
駆け抜けろ(レゲエ版) 「Run Through(Reggae Version)」


チャンスは誰にでも 平等に訪れるもの その瞬間を逃さずに 掴んだ者が成功者

一生に一度の チャンスがやってきたら 迷わずに 手を伸ばしてみよう 成功の扉が 開かれる瞬間 学びと知識が 導く道標

いつ来るか誰にも分からない でも必ず訪れると信じて 心揺さぶる瞬間に 全てを注ぎ込んで 明日かもしれない 数年後かもしれない 準備が全て

目の前のことに 集中しよう 全力で前進して 夢を追いかけよう 霧の中を走る 不安と戦いながら 自分を信じて 前に進もう

いつ来るか誰にも分からない でも必ず訪れると信じて 心揺さぶる瞬間に 全てを注ぎ込んで 明日かもしれない 数年後かもしれない 準備が全て

絶え間なく前進して 成功を掴むために チャンスを見極め もう一歩前に進もう

「Run Through」

Chances come to everyone, Equal in their grace. Grasp that moment, don't let go, Success in your embrace.

Once in a lifetime, chance appears, Reach out without a fear. As the door to success swings wide, Learning and knowledge be your guide.

We never know when, Or from where they'll arise. But believe they will come, With a heart's steady rise. Pour everything in that stirring moment, Tomorrow, or years from now, may it present, Preparedness is key, For every ascent.

Focus on what's before your eyes, Push forward with all your might. In the mist, through doubts and fears, Believe in yourself, keep the light.

We never know when, Or from where they'll arise. But believe they will come, With a heart's steady rise. Pour everything in that stirring moment, Tomorrow, or years from now, may it present, Preparedness is key, For every ascent.

Keep moving forward, never pause, Grasp success, defy the odds. Discern the chance, take one step more, Run through life's open door.

