リスニングを伸ばしたい 2
「Elisya chlorotica」
Generally speaking, animals are what are called Heterotrophs, meaning they can't produce their own food. They're consumers of other lives life.
Plants, meanwhile, are Autotrophs are or producers: they can synthesize their own fuels from sunlight, CO2, and other inorganic compounds. Plants do this by using organels? organelles* called chloroplasts* which give them bright colors and convert sunlight into food through photosynthesis.
*organelles 細胞小器官
*chloroplasts 葉緑体
Elysia is what's called a* mixotroph: it conposed can both consume food like animals and produce its own through photosynthesis like plants.
*a 「ア」 じゃなくて 「エイ」でもっと崩した感じだったので聞き取れなかった
In fact, Elysia steals its ability to photosynthesize from the algae* it eats piercing the algal* cells with specialized pointy teeth called radula*. It sucks the cell empty and digests most of its content but the chloroplasts remain in to act intact.
*algae 藻類 alga の複数系
*algal 藻類の
*radula 歯舌
They're incorporated into the epithelial* cells lining Elysia's digestive system that branches throughout its flat body. This makes the slug look even more leaf-like providing camouflage as well as food.
*epithelial 上皮の epi- -の周りに、-の上になどの意味