

























Sudki Mansour Sudkiと「盧」のこども!

I am a descendant of a family taken from Korea to Japan. War and atomic bombing in Nagasaki. I myself have almost no compulsory education due to mental instability.
I stopped taking psychiatric medication about a month ago, my brain has recovered and I write using a computer. I have also been diagnosed with ‘autism’ by a Japanese medical institution.

I will now tell you my life experiences strictly according to the facts. Please then scrutinise the information and give me your solution/advice on which information to submit to which authorities in this country. My grandparents, who were Korean immigrants, met and married my parents in Tokyo, where I and my siblings were born. My mother (with Korean immigrant roots) and her grandparents moved to Japan due to the trauma of the harsh history in Korea. The Japanese state authorities took away my Korean surname, Roh, and ordered me to take the surname Kurosaki. When he moved to Nagasaki, he experienced war and the atomic bombing (he spent time in Sasebo, Nagasaki and experienced the war. Described as a constant fireball from the sky. Running for his life. Discrimination and prejudice from the Japanese in everyday life that plays out from there. During and after the war, Koreans were herded into a gymnasium by the Japanese and tortured (according to my grandmother). My grandmother passed on various facts to me orally, but I felt a little confused because she told me not to tell anyone, or I would be bullied (discriminated and prejudiced). My grandmother tried her best to teach me about Korean food and language, but I also experienced some discrimination at school, so I began to distance myself from this topic. (My grandmother used garlic in all her daily dishes, including kimchi, which caused bad breath. This was pointed out to me by my classmates (‘It stinks, it stinks!!!’ ' and everyone made a fuss about it). I began to feel annoyed and ashamed of my surroundings. My grandmother's daughter (my mother) is naturalised but of pure Korean origin. (Both parents are Korean). Makes me think that I am biologically sensitive and sensitive by nature. Sensory sensitivity. Intuition (sixth sense?). Strength of. Differences in sensory input. Grandfather (mother's father) was subjected to chastisement after his mother's disappearance in his family home in Korea (Daegu) and his stepmother's arrival. After the birth of a child between his stepmother and his biological father, the chastisement became more severe and he was hung from a persimmon tree with a string. Realising that she would be killed if she stayed here, she ran away when she was 13 years old. Moved to Japan. Spends time doing makeshift manual labour. At a kitchen in Kyushu, his grandmother's father (his great-grandfather) arranged an arranged marriage for him and his grandmother. Mother born (and two other half-siblings). Grandfather becomes an alcoholic and violent during the course of his life. While living in Sasebo (in an owner-occupied house), my grandmother and mother are severely beaten day and night. When she slept in the kennel or in her room, she would fight back by carrying a kitchen knife under her duvet. As they grew up, they got into fights. My grandfather cries all the time because he cannot stop drinking alcohol and has cirrhosis of the liver. He is repeatedly in and out of internal medicine and psychiatric hospitals. He spends his days in the basement crying and drinking. Mother reaches puberty and develops a highly unstable personality. When she was 16-17 years old, she had a pity car accident with a boyfriend and was injured. Her face was covered with scars and she underwent a series of plastic and cosmetic operations to restore her face to its original shape. Suffered severe whiplash and headaches. Moved to Tokyo after a long journey to and from hospitals for plastic surgery. Worked as a hostess in Ginza. Married her father, who was the manager of the same restaurant. Had three children - myself and two brothers. Returns home to Sasebo, Nagasaki (family home), where my grandmother helps me raise my children. Mental instability and postpartum depression. Always mentally unstable. Unable to control emotions, hits, kicks and yells at children. Repeated regrets and crying. Grandmother babysits the children, while the children take care of themselves. Father has no time to look after the family because of his work in the restaurant he opened with mother. Mother repeatedly has affairs with several members of the opposite sex due to her insecurity. (One of them is the mother's current husband). Father struggles with running the restaurant (izakaya), mother's affairs and finances and raising three children, and becomes abusive towards them. Mother leaves home and remarries her present husband, with whom she has two children. Her remarried partner is an employee of the Maritime Self-Defence Force