"…But the future is not fixed." YEARS & YEARS オリーのQueerスピーチ
これからボクは自分がゲイであることについて話そうと思う。それをよく思わない人がいることも知っているけど。 ボクは長いこと、自分がゲイでなかったらよかったのに、と思ってきた。自分自身のことを恥じてきたんだ。そんな過去を埋め合わせるために、ボクはここでスピーチをする。
その一つにYEARS & YEARSのライブがある。ボーカルのオリーのスピーチが素晴らしくて、自然と涙が溢れてきた。今回はそのスピーチを書き起こし、日本語訳してみた。
参考:イヤーズ&イヤーズ「カミングアウトはもはやセンセーショナルではない」 / 【特集】新時代のゲイアイコン「イヤーズ&イヤーズ」の魅力
YEARS & YEARS オリーが語った、静かな怒りと未来への希望
YEARS & YEARSは、グラストンベリーフェスティバルのメインステージにてライブをした。10万人が収容できると言われている巨大なフロアの後方の日陰で、現地で一緒になった海外フェス好きの日本人5toさんとライブを見始め、後半はフロア前方に移動した。
"The only reason I'm able to be up here, is because of all the people that have come before me, that have fought for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people" 🏳️🌈❤️
— BBC Radio 1 (@BBCR1) June 30, 2019
This is how you use your platform 💗@Alexander_Olly #Glastonbury2019 pic.twitter.com/Twl2OFQgZS
I talk about being gay.You might have already noticed. Some subtile messaging on the stage. But I’m gay and I talk about being gay kind of a lot.I’m sure some people wish I would shut about it sometimes.
But I have my reasons you know and like some of them are personal because I spent such a long time wishing I wasn’t gay. Being ashamed of that, So now it’s like we’re making up for lost time, you know?
But what I wanted to say to you guys is the only reason that I’m even able to be up here talking about my gay self is because of all the people that have come before me that have fought for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trancegender people.
Sometimes we are referred to as the acronym LGBT sometimes LGBTQ+. I personally, I like to use the word Queer.As you can see.
But lots of people don’t like that word and that’s because the word has a complicated and painful histrory. And whether we like it or not, history, it really matters.
This week, we mark the 50 years since the riots and protests. That happened after the police raided a gay bar in New York city called the Stonewall Inn. .Now you might have heard of the Stonewall riots already. They were riots that were led by black transgender women and people of colour and since that historic event the world has changed so much in 50 years.
But our history is what shapes us into who we are and we have so much of it, we have so many different kinds of history, personal history, family history, cultural history, social, political. So many different kind of history and we make more and more every day.
The reality is that the lives of LGBT people are as varied and as complex as anybody else’s but they are under a very real threat. Now the fight for equality began before the stonewall riots it continues today and it will go on until tomorrow, into the future.
But the future is not fixed. And our histories cannot predict what tomorrow might bring or what we might do with it.
So there is, I believe that everybody here has the chance to change history. We change history every day and it’s up to each and every one of us if we want to change the world, right?
So I believe there is no true LGBT equality until the fight against racism is over, against seism is over, against ableism, bigotry, climate change.
So it’s like a really big ask and I have no idea how we get there but what I do know is that if we want to get anywhere without leaving anybody behind we’re going to have to help each other out.
And if we care about a future that is kind and more safe for everybody then we need to keep -sorry-.This is why I was so nervous about this speech.
I just wanted to say to you guys because this is a moment in my personal history, because you know we’re playing GLASTONBURY on the Pyramid Stage, and I wanted to say that if we’re respectful and compassionate we can show up for each other.
No matter who we are we can support each other and we can listen and if we want the world to be a kind and safer place we have to take the lessons that history teaches us and learn from each other’s because the fight is not over.
And I believe that when people believe in something they come together then change can happen and anything is possible.
Special Thanks:須古ねぇさん
この日のYEARS & YEARSライブの最後には、レインボーの紙吹雪が舞った。