
Colorful Bob Girl [Instant FairMint]

「CommunityMint」が、いつの間にか「Instant FairMint」という名称になっていて驚きましたが、9/30(土)の20時に開催しますので、てこちらに情報をまとめ、X(Twitter)で告知していきます。


9/30(土)20時 Instant FairMint 開始(2023/9/29)


👩‍🦰 Colorful Bob Girl
📅 9/30(土) 夜20時から開始
🖼️ 200アイテム
🏷️ 20GMT
➡️  https://mooar.com/collection/colorful-bob-girl

「Colorful Bob Girl」は、文字通り、カラフルに彩られたボブヘアの女の子たちを集めたコレクションです。



特典 Mint Reward (2023/9/29)

今回も Mint Rewards 特典、やります!


🥉Mint Reward


Mint Rewards の参加方法は以下!

  1. NFTを3つミントして、Xにて私に分かるように投稿をお願いします。※

  2. Rewardはランダムに配布せていただきます。

※X(Twitter)にてミントいただいた3つが分かるように、@shino_oni にメンションを付けていただくか、私の投稿に返信いただけると気づきます!

Instant FairMintですので時間制限はありませんが、3つもミントいただ方には、お礼の意味も込めてお送りさせていただきたいので、よろしくお願いします🙇‍♀️





今回は自分好みなテイスト重視でやりたかったので、どんなに可愛くてもテイストが合わなければ不採用に。生成とともに選んでいて良かった...190/500まで絞り込んだので、きりよく200にて無事にinstant FairMintのコレクション作成完了!

本当は100が限度だと思ってましたが、今回は時間制限のあるFairMintではなく、いつまでも残るinstant FairMint。



Instant FairMint、やります(2023/9/25)





English edition

9/30 (Saturday) UTC:11AM, Instant FairMint begins (2023/9/29)

It's complete, so I’ll start at UTC:11:00 AM on 9/30 (Saturday)!

👩‍🦰 Colorful Bob Girl
📅 Starting on 9/30 (Saturday) at UTC 11 AM
🖼️ 200 items
🏷️ 20GMT
➡️  https://mooar.com/collection/colorful-bob-girl

'Colorful Bob Girl' is a collection that literally brings together girls with colorful bob hairstyles.

These colorful bob girls are drawn with bold, almost artistic lines, striking a balance between illustration and art. They exude a sense of inner strength that I truly adore. Thank you, GNT!

A woman with inner strength is beautiful both inside and out. This embodies the ideal image of women that I admire. As for myself, I often live life with enthusiasm and spontaneity, so I felt it was fitting to set this as my PFP, both as a tribute and a reminder 😊.

Mint Reward Event (2023/9/29)

I am offering Mint Reward once again this time!

Reward created with the same taste as the collection and will be sent to you😉

🥇 First Mint Prize × 1
🥈 Last Mint Prize × 1
🥉 Mint Reward

The First Mint Prize will be awarded to the person who mints token #1. The Last Mint Prize will go to the last person who mints before UTC 11:00AM on October 1, 2023 (Sunday).

Here's how to participate in Mint Reward:

  1. Mint 3 NFTs and post it so that I can recognize it, tagging me as X (Twitter). ※

  2. Rewards will be distributed randomly.

※ To ensure that I can recognize the 3 mints on X (Twitter), please mention @shino_oni or reply to my post.

This time, minting three tokens will earn you one Reward. Since it's an Instant FairMint, there's no time limit, but I'd like to send a token of appreciation to those who mint three tokens, so thank you very much in advance! 🙇‍♀️

Collection Creation Completed (2023/9/27)

I had been patiently waiting until Monday for the 20 daily generates, but my curiosity got the best of me, and this morning, I couldn't resist creating the collection early 😆.

I like lining up girls facing the front.

I reminded myself that GNT credits are there to be used! And before I knew it, I had not just surpassed my goal of 100 characters but had enthusiastically created 500 Bobko-chan avatars.

This time around, I prioritized my personal taste, so no matter how cute they were, if the style didn't match, they didn't make the cut. It was a good decision as I narrowed it down to 190 out of 500, achieving a neat 200 avatars for the instant FairMint collection!

I originally thought 100 was the limit, but this time, it's not the time-constrained FairMint; it's the everlasting instant FairMint. So, I thought, "Why not go as far as I can?" and proceeded with high enthusiasm 😂.

I'll be taking it easy and, little by little, minting avatars for those who appreciate them. It would make me happy if you find one you like!

Instant FairMint, I'll do it (2023/9/25)

On Saturday, September 24, I finally saw the future and started posting on X. The next day, Sunday, I couldn't stay away and decided only the date! In times like this, if you set the date ahead of time, you can make it happen on time 😉.

As soon as we decide, we will update this page and announce it on X.

I like colors and bob 😆

Please wait for a while until the next update 🙇‍♀️
