
・Balance sheet
・Income statement/Statement of comprehensive income
・Statement of cash flows
・Statement of stockholders' equity

Public companyのSECへの提出物

Annual report on Form 10-K
Quarterly reports on Form 10-Q
Current/Monthly reports on Form 8-K


・Public float $700 million以上:Form10-K 60 days Form10-Q 40 days
・$75 million以上 $700 million未満:Form10-K 75 days Form10-Q 40 days
・$75 million 未満:Form10-K 90 days Form10-Q 45 days

Balance sheet

 ・Curremt assets
 ・Long-term investments
 ・Property, plant, and equipment
 ・Intangible assets,  net of amortization
 ・Other assets

 ・Current liabilities
 ・Noncurrent liabilities

 ・Capital stock
 ・Additional paid-in capital
 ・Reatined earnings
 ・Accumulated other comprehensive income

潜在投資家が企業のLiqidityFinancial flexibilityを評価するために用いる
財務諸表はBalance sheet

Income statements

+Sales revenue
-Cost of goods sold
=Gross margin on sales
-Operating expenses

 ・Selling expenses
 ・General and administrative expenses
+Operating income
+Other revenues and gains

 ・Interest revenue
 ・Equity in Career Co. earnings
 ・Gain on sale of available-for-sale securities
-Other expenses and losses
 ・Interest expenses
 ・Loss from impairment of manufacturing facilities
=Income from continuing operations before provison for income taxes
-Income tax expense

=Income from continuing operations

± Discontinued operations
 ・Loss from operations of discontinued DivisionX, including loss on       
    disposal of $45
 ・Income tax benefit
=Net income

± Other comprehensive income
 ・Foreign currency translation adjustments
 ・Unrealized gains on securities
=Comprehensive income

Comprehensive income=Net income+Other comprehensive income

・Net income:B/SにおいてRetained earningsを増加させる
・Other comprehensive income
:B/SにおいてAccumulated other comprehensive incomeを増加させる

Other comprehensive income

⑴ Foreign currency translation gain or loss
⑵ Deferred gain or loss on hedge
⑶ Prior service cost
⑷ Unrealized gain or loss on available-for-sale investments/securities

Selling expenses

Advertising expense
Sales commissions
Sales representative salaries

General and administrative expenses

Insurance expense 
Legal fee, accounting fee, audit fee
Director’s compensations

Other revenues and gains

Interest revenue
Dividend revenue
Rent revenue
⑷ Gain on sale of property, plant, and equipment
⑸ Gain on sale of investment securities
⑹ Gain on retirement of bonds

Other expenses and losses

Interest expenses
⑵ Loss on sale of property, plant, and equipment
⑶ Loss on sale of investment securities
⑷ Loss on retirement of bonds
Impairment loss

Statement of stockholder's equity

+Beginning balance of stockholder's equity
+Net income
+Other comprehensive income

± Other changes in equity and adjustments
=Ending balance of stockholder’s equity


Management commits to a plan to sell the asset.
The asset is available for immediate sale in its present condition.
An active program to locate a buyer and other actions have been

The sale of the asset is probable within one year.
The asset is being actively marketed for sale at a price that is
    reasonable in relation to its current fair value.

It is unlikely that significant changes to the plan will be made or the        plan will be withdrawn.

Discontinued operations

⑴ 処分グループがComponent of an entityまたはGroup of componentsで
⑵ 企業の構成単位または構成単位グループが、Held for sale criteriaを満た 
⑶ 企業の構成単位または構成単位グループの処分が、企業の営業および財務 
  成績に重要な影響を及ぼすStrategic shiftを表していること。

Gain or loss from operations:期末とDisposal dateに認識
Gain or loss on disposal
 ・Impairment loss:Measurement dateと期末に認識
 ・Gain or loss on sale:Disposal dateに認識


・ 20×1年の年初より10月1日までの事業損失は$700,000であった。

⑴ 測定日(20×1/10/1)における減損損失の計上
・Loss on classification as held for sale:-$300,000
⑵ 20×1年度末(20×1/12/31)における事業損益及び減損損失の計上
・Loss from operations of discontinued Division X:-$720,000
・Loss on classification as held for sale:-$20,000
⑶ 処分日(20×2/3/31)における事業損益及び売却損益の計上
・Loss from operation of discontinued Division X:-$30,000
・Gain on disposal of discontinued Division X:$10,000

Significant accounting policiesの開示項目 ※GAAPによる開示

Consolidation basis
Depreciation methods
Amortization of intangibles
Inventory valuation
Revenue recognition basis
Translation of foreign currencies
Franchising and leasing activities
Cash equivalents の範囲

Related party transactionsの開示項目

Nature of relationship
Description of transactions and effects of such transactions on the   financial statements
Dollar amounts of transaction
Amounts due to and from related parties

開示が必要とされない例外的なRelated party transactions

Compensation agreements, expense allowances, or other similar items   in the ordinary course of business.
⑵ Transactions which are eliminated in the preparation of   consolidated/combined financial statements.

開示が要求されるRisk and uncertainties

Nature of operations
Use of estimates in the preparation of financial statements
Certain significant estimates 
 ① 期近に当該見積が変化する可能性が合理的に考えて高い。
 ② その変化が財務諸表に与える影響が重大である。
Current vulnerability due to concentrations
 ① 財務諸表作成日時点で集中が存在する。
 ② 集中が原因で、期近に重大な影響を与えるリスクに対する脆弱性が露呈 
 ③ 重大な原因となるような事象が期近に起こる可能性が合理的に考えて高 


Particular customer, supplier, lender等との取引量に関する集中
Particular products, service等からの収益に関する集中
Materials, labor, sourcesの供給源および許認可に関する集中
⑷ 事業展開するMarket, geographical areaに関する集中

Subsequent eventsの表示

⑴ 後発事象の原因が貸借対照表日時点で既に存在していた場合
⑵ 後発事象の原因が貸借対照表日時点で存在していなかった場合 


Principal market:資産・負債の取引量と活動レベルが最も大きい市場。
Most advantageous market

公正価値のValuation technique

Market approach:Identical or comparable assets or liabilitiesの市場価格
Income approach:将来の利益やキャッシュ・フローのPresent amountを
Cost approach:Current replacement costを用いる方法。

Fair valueを見積る際に利用するインプット

 ・Quoted prices in active markers for identical assets or liabilities.
 ・Quoted prices for identical assets and liabilities in markets that are   not active.
 ・Quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in markets that are

 ・Interest rates that are observable at commonly quoted intervals.
