
Two years ago

VRChat appeared on my radar about two years ago. I was not enthusiastic about it based on what I had seen in social media. But I noticed some things that interested me, so in May 2020 I joined to find out what the big deal was with VRChat. I was disappointed and I almost gave up.

Meeting people

But then I met several interesting people that showed me a side of VRChat that I thought was not possible and they introduced me to many creators that are active within VRChat. Since that moment almost every day has been one giant roller-coaster of meeting interesting people.


For a while I was literally stunned by the shear force of creativity that hit me. Nearly every day I discovered something in VR that I thought was impossible. Also the willingness of people to go far beyond their own comfort zone just to learn something new.


It was a humbling, inspiring but above all an amazing experience. I have met people I would not even dare to dream about meeting. I met game developers, programmers, musicians, model creators, movie directors and many more. The air in VRChat is literally filled with creativity.

The urge

It made me think "I need to do something!". And for the first time in my life, I truly did something out of myself not to please myself or another person. But a add something to an entire community. I wanted to add my own thing to it, I wanted to add my photos to this community.

You start with making mistakes

My first attempt was a failure. I had no experience and I lacked a clear vision. So I got myself a VR headset and started making more mistakes. For every good picture I took, I threw away a hundred bad ones. Posting them on twitter was nerve-wracking, what if nobody liked them?

A picture of a thousand words

I knew I just had to go with the flow. Don't think you can fly away when in reality you can barely keep your head above water. Get used to it, and go from there. That road is long. To hear someone say "Your pictures are good", that felt like it took forever.


As some might have noticed, my subjects usually don't pose in my photos. I favour the candid approach, only capture what I see happening at that very moment. I want to capture real moments that really happened in VR. Pictures that make people say…

Your photos make us feel that we certainty exist in VR.

tktk | てけてけ

Is there an end to this?

Multiple times I thought that there must be an end to this, it has to level out somewhere. But to my surprise... It keeps on going. It keeps surprising me. It keeps connecting. It keeps giving me new experiences. The rollercoaster is still going. VRChat never ends.
