First time on the show, Scale AI founder and CEO, Alexander Wang. His company provides accurately labeled data to help companies train their AI tools. And back in 2022,
番組初登場、Scale AIの創業者兼CEO、アレクサンダー・ワンさんです。彼の会社は、企業がAIツールを訓練するための正確にラベル付けされたデータを提供しています。そして2022年には、
he became the youngest self-made billionaire in the world. Pretty amazing.
Thanks for having me on.
I want to go straight to what we were just talking about off camera, which is the idea of where the US is on AI versus China, because you have some very surprising statistics that I think will probably, frankly, freak out some of the viewers.
So, yeah, first of all, the AI race and the AI war between US and China, I think, is one of the most important issues of today. We took out a full-page ad on The Washington Post on Tuesday saying that, you know, America must win the AI war. And so this sort of relative race in AI between the US and China is critical. Today, we released Humanity's Last Exam, which is a new evaluation or benchmark of AI models that we produced by getting, you know, math, physics, biology,
そうですね、まず第一に、アメリカと中国の間のAI競争、AI戦争は、今日最も重要な問題の一つだと思います。私たちは火曜日にワシントンポストに全面広告を出して、アメリカはAI戦争に勝たなければならないと訴えました。ですから、アメリカと中国の間のこのようなAI競争は非常に重要です。今日、私たちは「Humanity's Last Exam」をリリースしました。これは、数学、物理学、生物学などの分野で作成したAIモデルの新しい評価基準です。
chemistry, professors to provide the hardest questions they could possibly imagine that are relevant to their recent research to really put the test to the models, to give you a sense no model is getting above 10% on this test. That being said, you know, what we found is that DeepSeek,
which is the leading Chinese AI lab, their model is actually the top performing or roughly on par with the best American models, which are 01 from... Okay, so I think we have been all under the impression that the US was way ahead of China as it relates to AI in large part because we have access to, you know, NVIDIA GPUs and chips and other things that supposedly the Chinese do not have. I keep hearing from people all week, from people, Chinese AI executives, that they say,
中国を代表するAIラボで、彼らのモデルは実際に最高のパフォーマンスを発揮しているか、あるいはアメリカの最高のモデルとほぼ同等です。アメリカのモデルは01から... そうですね、私たちはこれまで、AIに関してはアメリカが中国よりもはるかに進んでいると考えていました。その理由の多くは、私たちがNVIDIAのGPUやチップなど、中国にはないとされるものにアクセスできるからです。今週、中国のAI幹部たちから何度も聞かされたのは、
well, we're so close. And by the way, we're doing it with one hand tied behind our back.
Our algos are better. We're actually going to figure out how to do this, do it better than the US and in even a more energy efficient way because we don't need these super powerful chips.
Are they happy to be right? There's two things happening. First, it is true. It has been true for a long time that the United States has been ahead. And that's been true for, you know, maybe the past decade. That being said, you know, the very recent event on Christmas Day, you know,
about a month ago, DeepSeek released a model, which by the way, I think is symbolic that the Chinese lab releases, you know, an earth shattering model on Christmas Day when, you know, the rest of us are sort of celebrating the holiday. And they released it to too much fanfare. And then they followed up with their reasoning model, DeepSeek R1, which is the one that we evaluated as top of the leaderboard. You know, the reality is yes and no. So, you know, the Chinese labs, they have more H100s than people think, you know. And these are the highest powered NVIDIA chips that they were not supposed to have. Yes. My understanding is that DeepSeek has about 50,000 H100s, which they can't talk about, obviously, because it is against the export controls that the United States has put in place. And I think it is true that, you know, I think they have more chips than other people expect,
約1ヶ月前、DeepSeekがモデルをリリースしました。ちなみに、中国の研究所がクリスマスに、いわば世界を揺るがすようなモデルをリリースしたのは象徴的だと思います。私たちが休日を祝っている間に、彼らは大々的に発表しました。その後、彼らはその推論モデル、DeepSeek R1をリリースし、これは私たちがリーダーボードのトップと評価したものです。現実はイエスでもありノーでもあります。中国の研究所は、人々が思っているよりも多くのH100を持っています。これらは、彼らが持つべきではないとされていた最高性能のNVIDIAチップです。私の理解では、DeepSeekは約50,000のH100を持っていますが、もちろん、彼らはそれについて話すことができません。なぜなら、それは米国が実施した輸出規制に違反しているからです。そして、彼らが他の人々が予想するよりも多くのチップを持っているのは事実だと思います。
but also going to go forward basis, they are going to be limited by the chip controls and the export controls that we have in place. How do you, I mean, you work with all, you work with everybody.
So I don't know if it's fair or unfair, but how do you stack rank these large language models and who ultimately is going to be a winner? Or are they all so close and it gets commoditized?
