication of active hepatocyte damage.
✔︎ 2) is also related to LDS and CPK activity.