and has moved around a lot, moving more than 25 times. Government housing - bought and sold three owner-occupied houses, etc. Mother was diagnosed with ‘manic-depressive illness’ at the time at the university hospital psychiatry department (Yokohama City University). Fights with her doctor and refuses to take medication. Treatment was discontinued. Perhaps there is a developmental element to the base. (Maybe due to PTSD?). Unstable parenting, unable to maintain a stable nurturing attitude towards her two children. He cannot sit still anyway and cries, yells and complains to his children. She even turns to alcohol and religion, but her husband hates it so much that he gives up. Unstable parenting. She cries and complains about her marriage, husband and childcare to me on the phone during primary school and even in the middle of the night. I was very hurt. Satoshi. When I was 16, my father disappeared because he could no longer repay his debts. He had been consulting with me for some time about a plan to hang himself on Mount Eboshidake in Sasebo and to do something about it with his life insurance. Disappeared on the advice of his grandmother while I was on summer holiday at his mother's house. I was not informed of the details. Unable to confirm whether my father was alive or dead and mentally unstable. I could not confirm whether my father was alive or dead and was mentally unstable. At the Yokohama City University psychiatry department, she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, eating disorder and depression. After being discharged from hospital, she worked in a brothel in Yokohama as she had no place to stay due to her family's lack of understanding of her mental illness. Lived in a dormitory. Deterioration of illness. Unable to work. One of her customers is a city hall employee, who connects her to welfare. While receiving public assistance and visiting a psychiatrist, she had an affair with her boyfriend without knowing it. Pregnancy, abortion, psychiatric hospitalisation. At the age of 28, she lived with another man and became addicted to drugs (codeine, over-the-counter cold medicine. About 100 tablets of ‘Bron’ a day, plus psychiatric prescription drugs and sleeping pills). Began dating a man who was a prostitute. He was an adult who had lived in a juvenile reformatory - correctional institution and had worked hard on construction sites since his release, but had tattoos all over his body and was a psychiatric outpatient. He was an abused child and a very unstable person. She started living with him, which developed into domestic violence, with static and physical assaults in the middle of the night. She was placed under house arrest. (Bando Bridge, Minami Ward, Yokohama) She went to the local government office and a shelter for advice, but found it was not a simple matter. She consulted her ex-boyfriend and fled at night. Moved to Oi, Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo. I worked at a brothel in Shibuya to rebuild my life while undergoing treatment for mental illness (depression). It is an illegal brothel and almost all the girls are forced to perform sex acts. The concept of the shop was ‘night crawling’ in the dark. (The other day, she phoned the police station in her area of jurisdiction for advice. (A recent phone call to the police station in the jurisdiction was difficult, as it crossed the boundaries of people, responses and the law, including the life counselling section and the criminal section. In the end, ‘we can't make a case’, ‘it was a long time ago (more than 10 years ago), possible statute of limitations’. Together with male detectives and female police officers, they responded in a shabby manner. I had no choice but to step aside for a while. (Recorded conversation). I met and married my husband there. We have one child. Diagnosis of autism. Mother and child attend a rehabilitation centre. I was a solitary childcare provider while attending a psychiatrist and receiving medication. My own diagnosis is ‘intellectual and developmental disability and depression’. I recently stopped taking any medication myself. At first the flashbacks were severe, but I gradually got used to them and my brain became clearer and I felt more energetic. Learnt about history and mental illness on the internet. Started to question the structure of social problems, education and special needs education, disability, correct knowledge of history, etc. His brain is recovering more and more, and he stops taking any and all sleeping pills. I discovered pure mathematics and am reading books and learning about the world. I would like to use my experience to find a ‘solution’ together with him by focusing on the points that are relevant to social issues and can raise problems. We will work on ‘solutions and proofs’. What should I present in the information I have given, and where should I present it? I want to find the best solution.
