Learn English from The Bachelor 2

先日、友だちに “Do they have a shit ton of ice!?” と聞かれ、“Shit ice? Do you want poop ice?” と返してしまいました。 Shiiです。

a shit ton of で a lot of という意味らしいです。最初からフレーズ知ってないと聞き取りきれないやつ。

vulgar slang って書かれてある。

Swear words (fuck とか shit とか) は使わない方がいいのに、使い方をわかっていないと会話についていけないのが辛いです。

この間、英語圏の子たちとたまたま行った bar で、中国人ぽい女性たちに悪い言葉教えてる日本人の男の子たちがいたので、友だちに小声で “That guys are trying to teach Japanese swear words to Chinese girls”. と言ったら “Japanese has swear words?” と言われました。あるある。全然あるって。

とりあえず今日も The Bachelor でリアルな英語を覚えます。Swear words は全部 ピー! ってなっててなんだよもう!って感じだけど、ネイティブの耳を借りつつどうにかがんばりました。

I have three incredible relationships with three incredible women.

I'm falling in love with you and I can tell you 10 million times again and again.

I definitely am falling in love with you.

・I’m falling in love with you
・I have fallen in love with you. ← stronger

I could see myself spending the rest of
my life with any of them.

This means he sees them all equally and can imagine being happy forever with each of them, so one girl is not ahead of another in his mind.

when my heart is being pulled in separate directions.
he is conflicted, he is attracted to more than one person and he is falling in love with more than one so it is like being pulled in two directions at once.

conflicted - 精神的葛藤をかかえた
conflict - 争い、論争

real feelings are at stake
at stake - If something is at stake, it is being risked and might be lost or damaged if you are not successful.

This week is viewed as sex week. This is the week where the shit can hit the fan.

This means viewers traditionally expect sex to happen in this week of the competition. The expression "Shit hits the fan" means everything goes wrong. If you imagine poop being thrown into a fan, it will fly everywhere and everything will be a huge mess. What he means is that sex can complicate everything and make it all a big emotional mess.

normal, usual, typical, common, standard

I decided there will be no sex of any kind for the fantasy suites.
The suites are nice hotel rooms. he is saying when they are staying in the "fantasy suites" he will not have sex with any of the contestants.

you're really gonna be able to pull this off.
pull off - succeed in achieving

It feels so right with him.
I’m sorry but I don’t think so.

This morning, I've had this like a pit in my stomach.
this is an expression to mean you feel deep anxiety, or dread, or are very nervous. For example, if you get on a roller coaster, you might have a pit in your stomach when the roller coaster first starts because you are nervous.

I feel like I let myself down and I feel like I let the woman down.
Yes, you let the woman down. I don’t know about you.

What the fuck am I supposed to feel? Why am I putting myself through this pain?
This means she is bewildered and doesn't know how to feel, and there is emotional pain.

bewilder( be・wil・der /bɪwíldɚ, ) - うろたえさせる
confuse, puzzle, confound, baffle
