Language teaching practitioners ...

①   Language teaching practitioners need some kind of comprehensible overview of the enterprise in which they are engaged.
・some kind of: ある種の、なんらかの
・overview: 概観、概説。an overview map で、見取り図、全体図(リーダーズ)

②   <In a praiseworthy attempt to make their task more manageable>, teachers and trainers may adopt <uncritically> the latest theoretical insight (or the last insights but one, or the last but two).
・(the) last … but one [two] 終わりから 2[3] 番目の… *この but は「…を除いて」の意味

③   Such insights, however, (sometimes promoted with more assurance <than is justified>), can offer misleadingly simple routes through the complicated language teaching landscape: ‘It’s all a matter of habit formation/comprehensible input/communicative task/lexis/­­­­­­—— ’(fill in the blank).
・promoted は過去分詞で、insights を後置修飾しているのだろうが、その理解を訳文に反映しづらい。こういうときどうすべき?
・landscape: 分野、領域(ジーニアス大辞典)

④   Generalizations can be dangerous in our business.
・Generalizations は直前の simple routes の言換え? 「一般化」は不可算なので、「一般論」としてみる。

⑤   Languages contain elements (of very different kinds (which are not all learnable in the same way)); learners themselves and their priorities and purposes vary enormously, as do the contexts of language learning.(中略)

⑥   <When I was first teaching>, there was often a considerable gulf between academic researchers and language-teaching practitioners.

⑦   This may have narrowed, but it has certainly not disappeared.

⑧   <Unfortunately>, some teachers still know little about current theory and research, while the work (of some theorists and researchers) is not well informed by real teaching experience.

⑨   This can lead to negative attitudes on both sides, with <teachers mocking ivory-tower academics (who would not recognize an ordinary classroom <if they found themselves in one>), and <scholars criticizing language teachers for their failure to abandon ‘discredited traditional methods’>.
・独立分詞構文が二連発ということで良い? とすると、付帯状況がとても訳し辛い。

(Michael Swan, Thinking about Language Teaching)
