Azotemia - 高窒素血症 -
1) Decreased urinary excretion of urea or Crt
1-1) Prerenal diseases or conditions
・Hypovolemia : dehydration (includng Addison’s disease), shock, blood loss
・Decreased cardiac output : cardiac insufficiency, shock, addison’s disease
・Shock (Hypovolemia, cardiogenic, anaphilactic, septic, neurogenic)
1-2) Renal diseases or conditions
・Inflammatory : Glomerulonephritis, Pyelonephritis, tubular-interstitial nephritis
・Toxic nephroses : hypercalcemia, ethylene glycol, myoglobin, gentamicin, phenylbutazone
・Renal ischemia or hypoxia : poor renal perfusion, infarction
・Congenital hypoplasia or anaplasia
・Neoplasia (renal or metastatic)
1-3) Postrenal diseases or condition
・Urinary tract obstruction (Urolithiasis, urethral plugs in cats, neoplasia, prostatic disease)
・Leakage of urine from urinary tract : trauma, neoplasia
2) Increased Urea or Crt production : intestinal hemorrhage, increased dietary urea or Crt, increased protein catabolism
✔︎ Greyhounds may have mildly increased Crt concentrations apparently related to high muscle mass.
✔︎ Urethral plugs – obstruction of the urethra in male cats may occur as the result of a ‘urethral plug’ – this is where there is an accumulation of proteins, cells, crystals and debris in the urine that combines together to form a plug that cannot be passed. Other causes of urethral obstruction include small bladder stones becoming lodged in the urethra or severe muscle spasm of the urethra (which can occur with severe inflammation/irritation).