

Dealing with SEO can get complex when you don't have money to make investments in paid advertising. The other intricate aspect of SEO besides getting familiar with its dynamics is to get free traffic that converts. Which business owner wouldn't want the perfect SEO for their website, after all, that's what makes them appear on page # 1 in Google search engines. The content and services are what makes them stand out from their competitors.

Where dealing with SEO can get tricky, there is no way that you can 't work with it. It requires a lot of time and effort, but once it's done, consider it a powerful weapon. But keep in mind that it doesn't mean you would not need to make changes in it, that will be required, and you can resolve them and make your website a top page in search results just like it was before. For
your better understanding, check out the 7 advanced ways to get free traffic that converts:

1. Make posts on Medium:
Medium is an advanced strategy.If you are wondering whether Google penalizes for duplicate content or not, know that it does not.You have the chance to post on other websites what you post on your website.But wait, that's not it.t post your whole article on medium, take a few, like two or three paragraphs, post them and then paste a link of your website underneath it.

In this way when people will read the post on other websites, they will click on the link that will automatically direct them to your website. Use a pop-up and collect their email dresses so that they get notified whenever you post new content. will get your website the traffic it needs.

2. Post articles on LinkedIn:
As shown in step 1, don't post just a few paras on LinkedIn, instead, post full articles. Think of visual ways that can make people understand your content in the best way. Create a step-by-step guide or a cheat sheet, tell people at the end of your article if they need a cheat sheet they should click here, and these tactics will direct them back to your full article. Post visual content alongside your article to make it work effectively.

3.Guest on other's podcasts:
Hit people up and get quick quotes for them. These quotes can be for the blog posts or articles that you're writing. being featured on your site. A lot of them will end up sharing your content once you quote them. There, being a guest on other experts' podcasts in a great strategy. You can also take help from the forum posting services USA to help you engage and interact with users productively.

4. Expert roundups:
When you work on expert roundups and ask people for input on any tactic, they end up listing them out. All of these experts or marketers are willing to share the content afterward or link to it, and this will show you how your traffic shoots up.

5. Leveraging giveaways or contests:
Get people to do things for you. Make use of a point-based system. Tell people they will get points for sharing your content on the social media platforms they use and you'll how effectively it works out for you.

6. One Press Social Locker:
This helps you lock particular things on your website and people would have to share your content in order to access your whole content or its upgrades. This one's a pretty flexible strategy.

7. Repurposing content via live video:
When a person watches a video, they cannot get distracted easily. If your video is engaging, there is a high chance the person's attention stays intact. time. This is an amazing way to generate more traffic and sales.