9.23 記念日











Today is the 19th anniversary of Yabu and Inoo joining Johnny’s Entertainment. Also, on the 21st, it was the 13th anniversary of Hey! Say! JUMP becoming a group. Congratulations!

To me, JUMP is a really special group. A few years ago, in my head I had decided, “If °C-ute disbands, I’ll leave the world of idols behind forever.” And in the summer of 2016, they announced that they would disband [the next year]. When I heard the news, it was like my whole world lost its colour. And at the same time, a feeling of guilt grew inside me. The reason was that even though I said I’d quit being an idol fan after °C-ute disbanded, a few months earlier I had become a fan of JUMP.

To most people this probably wouldn’t seem like a big deal, but at the time, it felt like no matter which path I chose I’d be betraying someone.

I ended up picking both though lol.

I decided that liking JUMP wasn’t a betrayal against °C-ute and that I was fortunate to find another idol group I liked so I didn’t have to quit yet. 

Some people might think there was such an obvious answer this whole time, so why did you worry so much? But, I think it’s because both °C-ute and HSJ are so indispensable to me that I agonized over it so much.

And I think it’s thanks to JUMP that even after °C-ute disbanded, little by little the colour started coming back to my life. Of course, I get sad about °C-ute’s disbandment even now but if JUMP hadn’t been there I think I would have had an even worse time. 

I used to think “why did I start liking HSJ at the worst time?” But now I think “I became their fan at the best possible time.”