The interesting thing that we see right now, so we actually specialize in this. We've produced our SEAL evaluations, our safety evaluations and alignment labs, evaluations, which measure across many different dimensions. And we measure across math capabilities, coding capabilities,
multilingual capabilities, and reasoning capabilities, and many different dimensions,
including tool use and agent capabilities. And what we see is different models are better at different things. So it's hard to put a clear stack ranking among all the models. You know,
for example, the opening eye models are extremely good at reasoning, but the anthropic models might be really good at code. And sort of, there's a diversity of capabilities of the models. That being said,
I think what we're seeing in general is the space is becoming more competitive, not less competitive.
I keep hearing from business leaders here that they're all playing around with, you know,
open AI, or they're playing around with Claude, which is the anthropic model, or they're playing around with Gemini, et cetera. And then they're going and using Llama. They're going to find some open source version to try to get close to what they could approximate these other guys doing because of just the different price points of these things. Do you think that's the future of this?
Is it like in a Linux world? There's definitely a dimension. You know,
it comes down to ultimately the level of capabilities and intelligence that are required for your use case. I think ultimately what we're going to see is, you know, what we do with all the leading labs, including OpenAI and Google DeepMind and Meta and many others, is continue to push the frontier and push the boundaries. And so how do we leverage data given that, you know,
結局のところ、ユースケースに必要な能力と知性のレベルに帰着するんだ。最終的には、OpenAIやGoogle DeepMind、Metaなど、主要なラボと一緒にやっていることは、フロンティアを押し広げ、限界を突破し続けることだと思う。だから、どうやってデータを活用するかが鍵だよね。業界全体として、公開されているデータを使い果たしつつある中で、どうやって新しいデータを生成してフロンティアを押し広げるか。私たちの信念は、高度な能力が信じられないようなユースケースを可能にし、その能力向上に対して人々がお金を払うようになるだろうということだ。でも、もっとシンプルなユースケースは、オープンソースや基本的なモデルに向かうだろうね。
as an industry, we've sort of run out of publicly available data. How do we generate new data to keep pushing the frontiers? And our belief is that, you know, advanced capabilities are going to enable incredible use cases where you're going to be willing to pay for those increased capabilities. But for the more simplistic use cases, those will probably go more towards open source or more basic models. We've been talking all morning about Stargate and the debate happening on Twitter between Sam Altman and Elon Musk about whether they really have $100 billion or $500 billion. Sati Nadella was sitting in your chair just yesterday saying he's got $80 billion.
今朝はずっとStargateの話や、Sam AltmanとElon Muskの間でTwitter上で繰り広げられている議論について話してきたよね。彼らは本当に1000億ドルか5000億ドル持っているのかって。Sati Nadellaは昨日、この椅子に座って80億ドル持ってるって言ってた。
His money's real. He took to Twitter. What do you make of all of this? You know all these players.
You know, so much is on Twitter anyway. So I'm not sure I have more.
Or X, we should say.
Or yeah, X. But I mean, I think one thing that is very real, regardless of sort of Stargate,
specifically as a program, is that the United States is going to need a huge amount of computational capacity and a huge amount of infrastructure. So this was actually in, we wrote a letter to the Trump administration on recommendations on how to ensure that the U.S. stays ahead. And one of them was really around infrastructure. We need to unleash U.S. energy to enable this AI boom. And that's clearly what we're seeing right now, which is, you know, in addition to the Stargate program,
many of the major AI companies and major clouds are going to be looking to produce, to build giant data centers. So the reason I asked this about the different companies doing this, do you ultimately think we need five, six, seven companies all trying to build frontier models? Or, I mean, there's been a talk forever that, you know, in a different, if Lena Kahn hadn't been running the FTC, would have Amazon wanted to buy Anthropic already, for example? Or would have Microsoft bought OpenAI? Or would have some of these folks, so there wouldn't be as many, everybody competing against each other in the same way? I don't know, maybe you think the competition's great. I just don't know how long, long-term, how many models there ultimately will be like that.
I mean, our view is actually that this is potentially going to be one of the greatest markets or the greatest industries ever. You know, right now, let's say there's between 10 and 20 billion dollars of LLM-based revenue. And if you believe that we're actually on a track towards super intelligence or AGI, then it stands to reason that that's going to go to a trillion dollars or more of revenue. And so if you're looking at a market that's going to go from, let's say, 10 billion to one trillion over who knows how many years, I tend to believe a fewer number of years. I think we're sort of in the two to four range. Two to four to get to AGI. What's your version of AGI?
I think, obviously, there's many definitions. You know, the definition I believe in is our powerful AI systems that are able to use a computer just like you or I could and could use all the tools that a computer could and could basically be a remote worker in the most capable way.